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仁爱英语七年级下册案全册教案 3(表扬学生, 让学生感到学习的快乐。)(板书生词 esterda 并要求掌握。)esterdaStep 3 nslidatin 第三步 巩固(时间:1 分钟)巩固 1a, 掌握语音和语调。进一步理解对话。1 (再放 1a 录音, 学生跟读并用铅笔标出重读与语调。)T: N listen t the tape again and ar the stress and intnatin ith ur penil(板书生词。理解 ertainl;掌握 en neself。)ertainl, en neself2 (先自读一遍对话, 然后跟录音机一起读。)T: First, Ill give u ne inute t read the dialg(大声朗读并根据黑板上的关键词理解整个对话。)T: Fll the tape3 (人机对话。然后交换角色再对话一遍。)T: N lets ae a nversatin ith the tape Suppse the tape is Ben and u are ane4 (学生阅读 1a,完成 1b 中的 A。教师在已板书的动词短语旁加上施动者的人名。)(板书 )ane Helen Sall T ihael angang a aria(根据板书, 两人一组表演 1a,需要记的部分可自己组织语言。) T:r in pairs, lse ur bs and l at the blabard, then at ut the dialgS1:H as angangs birthda part?S2:It as ver nie6 (根据板书,结合 1a 和 2,复述康康的生日聚会,完成 1b 的 B部分。强调动词过去式的运用。)Step 4 Pratie 第四步 练习(时间:10 分钟)巩固 2,掌握规则动词的过去式。1 (让学生根据 2 的节目单, 两人一组对话。进一步掌握句型 Did u?)T:N lets d ral r in pairs L at the prgra list in 2 and ae nversatins ithur partner lie this:(示意两名学生作示范。)S1:Hi, aria Did u g t angang s part?S2:es, I didS1:Did u pla the guitar?S2:N, I didnt I plaed the pianT: Read? G!2 (教师板书一些变化规则的动词,让学生试着写出它们的过去式。)pla iss ash use lie dane arr tr shp planStep Pret 第五步 综合探究活动(时间:分钟 )通过游戏巩固一般过去式, 同时联系实际加以运用。1 (完成 3。)T: Lets pla this gae Suppse u are ne f angangs friends At and let ur partner guess hat u did at angangs part2 (家庭作业。)(1)(注意观察、总结动词过去式有什么变化规则。)(2)(根据自己过生日的情景, 做一个报告。)T: rite a reprt abut ur birthda part u an begin lie this: Here is a reprt abut h I spent birthda疑点探究做节目单时, 一般用 guitar plaing 而不说 plaing the guitar。此时, guitar plaing 为复合名词。Setin BSetin B needs 1 perid Setin B 需用 1 时。The ain ativities are 1a and 2a 本重点活动是 1a 和 2a。 Ais and deands 目标要求1 Learn se ne rds and phrases:fall, ash, at ne, happen, stand up, e ba, vide gae, truth, everne, had, tell a lie, angr 2 Tal abut past eventsI issed the hair and fell dnDid u hurt urself ?hat tie did u e ba he last night, ud?3 Blae and plaintH uld u lie t e?h did u e ba s late?h didnt u tell e the truth?4 PraiseIt as nderfulSurpriseReall? Teahing aids 教具图片/录音机/挂图 Five-finger Teahing Plan 五指教学方案Step 1 Revie 第一步 复习(时间:分钟)复习生日聚会上的功能用语,导入 1a。(方案一 : 此方案知识性强, 要求学生一定要熟悉上节的内容。)(用 Setin A, 1a 复习康康生日晚会的情况 , 引出康康生日的另一项活动。)T: At angangs birthda part hat did his friends d?(教师手拿图片, 正面是人物, 背面是动词短语 , 和学生一同回忆在康康的生日晚会上他们都做了哪些活动。)Ss:Helen reited a hinese pe ane sang a sng Sall daned T perfred agi trisT:ure right After that, angang plaed a gae naed usial hairs ith his lassates D u ant t n hat happened t ihael? N lets listen t the nversatin ang ihael, ane, angang and aria(板书 happen 并要求掌握。)