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仁爱英语七年级 Unit 1 Topic 2 学案仁爱英语七年级 Unit 1 Tpi 2 学案仁爱版英语七年级学案Unit 1 Tpi 2一、知识目标【重要短语】be fr = e fr 自 in English 用英语telephne nuber 电话号【重点句型】here are u fr? = here d u e fr?I fr hina = I e fr hina Are u fr hina? = D u e fr hina? A I in Ne r? es, u are N, u arentAre u fr the USA? es, I a N, I a nt / es, e are N, e arent Is she aria? es, she is Is he T? N, he isntIs it b? es, it is N, it isnt Are the fr England? es, the are N, the arent here are u fr? I fr hina I hinesehere is she / he fr? She / He is fr apan here are the fr? There fr Franehere is Beiing? Its in hina h is he / she? He is ihael/ She is ane h are the / u? The are teahers / e are aria and ane / I a Diana 【重要语法】1 肯定句基本语序:主语谓语(be+表语)主谓一致:主语是第三人称单数,be 用“is” ; 主语不是第三人称单数,be 用“are”(I 除外、用“a”)2 一般疑问句一般说,把肯定句中的“be”提到句首,句末加“?” 。例如: Is she aria? es, she is Is he T? N, he isnt 特殊问句特殊问句= 特殊疑问词+ 一般问句语序?例如: here is Beiing? Its in hina h is he / she? He is ihael/ She is ane 二 要点讲评1 in English 是一个介词短语,意思是“用英语” ,其中介词 in 指“ 用某种语言”。如:in hinese 用汉语。 “in +语言” 表示“用 语言”的意思。 例如:an u sing this sng in English? 你能用英语唱这首歌吗?2 Spell it, pleaseSpell it, please 是 an u, please?句型的省略形式。当询问对方能否干什么或对方会不会干什么时,用这一句型。这是一个一般疑问句,用升调,表示请求。意思是“请你可以吗?”an u spell,please?请你把 拼读一下可以吗?若作肯定回答时则先用es, I an 若作否定回答,则通常用 N, I ant 或 I srr, I ant 意思是“对不起,我不会。 ”例如:an u spell ur nae, please? 你能拼写你的名字吗?es, I an -I-, i 是的,我能。吉姆。an u spell “English”, please?你能拼写出“English”这个单词吗? N, I ant(I srr, I ant) 不,我不能。 3 pleaseplease 一词可以用在祈使句中也可以用在疑问句中,它可以放在句首也可以放在句末,而用在疑问句中则只能放在句末,前面加逗号,please 在特殊疑问句中的意思相当于中的“请问?” 这样显得更有礼貌,更为客气。在一般疑问句中,please 实际上起一个语气词的作用,表示有礼貌,客气地提出请求或询问。例如:hats this, please? 请问这是什么?an u spell ur nae, please? 你能拼写一下你的名字吗?三、典型例解( )1 here _ the fr?There fr hinaA isB a are分析: 本题考查 a, is, are 与人称代词的搭配, 可由一句口诀“我是a, 你是 are, is 跟着他她它”记忆,the 是“他们”的意思,是第三人称复数后面接 are,故选。( )2 _ ur nae? nae is ateA hatsB hat here分析:A 由答语 nae is ate 可知是在问名字, 故可排除, 同时该问句中应该有 be 动词, 故选 A。( )3 Is she aria?N, she _A isB isnt arent分析:B 本题考查一般疑问句的否定回答, be 动词+主语?是一般疑问句的句式, 它的回答要用 es 后加肯定或 N 后加否定。因为有 N,先排除 A, 由 she 可知选 B。( )4 _, are u r ang?es, I aA FineB Please Exuse e分析: Fine 表示身体健康的;美好的;天气晴朗以及表示满意等;Please 用于客气的请求或吩咐以及表示客气的接受和加强陈述的语气等;Exuse e 意为“ 请问 , 打扰了、对不起” 等, 常用于引起别人注意、问路、请求让路或打听消息等, 由语境可知选。( ) Are the fr anada?N, the _A areB arent isnt分析:B 本题考查一般疑问句的否定回答,由 the 可知选 B。( )6 hats _ telephne nuber?It s 826-3412A uB ur 分析:B u 表示“ 你,你们 ”作主语;ur 表示“ 你的/ 你们的”作形容词性物主代词,此句是问你的电话号码是多少, 故选 B。( )7 _ are the?The are XiaLi and aneA hB hat here分析:A 本题考查疑问代词的用法。hat 表示“ 什么,怎么样”; here 表示“在哪里,往哪里”;而 h 表示“谁 ”。由答语他们是 aria 和ane 可知选 A。( )8 ar _ fr ubaA isB a are分析: A 本题考查 a, is, are 的用法。ar 为第三人称单数, 故选A。( )9 “ne ne zer” 表示 _。A 火警 B 匪警 急救中心分析:B 火警 119, 匪警 110, 急救中心 120。ne ne zer 翻译成 110, 故选 B。( )10 Is he Li Ping?es, _A IB hes he is分析: 一般疑问句的简单肯定回答中没有缩略式, 故选。四 评价作业一根据句子意思写出单词,单词的首字母已给出。1 here are u f_?2 The are fr _3 I a t_ I at shl4 He is fr hina H_ nae is angangHer nae is aria S_ is fr uba6 _ is Beiing?Its here二A 根据所给汉语提示填空。1 _u_(自 ) anada?N, I nt2 here is she fr?She_(自 ) hina3 Gd evening -_(晚上好 )!4_ _(这是) ang Fen He is_(一个教师)B 根据要求完成句子1 nae is ane (对划线部分提问)_ _ ur nae?2 He is ui (改为一般疑问句 )_?3 I Zhu eilun ( 改为同义句)_ _ _ Zhu eilun4 Is she ang ei ?(作肯定回答)_, _三用 a, is , are 填空1 I _fr hina2 Her nae_ ane3 The_ in England4_ u fr ashingtn D ?She _a dtr6 Are u fr apan? es, I _7 He _a teaher8 His nae _ ihael9 _he a student?N, he isnt10 hat_ her nae?四单项选择( )1 hats _nae?A he B hi her D she( )2 r Bla_ fr the U S AA is B are a D des( )3 aria and ane_ fr apanA is B are a D in( )4 here is Naning?Its _iangsuA in B n at D fr( ) Are u ane?A es, I B es, I a I a D I( )6 _ are u fr?I fr NaningA h B here hat D H( )7 _is his nae?A h B here hat D H( )8 Is she ate?A es, she isnt B N, she is es, she is D N, she arent( )9 I a_ hinaA t B fr at D fr( ) 10 _is in anadaA Trnt ( 多伦多 ) B T ( 东京) Ne r D uba( )11 here_ the fr?aria_ fr uba and ane _fr anadaA is; is; is B are; is; areare; is; is D are; are; are( ) 12 here is ashingtn D ?Its in_A hina B apan Australia D Aeria( )13 Gd afternn!A Gd afternn! B Gd evening! Hell! D Hi!( ) 14 _here are u fr?I fr ZhuzhuA Gd rning, B Gd evening,Exuse e, D Nie t eet u,五从 B 栏中找出与 A 栏各句相应的答语A B( ) 1 Are u fr the U S A ? A N, hes Zhu eilun( )2 Is she ane? B es, she is( )3 here are u fr? N, the arent( )4 here is he fr? D His nae is ihael( ) Is he T? E N, I fr anada( )6 hats his nae? F There fr Ne r( )7 Are the fr England? G He is fr Beiing( )8 here is Naning? H ere fr hina(
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