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初三英语上册 Unit 1 Wise men in history 课后练习初三英语上册 Unit 1 ise en in histr 后练习一、单项选择l- did u ahieve ur drea?-B ring hard, f urseAhen Bh H2- fgg da!-Sething ust be dne t slve the haze prbleA H Bhat hat a3I dnt thin she ill agree ith us,_ _?A ill she Bnt she dnt u D d u4The had a gd tie last night, _ _?A hadn_t the B havent thedidnt the DerenL thHe an hardl sta aae beause he is s tired, _ _?Ades he B isnt he ant he D an he6an u help e_ the spelling istaes?A rret B prdue retell Dplete7-a, ur r is dirtit shuld_ _right aa-Srr Ill d it right nA be leaned B be leaning leaned8-The piture is, I have t sa, nt a bit beautiful-h? Its_ _than the pitures I have ever seenAfar re beautiful B uh less beautifuln re bautiful D an less bautiful9- bad eather! e ant g fr a pini beause f the rain tda-I hpe itll stp snA hat BH hat a D H a10 Tae her_ prisnAt Bn in D fr11Last ear e ent t Paris,but this ear e ant t d_differentA sething B anthing nthing12-Its f ang Xianging t save the b h fell int the river-es He is a great an f ur tiesA patient Benergeti brave Dnfident 二、阅读理解A 1-ear-ld student h invented a flashlight(手电筒) getting per fr the hlders bd heat is ging he tda fr alifrnia ith a big prize and a hane t d further researhAnn asinsi as the nl anadian ang the fur inners at Ggles internatinal siene petitin Thusands f ung sientists fr arund the rld t part in the petitininning the siene and tehnlg petitin as “a surprise” Ann said, “I thin it ill have a great influene n future”Ann thaned her fail fr enuraging her interest in siene and said that her first t as a bx f transistrs(晶体管)Anns prize inludes $ 2,000 and a “ne in a-lifetie experine” fr Ggle fr her Hll Flashlight, hih has n ving parts r batteriesThe idea fr the inventin ae fr seeing unanted batteries and her friends experiene hen Ann visited a friend in the Philippines, she s the friend uldnt stud hen it beae dar beause there as n eletriit r light She sa the need fr a flashlight that has n batteries - Hll FlashlightIn her pret, Ann rte “I ade t flashlights that d nt use an batteries r harful aterials The d nt reate an nise and ill alas r The flashlight needs at least a teperature differene beteen the hlders bd and the envirnent arund t prdue light”A vide f Ann explaining h she reatd the flashlight has been athed re than 14 illin ties n the InternetThugh Ann as suessful, she has nt ade a deisin abut her areer path Ann hpe that she an find a a t in her lve f fil and siene tgetherThe fur inners ere hsen fr 1 final petitrs fr eight untries The petitin attrated thusands f students in 120 untries1 In hih part f a nespaper an e prbabl read this passage?A Travel B ulture Tehnlg D Advertiseent2 The first paragraph is ritten t be a(n) _A intrdutin B arning arguent D disussin3 Paragraph 6 ainl tells us _ A hat Ann sa in the Philippines B h Ann invented Hll Flashlighth Anns fail enuraged her interest D hat prize Ann gt fr Hll Flashlight4 Arding t the passage, e learn _A eas t in the internatinal siene petitinB Hll Flashlight is safe, niseless and an save energAnn has ade a deisin t be a sientist in the futureD fe peple are interested in h Ann reated the flashlight 答案一、单项选择1- AD 6-10 AAAAA 11-12 A二、阅读理解1-4 ABB
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