happen(方案二 : 该方案活动性强, 易于提高学习兴趣, 可使学生迅速进入角色。)(以 usial hairs 游戏铺垫 1a 对话。事先组织学生在教室的空地上放好五把椅子, 让六个学生做游戏, 看谁最后获胜。完成 3。)T: Tda ell pla a gae naed usial hairs Listen t the usi, and run arund the hairs hen the usi stps, sit dn n the hair beside u The ne h isses the hair has t leave the gae ith ne hair Then the gae ges n this a until there are t peple left peting fr ne hair The ne h sits n the last hair is the innerT: N stp! is the inner lap ur hands fr hi/her G ba t ur seat At angangs birthda part, angang als plaed this gae ith his friends D u ant t n h lst the gae? And hat happened t ihael? N lets listen t the nversatin arefull(板书 happen 并要求掌握。)happen(过渡到下一步。)Step 2 Presentatin 第二步 呈现(时间:分钟)呈现 1a, 理解内容, 有针对性地回答问题。1 (设置并板书听力任务, 让学生带着任务听 1a 录音。)(1) h issed the hair?(2) Did he hurt hiself ?(3) hat did he d next?T: N lets listen t the tape and then anser the questins n the blabard2 (听完录音, 回答问题, 然后核对答案。)T:! N lets he the ansers(板书生词。理解 uh;掌握 fall, ash, at ne。)uh, fall, ash, at ne3 (学生说出短中的关键词和短语, 教师一边补充说明一边板书。)issed the hairfell dnhurt urselfhandsashrStep 3 nslidatin 第三步 巩固(时间:10 分钟)巩固 1a, 表演并应用。1 (再听 1a 录音, 看黑板上的重点单词和词组并跟读。)T: L at the e rds and phrases n the blabard Listen t the tape again and fll it2 (纠正语音和语调。)T: Fll the tape Pa attentin t ur prnuniatin and intnatin3 (让学生自己读两分钟对话。)T: N read the nversatin f 1a b urselves n page 71 Ill give u t inutes4 (看黑板上的关键词和短语, 四人一组, 脱离书本,根据自己的理解和记忆表演 1a, 也可加入自己的语言、情感, 为用而学, 学以致用。)(1)T: r in grups f fur lse ur bs, and l at the e rds and phrases n the blabard At ut the dialg(2)T: L at the pitures, get the e sentenes, and then ae nversatins in grups(培养合作精神。此步骤可根据实际情况选用。)Step 4 Pratie 第四步 练习(时间:1 分钟)完成 1b。听 2a 录音回答问题 , 并练习对话。1 (让学生独立完成 1b, 培养自主学习的能力。)T:N r alne D 1b b urselves, and he the stateents t n hat happened t ihael at the partSs:ihael issed the hair and fell dn He as and ashed his hands(板书生词并要求掌握。)stand, stand up2 (学生根据 1a 挂图和关键词复述对话, 培养语言迁移能力。)T: ae a reprt t retell the str, u an begin lie this:At angangs birthda part, the plaed a gae3 (我们知道了迈克尔在康康生日晚会上 usial hairs 游戏中的遭遇, 下面我们再了解一下朱迪昨晚做了些什么, 又遇到了什么事。看图, 或自做一幅图片让学生猜究竟发生了什么。)T: At angangs birthda part, e n ihael issed the hair and fell dn, but hat happened t ud last night? L at the piture an u guess?4 (由图片上的目标语言猜出了朱迪晚归, 从而导出 blae and plaint。)(1)(设置并板书听力任务, 让学生带着任务听 2a 录音并回答问题。)Did ud g t pla vide gaes last night?(2)(板书关键词组。)T: L at the e phrases n the
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