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仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案 6仁爱版初三英语上册全册教案 6参考答案:Unit 1 单元测试第一部分 听力1 BABA610 BB111 ABBA16dg 17three 18fll 19turn 20rng第二部分 笔试1 DBA 610 ABAA 111 DDBA1620 GFDE212 DDA 2630 DBAB(A)313 TTFFF(B)36disabled; uniatin37I nt nl red hard but als did ell in ever subet38H did u “tal” ith eah ther?39She tld e t g there as ften as pssible40 许多人关心残疾人,他们向救助基金会捐钱。()41 4 BADB(D)46The an be fund in Afria, Suth Aeria and se parts f Asia47Sevent-five perent /7%48Nt having enugh fd; living in pr husing; suffering fr an inds f diseases; getting little eduatin(答对其中两点即可)49es, there ill0 在发展中国家,超过十亿的人还生活在贫困线以下。(A)1develpent 2inventin 3quil 4diffiulties flded(B)6prvides; ith 47Thans t 8ade; prgress 9less than60eep/ath up ith61fr 62nn 63reahed 64untrside 6develped 66prefer 67eduatin 68ntrl 69uh 70serius范:(A)Dear Alie,Than u fr inviting e t tae part in ur birthda part Id lie t e, but ther is ill I have t sta at he t l after/tae gd are f her S I ant e Happ birthda t u!urs,ate(B)Hell, everne As e n, an Iraqis bee heless peple beause f the ar Se f the are hildren The used t be rih but n the lst ar huses and have n enugh fd t eat The hildren have n hane t g t shl The hard living nditins ade the heless hildren bee hild labrers hat d u thin f their bad life?Lets ae a nderful prgra t help these hildren return t live lie ther peple I thin e shuld all fr(呼吁) ending the ar e give supprt t these pr hild labrers thrugh raising ne S the an live in ar huses, get a gd eduatin and live a happ life e hpe there ill be siles n their faes If ud lie t in the prgra, please e t ur unit serviesUnit 2 单元测试(满分: 120 分;考试时间:100 分钟)题号第一部分第二部分总分得分第一部分:听 力(20 分) 听句子,选择与所听句子内容相符的图片。每个句子读一遍。(分)( ) 1 A B ( ) 2A B ( ) 3 A B ( ) 4 A B ( ) A B 听句子,选择正确应答语。每个句子读一遍。 (分)( ) 6 A Sine I as brnB Fur ties In t ees( ) 7 A Hes gne heB He ill g t his hetn Hes n the a he( ) 8 A Thell return next nthB Thell visit their parentsThere ding se shpping( ) 9 A N, I didntB es, I ent there last nth es, I ill( ) 10 A Its ver interestingB es, I d Its a big it 听对话,选择正确答案。每段对话读两遍。 (分)( ) 11 A ater pllutinB Light pllutin Air pllutin ( ) 12 A es, it isB N, it isnt I dnt n( ) 13 A hite pllutinB Nise pllutin Light pllutin( ) 14 A N, the antB es, the an I dnt n( ) A es, she desB N, she desnt Thats 听短,选择正确答案。短读两遍。 (分)( ) 16 A plant gets fd fr A anialsB the air its leaves( ) 17 hih f the fllings uses the ater and air t ae fd fr the plant?A The rtB The green lr in the leaves The sun ( ) 18 A plant has ver sall hles in its leaves A fr air t e inB fr ater t e in fr sunshine t e in ( ) 19 A plant an ae its fd hen it is a A sunn daB rain da lud da ( ) 20 Fr the text e n that peple ant get A anials ithut eatB fd ithut anials fd ithut plants 第二部分:笔 试(100 分) 单项选择。 (1 分)( ) 1 hat are u ging t d next eeend? I et D u have an gd ideas?A haven t deidedB nt deide have deidedD didnt deide( ) 2Trees an stp the sand tards the rih farland in the suthA t veB ve fr vingD ves( ) 3e shuld use sides f paperA allB eah neitherD bth( ) 4 H an girls are there in ur lass? In ur lass f the students are girlsA three fifthsB three fifth third fiveD third fifths( ) Hes never stlen anthing befre, he? It s his third tie t be taen t the plie statinA hasn t; esB is; es has; esD has; N( ) 6 hat a big bx! an I help u? N, thans Theres in it Its eptA nthingB nbd anthingD sething( ) 7 I thin e shuld rite a letter abut the pllutin the nespaper Lets beginA tB fr inD at( ) 8 hat terrible eather it is! that itll get rse laterA It is reprtedB It reprt It said It suppsed( ) 9English is ver iprtant u are suppsed it ellA t learnB learns learningD learned( ) 10 There are five peple in the r, but I n A bth f theB nne f the all f theD neither f the( ) 11 ur rain frests are , s e shuld prtet theA dangerusB in danger invisibleD in safet( ) 12 The little b is nl six ears ld, he an ae nderful del arsA sB r butD and( ) 13 His atins ade e angr sa a rdA s; thatB enugh; t t; ntD t; t( ) 14 D u ind sing here? L at the sign It sas “N Sing”A f urse ntB N, I dnt ud better ntD If u lie, u an( ) 1 Hell! uld I spea t r Liu, please? Srr He fr a nthA had been aaB as left has been aaD left 情景交际。 (分)从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项是多余的。A: Lu, h are u ging ut 16 ?B: That s the sund f a tru lleting rubbishA: D u ean u have t tae the rubbish t the tru?B: es u n 17 is ur dut e shuld help prtet the envirnentA: I agree 18 , e ust d sething arund the neighburhdB: Sure It is ur dut t eep the envirnent lean and tid If e ae a ntributin t prteting the envirnent, 19 A: Thats right e ush tr ur best t ae ur untr re beautiful S e shuld 20 t iprve the envirnentA befre listening t usiB the rld ill bee uh re beautifuld anthing usefulD after hearing the usiE herever liveF taing are f the envirnentG d sething useful16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 2 完形填空。 (10 分)a is a little shlb He lives in a sall tn in England His fathe
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