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六年级英语下册 Module 7、8、9 导学案(外研社)六年级英语下册 dule 7、8、9 导学案(外研社)dule 7Unit 1 Shenzhu V fle int spae Teahing ntent: dule 7 Unit 1 Shenzhu V fle int spaeTeahing betives1 rds and phrase:fle beae spent hur sn prud fl - fle bee - beae spend - spentsee - sa ae - ade书写单词:2 sentenes:A: Shenzhu V fle int spae ith ang LieiB: ang Liei spent abut tent-ne in spae: He ade a vide and n he is ver fausGraar: 一般过去时态及动词的不规则变化。Teahing prperties: tape-rerder ards pituresTeahing predures:A: singB: Free tal:讲述过去发生的事情。: Ne nepts:1 ar-upT: Gd rning, girls and bsSs: Gd rning, s fan教师向学生展示一张杨利伟的照片,向学生提问:“h is he? hat d u n abut hi?”教师再向学生展示:“神舟五号” 的照片,请学生们互相讨论自己所了解的知识。2Listen t the tape教师放录音,学生听介绍杨利伟和神舟五号的故事。并解释几个不规则动词的变化。fl - fle bee - beae spend - spent以及其它几个词的过去式。3PratieD re ral exerises and the ativit bSuer: 总结本的重,难点及三会单词。Her:用学过的不规则动词能够造几个简单的英语句子;用英语向父母讲述杨利伟和神舟五号的故事。 dule 8Unit 1 Helen ellerTeahing ntent: dule 8 Unit 1 Helen ellerTeahing betives: 1 rds and Phrase: brn hild as later dre letter herself all ver rld de2 Sentenes: Helen eller beae blind and deaf She uldnt see and she uldnt hear Later she uld read and rite She rte a b abut herselfTeahing Prperties: Tape-rerder, ards, pituresTeahing Predures:A: Sng: l up at the spaeshipB: Free tal: hat did u d at the eeend?: Ne nepts一 把全班分为 A,B 两队,老师准备一些图片,其中包括蒙眼写字,塞耳听录音的图片,为的是能让学生体验 Helen eller 的艰难。一名学生出示图片另一名学生用 an/ant 造句S1: 出示图片S2:I an ant复习以前学过的单词的同时,并为本节要学习的 ulduldnt 做铺垫。二 再出示几张自己小时候的照片并介绍I as brn in Huan Ren 1980 an u guess hat I uld uldnt d?Ss: u ulduldnt 同时让学生谈论下自己小时候能做和不能做的事情三 出示一张海伦的图片,并让学生根据自己查阅的有关她的一些资料介绍她,并问同学们你们想知道海伦小时候的一些事情吗?今天让我们一起走进 DULE8 UNIT 1,走进海伦,播放 AI。第一遍让学生们边听边划出重点单词,如“brn , rld, all ver”可以请学生根据上下猜单词的意思,也可以教师讲解生词,请学生模仿跟读。听第二遍时让学生带两个问题听并试着找出答案。Q1:hat uld Helen d?Q2: hat uldnt Helen d?这两个问题的答案正是本的重点句,让学生反复操练此句型。听第三遍录音时让学生跟读,并让学生分组练习对话。四Her: Tell the str f Helen t ur friends and parents五Design:新标准英语三年级起点第八册教案dule 8Unit 2 His nae as Luis BrailleTeahing betives:1rds: 识别并书写 as brn2Sentenes: 学习并能口头运用 hen as he brn?He as brn in 18093 会用这类语句询问并回答你想知道的人物信息。4Graar: the past tenseTeahing Predures:Step1 ar-upA: hant: Hupt Dup sat n a allB: Free tal: Taling abut nes experiene in the past: Let the students desribe their ung让学生描述事先准备好的小时候的照片,以此复习前所学的内容,并为新做好准备。Fr exaple: In this pht, I as earsI uld daneI uldn t spea EnglishStep 2 PresentatinT: N I ill intrdue a blind an t u He as brn in Frane He beae blind in 1812 He as ver faush is he? hat is he? hat happened t hi?N, lets listen t the tape (让学生圈出生词 )Step3 Listen again then anser the questins(老师把关键的疑问词写在黑板上,运用 “对答如流”的游戏回答本的问题)如: here - Franehere - in 1809h - Luis BrailleSuarHer:以采访的形式询问自己某位朋友的经历并写一份简历。Retrspetin:dule 9 Unit 1 hats the atter?Funtin: Dealing ith isunderstandingsTeahing pints: 1 Integrated reling: h and beause2 Vabular and phrases: laugh up understand istae baseball ap lts f3 Sentenes: hats the atter?h are u laughing?It s eas t ae istaes ith English4 Ling fr the rds that their prnuniatins are alst the saeTeahing aids: Pitures Tape Rerder ups apsTeahing Press:一 aring up1 Greeting2 Sing an English sng And reite the last lessns hant3 Find ut the differenes f the rdsThe teaher is ging t rite pairs f rds n the bard The teaher is ging t sa the rds and the students have t listen t arefull and deide hih rds the teaher is sainglee-li pan-pintap-tip up-apbig-pig head-hadHave the students read the rds and, if neessar, the teaher an sa and explain eah rd and have the students repeat the after the teaherG thrugh the rds and sa ne rd in eah r The students shuld rite dn the rdn pletin, have the students pare their ansers ith a partner befre the teaher rrets the exeriseAs the students if it as diffiult t distinguish hih rds ere being said (es) As the if the n h (the vel sunds ere ver siilar)The teaher sas: Lts f English rds prnuniatins are ver siilar S e are eas t ae se istaes (learn the rd “istae istae”) And there is the sae e in the tdas text N lets l at it tgether二 Ne nepts:Part 1 Listen, pint and find “h”1 Slve the iprtant rds:Laugh 大笑 sile 微笑Under-stand=understand2 The teaher shs the lrful pitures n the bard Questins: h are the?hat are the ging t d?h are the laughing?Have the students t read the text b grups Then anser these questins3 Listen t the tape arefullThe students pa re attentin t the iprtant rds4 The students fll the teaher t read the text Then have the students t stud the ain eaning f the text b theselves And anser the questins:(1) Are the ging t have a baseball tea?(2) hat are the laughing?(3) hat did Lingling hear?(4) hat did A sa?() hat has Sa gt in his bag? N the students and the teaher read the text tgether Have the students t reite the iprtant sentenes6 Finall, lse the students bs Pla the tape again sentene b sentene Have the students t fll the rerder7 D the exerise b: P34, 1 Lister t the questins L and rite the ansers8 Have the students t use the ups and aps
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