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牛津小学英语5B 第九单元教案第一教时一教学内容Part B L, read and learn Part As and anser 和 Part H Sa a rhe二教学目标1能正确地听、说、读、写单词 Frenh, U, British, USA, Aerian, apan, hinese, Frane。2能正确地听、说、读、写句型 here are u fr? I/hes/shes /its/ere/there fr3会诵读歌谣e here and eet us, please。三教学重点能正确朗读并在句型中运用有关国家和国籍的词汇。四教学难点1能正确地听、说、读、写单词 British, Aerian, Frane。2能熟练运用所学句型询问人的国籍。五前准备1教具准备a多媒体b录音机和磁带2板书准备:预先写好题Unit 9 The English lub六教学过程Step 1 Greetings以 Gd rning! Glad t see u! 等跟学生问好。Step 2 Prensentatin1 师生问答:T: Exuse e, d u have an hbbies?S: es, I d I lie T: hat abut u?S: I lie 2 T: D u ant t n hbbies?S: es T: hbb is taing phts I ften tae phts here and there L at pitures hat d u thin?S: There 3 出示一张美国宝宝照片。T: L at this lvel b He is English teahers sn, his naes T here is he fr ? Guess!师自问自答。T: He is fr the USA出示单词和国旗图片,领读,生跟读。生看图,师引导学生说 T is fr the USA He is Aerian 师领读,生跟读。并注意纠正单词 Aerian 的发音。4 同法出示英国王妃 Diana 的图片。T: h is the faus an?S: Shes DianaT: heres Diana fr?自问自答。T: Shes fr the U生看图,师引导学生说 Diana is fr the U Shes British师领读,生跟读。并注意纠正单词 Aerian 的发音。同法出示刘翔的图片。T: L , Liu Xiang is here here is he fr?S: He is fr hinaT: es, he is fr hina He is hinese生看图,师领读,生跟读。6 出示语音。T: Listen! here is she fr?自问自答。T: She is fr apan出示日本国旗,师领读,生跟读。T: She is fr apan She is apanees生看图,师领读,生跟读。7 出示考拉图片。T: hat are the? S: The are alasT: here are the fr?自问自答。T: the are fr Australia生看图,师领读,生跟读。出示男孩图片。T: the b is fr Australia t He is Australian生看图,师领读,生跟读。 8 出示法国女孩图片。T: L at this beautiful girl She has fair hair and blue ees here is she fr?自问自答。T: She is fr Frane生看图,师领读,生跟读 Frane生看图,师引导学生说 She is fr Frane Shes FrenhStep3 Listen and pratie 1 听音跟读 Part B2 出示六个国家的地图。T: Here are se aps f different untries/triz/an u ath the?3 学生讨论并回答,师展示。Step 4 As and anser1 出示所运用的句型 A: here are u fr? 和图片,学生分组练习。B: I fr I 2 学生表演。Step Sa a rhe1 学生听音,体会韵律。2 学生跟读,逐步理解掌握其意思。Step Her1 p the rds f Part B 4 ties2 Previe Part A , listen t the tape five ties牛津小学英语B 第九单元教案泰州花学校 刘琳第二教时一教学内容义务教育程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语B 第九单元第二教时(Part A read and sa, Part D L and sa )二教学目标1能正确地听、说、读、写单词和词组 it, visit, Id lie t 2能正确地听、说、读、写句型 D u spea ?及其答语 es ,I d/N, I dnt I spea3能听懂、会说、会读日常交际用语及句型 Are u fr different untries? Id lie t visit it4 能用简单的语言介绍自己的国籍。能正确理解对话内容并能朗读和初步表演对话。三教学重点能正确理解对话内容并能朗读和初步表演对话。四教学难点能比较流畅地朗读对话,并能在掌握对话的基础上分角色表演对话。