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人教版高一(下)英语教案 Unit 22 A World of fun人教版高一(下)英语教案 Unit 22 A rld f funUnderstanding f the teahing aterial(语篇分析)第 22 单元 Reading:Thee Pars 是一篇介绍主题公园的说明。它一共由 4 段组成,包括主题公园的定义、特点,针对 the rld Par f hina, the ean Par f Hng ng, Disneland in alifrnia 等主题公园的描述和对未新兴主题公园的展望;让学生体会、概括主题公园为何如此受人们喜爱的事实理由。这是一篇介绍主题公园的说明。它包括主题公园的定义、特点 ;也引导学生联想主题公园的未发展 。让学生学习知识的同时能扩大视野,感受新 事物带的刺激和兴奋,同时也让学生了解主题公园并不同于传统的公园,它不仅供人们娱乐放松,而且寓教育中。Teahing betives:一。Learning betives:Abilit bets: 1 ultivate the Ss abilit f prehending passages ,espeiall their abilit f analzing the struture f suh ind f artiles2ffer the Ss hanes f self-ulture b ring in grups and seeing infratin abut thee pars3Enable the students t tell thee pars fr traditinal auseent pars and give the reasns h thee pars are s ppular nledge bets:1Help the Ss further understand the passage and finish the relevant tass rretl And enable the Ss t learn -ing fr used as adverbial2Learn the usages f the flling rds and phrases: basen, in n, divide, adire, ris et3And help the Ss learn h t design their n thee pars 二 Etinal gals:1 通过这个单元的学习,知道人民的创造力的无限的,在以后的学习中充分发挥他的创造力。2 人们在努力工作努力学习的同时, 享受美好生活也是必要的。Teahing Apprahes:1Tas-based teahing ethd t finish the teahing assignent 2Ativit-based teahing lass rindividual rgrup r 3 Fast reading t find ut se general infratin 4areful reading t find the details in the passage Questins and ansers fr induing6Indutive ethd t ae the Ss understand the text betterTeahing diffiult pints:1 Seeing infratin abut thee pars2Tell thee pars fr traditinal auseent pars and give the reasns h thee pars are s ppular 3T learn -ing fr used as adverbialTeahing aids(略)。Teahing predures:Step1 Presentatin T: This rld is full f fun All f us lie t have fun st f us have ever been t pars and zs And ith the develpent f ur untr ,re and re peple are being riher and riher The are nt satisfied ith safe and bring life As a result ,the ill tr se adventure sprts fr an iediate pleasure In this lass ,ere ging t learn Reading -Thee Pars Step2 Leading in (aring up):Tas1 ath and disuss1Sh a shrt pla f Dnald DuT: Befre e g int the text, e ill en a shrt pla And after athing the pla, u have t anser se questins As se infratin abut the shrt pla Q1Are u failiar ith the haraters in the pla? h are the? (Quite right Dnald Du )D u n his partner, anther faus harater? (Ver gd ie use )Q2here an u see the? In hih par? (Disneland )Q3hat ind f par is Disneland? (Thee par )Tas2 Reprt abut experienesTell the experienes (Individual and lass r) Get the Ss t anser the flling questins:Q1hih thee par have u ever been t? D u lie it? h?Q 2Have u ever tried sitting in a rller aster and have u ever experiened bungee uping?Q3H did u feel? / hat aes it unfrgettable?T: As e all n, a thee par is a nderful par It has its n thee It has a lletin f rides, exhibitins and ther attratins hat an u see in a thee par? Sething e taled abut in aring up? Free fall ride, rller aster, bungee uping, rafting, r libing, sar fil Get Ss t desribe se f the adventure sprts , eg rller aster, bungee uping, rafting, et Then as the Ss D u ant t pla thse gaes? The Ss a disuss fr a hileT: Then ele t thee par, and lets en it Next ,lets e t Pre-reading , please l at the Qs n P66 Pre-Reading Are u read?Step3Pre-reading T: Gd Ill as se f u t give ur ansers Eah f u ansers ne questin hd lie t tr the first ne? Vlunteers! 1 hat d u thin u an see in a thee par?2 hat d u thin abut adventure sprts?3 Des ur tn r it have a thee par? hat an u d there?4 Is a thee par different fr a traditinal par? h? hih ne d u lie better , a thee par r a traditinal par? h? Get the Ss t fus re attentin n the last t questins Enurage the t have an extensive disussin Step4 Reading After lleting ansers Tell Ss :T: As e have taled abut, a thee par is a tpe f par here u an have fun riding n big ahines suh as a Rller aster, fast ars and bungee uping, and here the hle par is based n ne subet suh as ater r spae travel Next ,e ll learn re abut the thee pars First Lets e t the text ,and finish the flling tassTas 1 Siing (一)1As the Ss the flling questinsT: Please read the text quil and tr t find the ansers t the flling questins ( This ativit is designed t iprve the Ss abilit t find relevant infratin in a shrt hile )(1) hats a thee par ?A thee par is a lletin f rides , exhibitins r ther attratins that are based n a n thee (2 )H an thee pars are entined in the passage ?And hat are the ?Five The are the rld Par , hina Ethni ulture Par , ean Par in Hng ng , Disneland in alifrnia and Universal Studis in Flrida (3 ) hat d the pars have in n ?hat the all have in n is that the bine fun ith the pprtunit t learn sething (4)hat s the differene beteen a thee par and a traditinal auseent par ?Unlie traditinal auseent pars , thee pars ften ant t teah visitrs sething()hat s the riting sill f the text? The riter grasped the ain features f the desribed thee pars(二)As the Ss t read the text and get the ain ideas f eah paragraphT: Please read the te
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