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UNIT ELEVENTEXT ONE“WHANGBoomBoomcast delicacy to the winds.” Thus Ezra Pound in a letter to his father, urging the old man to help promote his first published collection. It might have been the poets manifesto. Pound is as divisive a figure today as he was in his own lifetime. For some he was the leading figure of the Modernist movement who redefined what poetry was and could be; and who, in his role as cultural impresario, gave vital impetus to the literary careers of T.S. Eliot, James Joyce and Wyndham Lewis, among others. But for many Pound remains a freak and an embarrassment, a clinical nutcase and vicious anti-Semite who churned out a lot of impenetrable tosh before losing the plot completely.During the second world war he broadcast pro-Fascist radio programmes from Italy and later avoided trial for treason at home only because he was declared insane. On his release from St Elizabeths Hospital near Washington, DC, he returned to Italy (“America is a lunatic asylum”), where he died in 1972 aged 87. David Moody, emeritus professor of English at York University, makes a strong case for Pounds “generous energy” and the “disruptive, regenerative force of his genius”. His approach (unlike Pounds) is uncontroversial. He follows the poets progress chronologically from his childhood in Idahostill, at the time of his birth in 1885, part of the wild westto his conquest of literary London between 1908 and 1920. He marshals Pounds staggering output of poetry, prose and correspondence to excellent effect, and offers clear, perceptive commentary on it. He helps us to see poems, such as this famous, peculiarly haunting 19-syllable haiku, in a new light: The apparition of these faces in the crowd:Petals on a wet, black bough.That Mr Moody is constantly being upstaged by the subject of his study is not surprising. Pound was one of the most colourful artistic figures in a period full of them.According to Ford Madox Ford, who became a good friend of Pounds shortly after the bumptious young American arrived in London: “Ezra would approach with the step of a dancer, making passes with a cane at an imaginary opponent. He would wear trousers made of green billiard cloth, a pink coat, a blue shirt, a tie hand-painted by a Japanese friend, an immense sombrero, a flaming beard cut to a point and a single large blue earring.” W.B. Yeatss simple assessment was that: “There is no younger generation of poets. E.P. is a solitary volcano.”A great merit of Mr Moodys approach is the space he gives to Pounds writings. It is love-it-or-hate-it stuff, but, either way, undeniably fascinating. “All good art is realism of one kind or another,” Pound said. Reconciling that tidy statement with practically any of his poems is hard work but, as Mr Moody shows over and over again, hard work that offers huge rewards. His first volume ends in 1920, with Pound quitting London in a huff, finally fed upafter more than a decade of doing everything in his power to rattle the intellectual establishmentwith “British insensitivity to, and irritation with, mental agility in any and every form”. His disgraceful radio programmes and the full blooming of his loopiness lie ahead. So, too, do most of his exquisite Cantos. 1. Pound was a divisive figure because_A he brought both positive and negative effect to the development of the Modernist movement.B he was both a poet and a person with mental problem.C he was politically a racist while he was also pro-Fascist.D he was a man of complex and unintelligible personality.2. When Pound was released from hospital, he returned to Italy because_A Italy was his hometown.B he was persecuted by Americans.C he disliked America. D he was out of his mind. 3. Which one of the following statements is NOT true of David Moodys study on Pound? A His literary approach is unlike that of Pounds, being less contradictory.B He focuses on Pounds poetry itself instead of his personality, attempting to keep objectiveC He traces the poets life in time order to study Pounds achievement.D His study offers a fresh sight of Pounds work 4From Keatss simple assessment, it can be inferred that_A Pound was of exploding power in his literary creation.B Pounds achievement could hardly be reached by later poets.C Pounds excellence was unsurpassable in his time.D It would take a long time for Pounds generation to fully understand him.5. The word “rattle”(Line 6, Paragraph 7) most probably means _A set up. B destroy. C struggle.D disturb.文章剖析:这篇文章主要介绍了Pound的两个不同侧面。第一段用Pound 的一句诗歌来引出Pound的态度;第二段讲述人们对于Pound不同的看法;第三段讲述他播放亲法西斯电台节目的事件;第四、五段讲述了David Moody对Pound 的分析;第六段讲述其他人对Pound的评价;第七段讲述Moody先生分析的特点。词汇注释:impresario n. 发起人 , 经理 nutcase n. 疯子churn out v. 大量地 粗制滥造 tosh n. 胡话asylum n. 收容所 emeritus adj. 名誉退休的upstaged adj. 自负的 marshal v. 整理bumptious adj. 傲慢的 billiard n. 有园边的sombrero n. 宽边帽 loopiness n. 失去理智难句突破:(1) For some he was the leading figure of the Modernist
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