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八年级英语下册 Unit4 集体备课英文教案Unit 4 He said I as hard-ringTeahing gals:1 Vabular: hard-ring, reprt ard, an d better, speaing, listening, average, surprise2 Patterns: hat did ur ath teaher sa?He said he uld spea three languages3 直接引语和间接引语的转换。4 写成绩报告单,并能将自己的成绩报告给他人。Iprtant and diffiult pints:1 新的词汇和习语。2 个人 Reprt ard 的写作。3 直接引语转换间接引语中,注意一些关键动词的变化和人称代词的变化。Teahing aids: teahing ards, pitures and a tape rerderPerid 1Teahing ntents: Setin A 1a, 1b, 1, 2a, 2b, 2, Graar fusTeahing predures:Step 1 Leading inAs several Ss hat the are ging t d after shl rite their sentenes n the BbStep 2 Pre-tasSa, These Ss tal abut hat the are ging t d after shl, if u ant t tell a friend hat the said, h uld u tell hi?rite the rds “He said” and “She said” n the Bb Sa, e an use the rds “He said” and “She said” t tell ur friend lie this: He/She said he/she as ging t pla basetball after shl Get the Ss t repeatRepeat this press ith the ther sentenes n the BbStep 3 hile-tasSB Page 26, 1a1As a student t read the fur questins(1)hat is a sap pera?(2)D u ever ath sap peras?(3)hat are se sap peras u nn?(4)hat are se things that happen n sap peras?2 rite the rds sap pera n the bard Pint t the piture and as students hat the thin a sap pera is3 Pint ut the TV sreens in the piture As ne student t read hat the persn sas in the first piture Then as anther student: hat did she/he sa? Help t anser: She/He said she/he as having a surprise part fr Lana n Frida night4 Repeat ith the ther pituresSB Page 26 , 1b As different students t l at eah piture and tell hat is happeningPla the rerding the first tie Students nl listenPla the rerding a send tie and rite the nubers 1 thugh 4 in frnt f the pitures Then he the ansersSB Page 26, 1Pairr First Ss r in pairs, then as se pairs t present their dialgues t the lassStep 4 Pst-tasSB Page 27 , 2a 2b 1 As several Ss t read these sentenes2 Pla the rerding Ss irle their anser3 he the ansersStep Graar Fus1 Revie the graar bx As Ss t sa the stateents2 Explain: In eah ase, the diret speeh tals abut present situatins and the reprted speeh tals abut past situatins Step 6 Her用 she / he said 将直接引语改为间接引语。1 I a a lever girl 2 I a having lunh at shl3 I an dane ell 4 I pla ftball ever daI dn t lie unger brtherPerid 2Teahing ntents: Setin A 3a, 3b, 4, Setin B 2a, 2b, 2Teahing predures:Step 1 Leading inhe the her As several students t read their sentenes t the lassStep 2 Pre-tasSB Page 28, 3a1 Read the artile t the lass2 As Ss t fill in the blans n their n3 he the ansersSB Page 28, Part 4 Ss r in grups f fur t plete the rle plas As a fe Ss t sh their rle plas t the lassStep 3 hile-tasSB Page 29, 1a, 1b1 Read the sentenes t the lass and teah ne rds Then as Ss t he the sentenes that are true fr theselves2 As ne student t read eah sentene t the lass and as Ss t raise their hands if the heed that anser3 As a fe pairs f students t present their nversatins t the lassSB Page 29, 2a 2b1 Read the instrutins t Ss ae sure the n hat t d2 Pla the rerding t r three ties rret the ansersStep 4 Pst-tasSB Page 29, 2Pairr In pairs, get Ss t hse a reprt ard fr ativit 2b t tal abut Then as se pairs t present their dialguesStep HerSB Page 28, 3bAs Ss t rite anthing the antPerid 3Teahing ntents: Setin B 3a, 3b, 3, 4, selfheTeahing predures:Step 1 Leading inhe the her As several students t read their episdes t the lassStep 2 Pre-tasSB Page 30, 3a1 Read the instrutins and as Ss t read the letter n their n and rite Alans nae n his reprt in ativit 2b2 rret the anserSB Page 30, 3b1 Get Ss t use the infratin fr ativit 2b t rite a letter t a relative r a friend abut their reprt ards2 As a student t read his r her pleted letter t the lass rall rret an istaesStep 3 hile-tasSB Page 30, 3As Ss t rite their n reprt ards hile Ss r, al arund and ffer assistane if neessarSB Page 30, Part 41 Get Ss t ae up their teahers ents2 Pairr In pairs, tal abut their reprt ards3 As several pairs t share their nversatinsStep 4 Pst-tasSB Page 31, Selfhe, Part 11 As Ss t fill in the blans n their n2 rret the ansers3 Have Ss ae sentenes ith the rdsSB Page 31, Selfhe, Part 21 As Ss t read the str2 In pairs, have Ss t ae nversatins arding t the str3 As se Ss t share their nversatins ith the lassStep HerAs students t rite their nversatins n their exerise bsPerid 4Teahing ntents: Reading: She said helping thers hanged her lifeTeahing predures:Step 1 Leading inAs Ss t thin f peple h need help and rite se ideas Then disuss ith their partnerStep 2 Pre-tasSB Page 32, Setin 21 As a vlunteer t read the passage ut alud ae sure the lass understands the advie2 As Ss t read it again and fill in the blans3 he the ansersStep 3 hile-tasSB Page 33, Setin 3, 3a1 As Ss t read thrugh again t find the relevant infratin fr ang Leis students2 As Ss t plete the infratin under “u”, saing hat is true fr their n lives3 Have Ss disuss their ansers ith their partnerSB Page 33, Setin 3, 3b In pairs, as and anser the questinsSB Page 33, Setin 3, 3 Hav
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