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四年级英语下册第五模块 Module 5 Size 教学设计第五模块 dule Size教学目标1、rds and phrases: ldlder ungunger strngstrnger than 2、Sentenes: Sa is shrter than Lingling Beiing is bigger than Tianin3、Taling abut parisns教学重点与难点1rds and phrases: ldlder ungunger strngstrnger than 2Sentenes: Sa is shrter than Lingling Beiing is bigger than Tianin教学设想请学生回家制作一套配有简笔画的单词卡片,以表现人或事物特性的形容词为主要内容,例如“ldungfatthintalllngshrtbigsallstrng”等,作为开张接龙游戏的道具。组织学生利用学过的单词开展小组比赛,看哪个组说的句子最多。请学生通过查看地图、地理书和上网查询等方式,找出中国境内最长的河流和最高的峰,比较北京和天津的 大小、长城和颐和园的历史,为第二单元做好学习准备。请学生回家制作道具或简笔画卡片,内容包括衣物、鞋帽、日常用品等,提醒学生将物品画成不同的颜色,标注不同的号码和 尺寸,为第二单元的 学习做准备。题dule Unit 1:As taller than Lingling时新授教学目标1 Be able t pare size: As taller than LinglingI lder than linglingIs sa strnger than lingling?2 Listen t the tape and sa教学重难点Be able t pare and desribe the differents beteen t peple准备a rerder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iarer 1Tell the students that u are ging t give the se instrutins and the have t d hat u sa2D an exaples ith the lass and use the gae t revise vabularae sure that the students an fll the instrutins hile seatedIINe teahing3 befre listeningThe students have t d hat the teaher saHave the students ntinue the ativit in pairsPrepair fr the ne lessnInrease the pupils happ feelings教师活动学生活动设计意图t students e t the frnt f the lassStand the next t eah therand sa h is taller4 Listen t the tape and read after itN have anther pairs e t the frnt hse a petent student and have hi/her ae the parisn4D re exaples ith ther pairs f studentsT students e t the frnt f the lass The thers shuld sa h is tallerListen t the tape and read after itpare t students h is taller/sgulter/unger/lder?This an help thepratise ralListen t the tape again and again T inrease the pupils; listening abilit后反思nl a fe pupils ant sa the anversatin ell The have t pratise re 板书设计: dule Unit 1:As taller than Linglingtall taller题Unit 2:Beiing is bigger than Tianing时拓展教学目标1Be able t sa:The hanging River is lnger than the ell River 2Listen t the tape and read after it教学重难点Be able t pare and desribe t things准备a rerderpitures教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iarer1Pla a gae :I an pla ith an naes,Dra a irle n the dardIn the irle,randl rite the naes f se anials 2Befre ding Ativit1,rite the flling n the bard:big fat thinIn a separate grup rite:high lng sallIINe lessn 1Tell the students I ging t all ut ne abetive and the have t allThe students have t thing f sentenes t pare the anials Eah tie the sa a sentene ,the have t g t the bard and dra a line t nnet the t anials tgetherThe students have t sa the parative fr f the rdPa re attentin fr the lassPratise the pupils abilities f speaingBe able t learn t sa the parative教师活动学生活动设计意图the rd2Have the students d this ativit in pairs3Listen t the tape and read after it4Listen t sa:The hangiang River is lnger than the ell Riverunt Qlanga is higher than unt Tai r in pairsListen t the tapeThe Great all is lder than the Suer PalaeBeiing is bigger than TianingThis an have the students help eah therT iprve the pupils listening后反思Stud atsphere is ver high nl a fe pupils ral English needs t praties re板书设计:Unit 2:Beiing is bigger than Tianingbig bigger high higherld lderlng lnger题Size时综合教学目标1Be able t sa:Is 2 shuter than 1?es,it is 1 is lnger than 2I taller than xiaxia ,et2Learn t sa the pe教学重难点Be able t pare t peple r t things准备a rerder教学过程教师活动学生活动设计意图Iarer1Devide the students int se grups Fur students are a grup Eah ne sas a sentene2r in pairs Eah pairs shuld prepares a quiz abut hina using parativesIINe teahing1Get the students t l at the b he the n r reeber the rdsHave eah sudents sa ne senteneAs and anser in pairsHave the students l at the piture and desribe itThis an g ver the last dialgueI prve the abilities f speaingBe able t prnune the rds rightl教师活动学生活动设计意图2Pla the spren versn f the pe and get students t tepeat the rds3hile reading ut the rds d sall ies t help the students understand the eaning4at it ut :I taller than Pla a gae Is lder than u?Listen t the tape and repeat the peHave the students sa“I taller than ”ne b neThis an iprve the students hearingT be interested in studing English后反思st f the pupils an sa dialgue ver ell But senes prnuniatin needs t pratise板书设计:Sizethan 比较级I taller than xiaxia
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