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牛津小学英语 5A第一单元教案牛津小学英语 A第一单元第一教时教学目标:1 复习巩固四年级所学知识。2 能掌握词汇 first, send, third building, da, all, happ, glad, again3 能正确运用对话中的日常交际用语。4 初步理解和掌握第一段:It is the first da f the ne ter All the students are ba at shlThe are happ t see eah ther again 教具准备:l 录音机和磁带 l 挂图 l 歌曲 “T aets”教学过程:1Listen and sing a sng “T aets”2Free talA RevisinB Greetingsele ba t shlNie t eet u(Arding t the real situatin, the students pratise )Then ving t the sentene Glad t see u (students pratise)2Presentatin and pratieT: hat da is it tda?S: Its ndaT: hats the date tda?It s Septeber 1stIts the first da f the ne ter(ne rds: first, da, ter)(aplif the struture f “the first f the” )I happ Tda all the students are ba at shl Glad t see u e are happ t see eah ther again(ne rds: all, ba, ba at shl, glad, again, eah ther) (Read and pratie the, eg: read, ae phrases, et)(Arding t the situatin, let the students understand the eaning f the e sentenes)3L at the piture f the text and anser the questins (aing lear the bagrund)4A Read and sa (Paragraph 1)1) Listen t the tape 2) Read after the tape3) Read b tgetherL at Piture 2 , revie “There is”T: There is a ne building in the piture(ne rd: building)T: H an flrs are there in this building?S: Fur(ne rd: flr)Learn the nae f “the grund flr/the first flr/ the send flr”T: hats the nae f the rs in this building? e ill learn the next lass6Her1) Tal abut ur shl2) p the ne rds3) Se translatins第二教时教学目标:1 复习四年级相关知识 a puter r, a usi r, a tape rerder, a des, a hair等。2 能掌握词汇 an, a reading r, sure, a sprts hall, garden, tilet, a table tennis r 等。3 能正确理解、掌握对话内容,并能初步朗读对话。4 能运用日常用语 I nt sure Lets g and see 等。初步掌握句型 H an are there? There are(is) 以及 Is there a in the ?es, there is/N, there isnt 及其复数形式。教具准备:l 磁带和录音机 l 新大楼挂图 l 一张校园平面图 l 部分 B l read and learn 单词图片 l 歌曲“T aets”教学过程:1Sing a sng “T aets”2Free tal and revisinIts the send/third da f the ne ter Tda e see eah ther againGreetings3Presentatin and pratieT: L at the piture f ur shlH an buildings are there in ur shl?S: ThreeT: H an flrs are there in Building 3?S: FurT: here are e n? e are n the send flrGrade 4 is n the _ flr (first)Grade 3 is n the _ flr (grund)(Revie the nae f eah flr)2Pratise the sentene” There is (are) “( revie: a puter r, a usi r )Graduall, teaher ves t the sentene” Is (Are) there a (an) ?”(ne rd: an)3Use the abve sentene t bring in the ne rds” a sprts hall, a table tennis r, a garden, a tilet, a reading r”, and shing the pituresRead and pratise the ne rdshen pratising the sentenes and ne rds, teaher presents “I nt sure” “Lets g and have a l”4Shing the piture f ur shl and tal abut it in grups, then tal abut it in lassLearn the dialgue1) Listen thin ith questins (arding t the dialgue)2) Anser se questins3) Read after the tape4) Rle plaHer1) p the ne rds2) At the dialgue第三教时教学目标:1 进一步掌握句型 Is /Are there ? There is/ are H an are there?及其回答。2 能正确掌握词汇 a sing, a slide。3 熟读对话,并初步改编或扩充本单元所学的对话。教具准备:l 磁带和录音机 l 一张楼层示意图,上面有学过的专用室的名字 l 单词图片 l 挂图Dl 歌曲“T aets”教学过程:1Sing “T aets”2Free tal and revisin1) Greetings2) L at the piture 2 f the text and anser the questinshats n the first flr? 3) Read the text tgether4) At the dialgue3Presentatin and pratieT: Is there a sing in ur shl? (shing the rd piture)S: es, there is/ N, there isntT: H an sings are there in ur shl?S: There are t(the sae ethd t bring in ne rds: a slide)板书:Is there a in ? es, there is/N, there isntAre there an in ? es, there are/N, there arentH an are there ? There is (are) ( pratise thse sentenes using the things in the lassr)4 Learn D1) Suarize the usage f the sentenesIs there a ?Are there an?H an are there ?There is (are)2) Students l at the seth ap f the flrs and as questins3) r in pairs t finish the pitures f Part DHave a ditatin f the rds6Her1) At ut the text and reite it2) ae a ne dialgue (tal abut ur shl)3) D se ritten r第四教时教学目标:1 复习本单元所学词汇。2 能较熟练地在情景中运用所学句型和日常交际用语。3 能复习掌握词汇 fler, tree, near, huse 等。教具准备:l E Read and at 挂图 l 几张已学过的表示地点的图 l 歌曲“T aets”教学过程:1Sing “T aets”2Free tal and revisin1) Greetings2) Pratise their ne dialgue in grups, then at it ut in lass2 Pratise F1) Is there a building in the piture?Are there an flers? (ne rd: fler)H an flers are there?H an ars are there in the street? 2) hat near the building? (ne rd: near)3) Read and pratise the ne rds4) As and anser the questins in pairs arding t the piture3 E Read and at1) Listen and anser:hats near ur huse?Is it a big ne r a sall ne?H an flers are there?(ne rd: huse)2) Read the dialgue3) ae a ne dialgueT: Its a sunn da tdaShall e g t the Hngei Par?S: / Gd idea!T: Shall e g and pla there?S: es/Gd idea4) ae ne dialgues in grups, then at it ut in lass4D exerisesrb A-D (listening) Her1) Reite and at E2) ntinue t ae a ne dialgue iitating E3) Revie the rds and expressins, prepare fr the ditatin 第五教时教学目标:1 了解元音字母 a 在开音节单词中的读音。2 复习本单元所学的词汇。3 熟练掌握句型 Is there a in the ?es, there
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