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人教英语新课标必修 2 全册精品教案 (Unit 2 The Olympic Games)Part ne: Teahing Design (第一部分:教学设计)Perid 1: A lessn plan fr reading(AN INTERVIE)AisT tal abut the histr f the lpis gaesT read an intervie abut the lpi GaesPreduresI aring uparing up b sharingrning, everne! Tda e are ging t learn abut THE LPI GAES But first, Id lie t n h uh u n abut the lpis t be held in Beiing Anthing abut it is h, Li Lei, d u ant a tr?Right u n s uh abut the lpis Tad, ell learn re abut it in anient Greeearing up b desribingN, bs and girls Ill sh u a vide sh f the 28th lpi Gaes Please tell e hat it is abut and desribe it t the lass , ang Lin, please desribe it nderful Thats Liu Xiang The hurdle ing!aring up b disussingHi, lass u n ur untr is tring her best t prepare fr the 2008 lpi Gaes Ever ne is expeting and exited abut it Lets disuss hat e an d fr it And iagine hat e ill d at the 2008 lpisII Pre-reading1 Asing and anseringN, please read the three questins befre the Reading Lets d it in turn Lets begin fr the first r here, u did a gd b Lets suarize ur ansersFr referene: 1 In Suer lpis, there are running, siing, shting, restling, uping, ftball, basetball, vlleball, table tennis, thring, avelin, eight lifting, gnastis, bxing etIn inter lpis, there are siing sating, ie he, si uping, sledding, snbarding et2 The 29th lpi Gaes ill be held in Beiing n Auguster 18th, 2008 3 T hld the lpi Gaes is a rih prize fr a untr And it an ae a untr nn in the rld It an stiulate the untrs en, and help t speed up its develpent2 Iaging and intrduingPlease l at the three pitures in the reading Please tal abut the Iagine hatever u anFr referene: The first piture is the status f a great Gree His nae is Pausanias He as a faus traveler and riter in the send entur AD His Guide t Greee is an extreel prehensive guideb fr turists, nentrating n buildings, tbs and status and inluding a lt f infratin n the thlgial, religius and histrial bagrund t the nuents desribed It is s infrative that it a be alled the fundatin f lassial arhaelg and this anient Baedeer is still used as a guide t lassial Greee an u reeber a faus anient hinese traveler and riter? He als rte a b es, his nae is Xu Shae His rs is The Ntes f Xu Shaes travelsThe send piture is the pening eren f the lpi Gaes abe this is the priniple stadiu Its large and an hld thusands f audieneThe third piture is a hinese athlete naed ang ang She n a gld edal fr hina in the 2002 inter lpi Gaes She is a faus sating plaer3 Taling and Sharinge n there are an differenes and siilarities abut the anient and dern lpis D u n anthing abut the? u an sipl guess es, Lu, tr III Reading1 Reading alud t the rerding and finding the general ideaN please listen and read alud t the rerding f the text AN INTERVIE Pa attentin t the prnuniatin and intnatin as ell as the pauses ithin eah sentene Then tr t get the general idea f the passage Have u gt the ain idea? es, it tells us the differenes and the siilarities beteen the anient and dern lpis 2 Reading and atingN lets pla the parts f the Gree riter Pausanias and the hinese girl Li Li N bs, u are Pausanias; girls, u are Li Li Please pa attentin t the bld rds3 Reading and findingN read the text again The bs shall tr t finish the tas: hat as the anient lpis lie? The girls shall tr t finish the tas: hat is the dern lpis lie?4 Reading and lleting infratin, n lets read it silentl First lets tal abut the sae pints beteen the anient and dern lpis h an anser? An vlunteers? Then lets e t the differenesThe siilarities Bth are held ever fur ears Bth are held nt fr ne but fr hnur The beliefs are the sae The are: Sifter, Higher, and strnger en are alled t tae part bth in anient and dern lpis Se events are the sae, suh as running, uping, shting and thingThe Differenes There ere nt inter lpis in the past N petitrs are fr all ver the rld But in the anient tie, nl the peple in Greee uld tae part nl en ere alled t tae part in the past, n an are als alled In the past, inners gt the live reath as the prize N petitrs pete fr edals The events and athletes in dern tie are re than thse in the past There is a speial village fr the petitrs t live in, a stadiu fr petitins, a gnasiu fr these h ath the gaes n But there ere nt in the past)Reading and underliningNext u are t read and underline all the useful expressins r llatins in the passage p the t ur nteb after lass as herllatins fr AN INTERVIEtae part in, gld edals, the spirit f, be held, in rder t, hst the lpi Gaes, n a agial urne, find ut, the present da lpi Gaes, used t, rite abut, e t ur tie, be aditted as, t sets f, en peting in, pete against, fr the hnur f, reah the standard, be aditted t, pla a ver iprtant rle, as ell as, a stadiu fr petitins, as a atter f fat, pete fr, live reath, feel prud f, ae happ lsing dnlsing dn b ding exerise T end the lessn u are t d the prehending exerises 1 2 lsing dn b disussingu n ur gvernent has tried its best t pete fr hsting the
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