五前准备1教具准备a多媒体b录音机和磁带2板书准备:预先写好题Unit 9 The English lub六教学过程Step 1 Greetings 1 以 Hell! ele t ur shl! 等跟学生问好。2 在自由交谈中,教师作自我介绍:I iss Liu I fr hina I hinese I spea hinese3 让多位学生模仿练习,做自我介绍。Step 2 Prensentatin1 出示俱乐部幻灯片,T: Its fur l p The English lub is pen Lets g and in in, ?2 播放儿童歌曲The re e get tgether,创设英语俱乐部的快乐气氛。学生看歌词学唱。3 师提问:h are in the English lub? 生回答。4 师拿出头饰作示范自我介绍,学生扮演角色并作自我介绍。as fll:S1: I Nan I fr the U I British S2: I Ben I fr the USA I Aerian出示幻灯片 Tn 的头像。师介绍: L , a visitr is ing t the English lub The hildren are taling t hi 同时,出示新单词 visitr,领读,生跟读。Step 3 Listen and anser1 Listen t hat the are taling, and tr t anser the questins:a hats the visitrs nae?b here is he fr?Des he spea hinese?d Des he lie Shanghai?2 Ss anser these questins 着重解释, d 两个问题。N, he desnt He speas English 并在图片上出示该句。领读,生跟读。 d es, he des Hed lie t visit it 也在图片上出示该句。领读,生跟读。同时,解释 hed lie =he uld lie 意为 他想要。Step 4 Listen and fll1 学生看图听对话,了解对话内容。2 学生听录音,模仿跟读两遍。3 学生自由朗读,教师巡视并给予指导。4 学生分角色朗读对话。学生四人小组,表演对话。Step L and sa1 导入,e n Tn hite speas English, d u spea English?引导学生回答完整的句型:N, I dnt I spea hinese2 出示句型 A: D u spea?以及图片。B: es, I d I spea , t/N, I dnt I spea 3 学生分小组自由操练,教师巡视指导。4 学生表演。Step 6 Assign her1 听录音,朗读并表演对话。2 根据对话内容,完成短。Tn hite is a_tda He is fr_ He speas_He and the students are fr different _ang Bing is fr_He is _He speas _ Nan and David are fr_ The are _The spea_ Ben is fr_ He is _He speas _ t3 完成补充习题。牛津小学英语B 第九单元教案泰州花学校 刘琳第三教时一教学内容义务教育程标准实验教科书牛津小学英语B 第九单元第三教时(Part E Read the passage 以及补充练习)二教学目标1能正确地听、说、读、单词和词组 huseife, priar shl, rite stries, d the ing and leaning, learnfr2能正确理解短内容,朗读并初步复述短主要内容。三教学重点能正确理解能正确理解短内容,朗读并初步复述短主要内容。四教学难点能比较流畅地朗读短,并能在掌握的基础上复述主要内容。能灵活运用主语为第三人称单数时动词的变化形式,五前准备1教具准备a多媒体b录音机和磁带学生自制的各国旗帜。2板书准备:预先写好题Unit 9 The English lub六教学过程Step 1 Greetings1 齐说歌谣e here and eet us , please 。2 教师跟学生开火车做问答练习: Hell! I lie singing hat d u lie?引导学生用 lie ding sth 回答,为下一步的学习作铺垫。Step 2 Revisin1 出示人物图片,学生对照运用:here is he/she fr? Des he/she spea ?提问并作答,以此复习所学国家、国籍以及语言的词汇。2 每人拿出自制的旗帜,D a surve and fill in the tableNaePeteruntrthe UNatinalit( 国籍)BritishLanguage( 语言)English3 Tr t ae a suar,sa sething abut Peter lassate_ is fr_ She/he is _ She/he speas_lassates_ and _are fr_ The are _The spea_Step 3 Presentatin1 出示小男孩 i 的头像。T: L at this b His nae is i He is a priar shl student 同时,卡片展示 priar shl 字样,师领读,生跟读。2 出示 i 的父母的头像。T: L, here are is father a
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