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八年级英语上册 Unit2 Study skills 教学设计(牛津译林版)一教学内容设计教学内容 8AUnit2 shl life Stud sills教学对象初二学生教学项目词语及句型 1Ne rds and phrases: dail, eel, qui, thrugh, real, l thrugh, at first, eep (n) ding sth, have a lvel tie2Ne struture: e have a nthl test n eah subetT e, learning freign languages is reall funI als eep riting in English abut dail lifeI learn t use English better this a 教学方法 Pair r, Grup r, Disussin教学目标语言知识 T learn se rds and sentenes abve 语言技能 T learn h t add the suffix “-l” t fr adverbs;语言运用 T use adv ad tal abut ur dail life 情感态度 T learn t -perate in grup t disuss abut h t add the suffix “-l” t fr adverbs 学习策略 T disuss abut h t add the suffix “-l” t fr adverbs add the suffix “-l” t fr adetives ;教学重点 1 H t add the suffix “-l” t fr adverbs;2 H t add the suffix “-l” t fr adetives;3 H t find ut hether the rds ending ith “-l” belng t adetives r adverbs教学难点 1 H t use the suffix “-l” t fr adverbs;2 H t use the suffix “-l” t fr adetives;二堂教学过程时间教学步骤教师活动学生活动教学目的分钟 Step 1 Lead-in1 As ss t Sa sething abut Nans and hns shl lives 2 BrainstrAs ss if the an fr a ne rd/ne rds using the rd given? 3 As and anserD u thin it is eas t brr bs fr Nans shl librar?Des hn have a nderful tie at the Budd lub?SS:1 Nan s shl has a earl reading ee2 hns budd listens arefull t his prbles3 Bth f the have a lvel tie at shl(happhappilunhapp happinessunhappilunhappiness)(Anser: es, e an brr bs easil)(Anser: es, his budd alas helps hi nderfull)通过提问复习 reading 部分的内容,导入新话题;同时鼓励学生积极思考,列举出更多的带有后缀的形容词,呈现本节的学习目标。通过设计头脑风暴,让学生去尽可能多的思考 happ 的词形变化,引导学生思考单词的前缀和后缀。通过复习本单元的话题,自然导入本的内容。1 分钟 Step 2 Presentatin1 Explain the suffix “-l” in adverbs(1) Sh the exaples f rds ending ith “-l” and r ut fur inds f as t fr adverbs2 ae a suar 2 Explain the suffix “-l” in adetives (1) Sh se exaplesIs this a lvel panda?Is Tn a friendl budd?(2) Explain h t use the suffix “-l” t fr adetives(2) Ativit: Fill in the blansT: an u use the rret rds t finish the? Adverbs usuall dif verbs, adetives and ther adverbs Ativit: Finish the tableAdd “-l” t eah f the rds in the bx n the left Then put the in different grups3 Finish Part B n P274 ae a suar Adetives dif nuns 解释形容词变为副词的规律,并通过简单的练习,引导学生总结出规律:副词通常修饰动词、形容词和其他副词。通过书上配套的练习,总结出三个非常重要的短语“a nthl test”, “ dail life”和“have a lvel tie”,让学生得出结论:形容词修饰名词。1 分钟 Step 3 Pratie 1Fill in the blans 2En a str, plete the passage ith the rret rdsTr t irle the rds ith suffix “-l” and tell hat the are difing 了解基本规律后,迅速对所学的后缀做巩固练习,这样能让学生更深刻的记忆所学的词的后缀。Step 4 SuarAs the students t su up h t use the suffix “-l”Step : Her1 Reeber h t use the suffix “l”;2 Learn re suffixes after lass b urself 教学反思随堂检测(10 分钟)1 She is a _(friend) teaher2 I have a _(lve) sister3 He runs _(qui) in his lass4 des ate si ver_(fast) ,but he als ver _ (sl)hina _(da) is a ver gd nespaper6 He is ver _(areful) abut everthing7 dad ill have a _(ear) eeting in Beiing8 This is a _(nth) agazine, its ver interesting9 He danes ver _(gd)10 He als in the petitin _in his lassFriendl, lvel, quil, fast, sll, dail, areful, earl, nthl, gd farthest
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