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八年级英语上册 Unit11 教案八年级英语上册 Unit11 教案八上 Unit 11一词组:1tae ut (tae it ut)拿出;取出 2d/ash the dishes 洗餐具 3seep the flr 拖地板(sept,sept) 4ae nes bed / ae the bed 整理床铺 r n 从事,忙于 6 d hres/huser 做家务;处理琐事 7 tae are f 照看,照顾 8 d the laundr =d se/ the ashing 洗衣服 9 feed sb ith sth 用喂某人 feed sth t sb 把喂给某人 / feed n 以为食 (fed, fed)10hate t d sth 讨厌做某事(具体的事) hate ding sth 讨厌做某事(习惯)11 brrfr 从借入 lendt 把借出二重点句子:1uld u please fld the lthes? es, sure/ Srr, I ant I have t请你叠衣服好吗?可以,没问题。/ 对不起,我不能。我得2uld I invite friends t a part? es, u an / N, u ant我可以邀请我的朋友聚会吗?可以。/不可以。 3D u lie t seep the flr? N, I dnt 你喜欢扫地吗?不,我不喜欢。4I dnt lie aing the bed beause its bring 我不喜欢整理床铺,因为它无聊。I hate se hres, but I lie ther hres 我讨厌一些家务活,但我喜欢另一些家务活。6Have fun! See u next ee 祝你玩的开心。下周见。7Thans fr taing are f dg 谢谢照顾我的狗。8 gets reall angr hen I frget t lean r 我忘了打扫房间的时候妈妈就会生气。三句型转换:1 ud better tae ut the trash(否定)ud better _ _ ut the trash2 She as late esterda beause she as ill= She as late esterda _ _ her illness3 Dnt frget t tae an ubrella = _ _ tae an ubrella4 u tae are f dg hen I as nt at he Than u=Than u fr _ _ _ dg hen I as nt at he四综合测试: a 基础练习:1i desnt lie ding the hres beause the are nt interesting _ _ i _ ding the hres?2 D u need _ (have) a rest?3 Thans a lt fr _ ( give)us s uh gd advie4 Dnt frget _ (bu) se drins and snas ther hates _ (ath) ftball athes and she hates father _ (ath) theb 中考链接:1 There is n need t than e =u _ _ _ than _ 2 汤姆放弃了他的工作,现在在从事一部小说的写作工作。T _ _ his r, n hes _ _ a ne nvel 4 我打算住进一所新房子。我需要一些帮助I _ _ _ _ a ne huse I need se _ 补全对话:and: e n , Steve _ Steve: ait a ent _ and: Steve: B the a, an e give sister a ride he tnight? and: Sure_ Steve: es She ants t tae se pitures and : Steve: eah She ants t r fr a nespaper seda and: But I thin it ight be hard fr her t sueed A ell ,she alas ens sprts gaes, desnt she? B I didt n Eva as interested in phtgraph There are a lt f phtgraphers ut there D u ean she s ing t the gae, t? E I ust have t lse up the shp F It s tie t g G Evas lsing the dr初三英语第一轮复习八上 Unit 12一词组:1radi statin 无线电台 2talent sh 才艺表演 3 d a surve f the reader 在读者中做调查4 pla the st interesting usi 播放最有趣的音乐 as fr vie theaters 至于电影院6 the funniest persn I n 我所认识的最风趣的人7 in the prize fr the best perfrer 获得最佳演员奖8 pla a beautiful pian piee 演奏一曲优美的钢琴曲9dane ithut usi 没有音乐伴奏跳舞 10the ludest usial grup 最响亮的音乐组合11in nrthern/suthern hina 在中国北方/南方 12ut their pries 打折,降价13 need se re atrs fr the talent sh 才艺表演还需要几位演员二重点句子:1It has the biggest sreens 最大的屏幕 friendliest servie 最热情的服务st frtable seats 最舒适的座位best/rst qualit lthe 质量最好/差的衣服rst usi 最差的音乐It is the lsest t he 它离家最近2 hats the best lthing stre in tn ?没城里最好的服装店是哪家?3 It has reall bad servie 它服务质量实在太差4This inea has better/rse servie than that ne 这家影院的服务质量比那家好/差h d u thin is the st reative perfrer?你认为谁是最具创意 的演员?6The prize fr the funniest at ent t Steve Tian 最有趣奖由 Steve Tian所获得。7Last ees talent sh as a great suess 上周的才艺表演取得了巨大成功。三综合测试 a 基础练习1 写出比较级和最高级strng _ _ lse _ _ friendl_ _ ht _ _ bring _ _ ppular _ _bad/badl/ill _ _ gd/ell _ _ little _ _ far _ _ an/uh _ _2 I thin ath is the_(iprtant) f all the subets3 In fail, ther is_(bus)4 He thins the puter is thesend_(useful) inventinI thin a runs fastest in his lass = Nbd else an run _ _ he in his lass6 Beiing , the apital f hina, is ne f _ities in the rldA the biggest B bigger uh bigger D big7 至于这个旅馆,它很舒适而且距离海只有数英里远。_ _ the htel, it is ver _ and nl iles _ _ the seab 中考链接1 e did a surve f se readers (否定句)e _ _ a surve f _ readers2 This is _ gift I have ever reeived I lve it ver uh A the best B better rse D the rst3 Dnt rr He is _ t tae are f little BettA arefull enugh B enugh areful areful enugh4asn s 的服装质量比 Trend Teens 差asn s has _ _ lthes than Trend Teens他不辞而别He left _ _ gdbe初三复习八下 Units 1-2基础知识巩固I 词组1)fall in lve ith 爱上(某人和某物2)the sae as 与。 。 。同样3)eep ut 不让 进入4) 和某人相处得好 get n ell ith)argue ith sb abut sth 就某事于某人谈论6)e true 实现 7)ut f stle 不时髦的,过时的8)all sb up 打电话给(某人)9)pa fr 付。 。 。帐10)pare ith/t 对比。比较 11)n the ne hand;n the ther hand(在 )一方面在另一方面12)fit int 找到时间(做某事)13)as as pssible 尽可能II 句型 1 ill there be feer trees in the future ? N, there nt 未将会有更少的树吗?不,将不会的2 hats rng?=hats the atter ? 怎么了?3 hat shuld I d ? u uld rite hi a letter 我该做什么? 你可以给他写信基础知识 I 用所给词的适当形式填空1thers Da is ing I _(bu) a gift fr ther2Everne else _(be) at the part last Sunda exept_(I)3Shall e invite the alien _
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