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2003 年考研胡敏预测英语范文 14 篇 A如何是作文的时态简单化,以最大程度地避免错误?参加国际上的任何一场考试,只要是写英语作文,主体上应该是一般现在时态;只有当你提到具体的、过去的、某一事件段发生的具体的某一件事情作为例证时,可以一般过去时。中心时态是简单的一般现在时。 图画作文以下四篇背诵文章解决该类题型:第一:对图画进行描述:第二:透过画面点出图画的寓意;第三:发表议论、提出问题方法和建议。P102 Exerise 7Fill in the blans ith apprpriate rds(背诵第一篇)As is shn in the pitures, (Fr the pitures, e an see lear that) ith the inrease f erial fishing, the nuber f fishes draatiall dereased In ne piture, there ere varius inds f fish and nl ne fishing-bat in 1900 n the ntrar, in 199 there as nl ne fish, ith an fishing-batsThe purpse f this piture is t sh us that due attentin has t be paid t the deline f ean resures ing t verfishing the nuber f fishes has bviusl drpped If e let this situatin g/ntinue as it is, e d nt n here fish ill be in the future B that tie, ur envirnent ill suffer a great destrutinTherefre, it is iperative fr us t tae drasti easures Fr ne thing, e shuld appeal t ur authrities t ae strit las t ntrl erial fishing Fr anther, e shuld enhane the aareness f peple that the ean resures are ver vital t us nl in this a an e prtet ur ean resures Als I believe that e huans an vere this diffiult, and e ill have a brighter future(背诵第一篇) P2 范文十Diretins:沙进我退,我进沙退 A Stud the flling artn arefull and rite an essa in abut 200 rdsB ur essa ust be ritten learl n ANSER SHEET ur essa shuld eet the requireents bel:1 Desribe the artn(对图画进行描述) and the essage nveed(透过画面点出图画的寓意)2 Dra a nlusin and give ur ent n the artn(发表议论、提出问题方法和建议) (背诵 2)Fr the pitures, e an see learl the relatinship beteen peple and the deserts In the first piture, peple are fleeing fr greed sand hills beause the ut dn all the trees The aptin reads: As the sand advanes, e retreat In the send piture, the peple have returned arring tls, ater and ung trees t plant the land again The aptin reads: As e advane, the sand retreats(描述)It sees t e that the artnist is sending a essage abut the iprtane f trees in ater and sil nservatin, and the need fr everne t fight against the danger f desertifiatin In fat, hat he is saing is if e d nt fight against the sandhills, the sandhiills ill drive us aa fr the land (In fat, hat he is saing is that the sandhills ill drive us aa fr the land if e d nt fight against the) If e let this situatin g as it is, ur envirnent ill suffer a great destrutin (寓意)The best a t fight ba against the greed desert is ade lear in the send piture There the lal peple are ativel setting abut the tas f planting trees t relai(改造 ) the land and ae it(代词的使用) fertile The fat that(同位语)there are three peple in the piture eah ith a different b(逻辑独立主谓结构,介词短语表示动态概念), suggest that (事实说明)ring tgether is the e t suess in the battle against sil ersin(措施、建议)(背诵 2) ? Tda, the earths deserts are spreading and getting larger and desertifiatin is a serius prble faing the rld The ar reasn fr this is irrespnsible utting dn f trees As is shn in the first artn, hen peple ut dn trees desert fres n and bees irrepressiblePeple ut dn trees fr varius reasns but the a frget that trees pla a vital part in ater and sil nservatin Trees an preserve isture and fertilit in the sil, prtet sil against ersin and prevent fertile land fr being desert Therefre hen peple ut dn all f the trees, the earth lies bare and dr in the ht sun, and desert is inevitableDesertifiatin an lead t an ther serius prbles hih a threaten the existene f huan beings, suh as a redutin f arable land, terrible drughts and faine In rder t prevent desertifiatin, peple have t plant trees, as the send artn shs The tie hen peple plant trees is the tie hen desert retreats Peple shuld nt ut dn trees an re, as is dne in the first artn, but rather, the shuld plant re trees, and nl in this a an desertifiatin be finall defeated P23:范文八隐形杀手 Diretins:A Stud the flling artn arefull and rite an essa in abut 200 rdsB ur essa ust be ritten learl n ANSER SHEET ur essa shuld eet the requireents bel:1 Desribe the artn and the essage nveed2 Dra a nlusin and give ur ent n the artn 背诵 3Pllutin is being re and re serius all ver the rld As is shn in the artn, t ars are giving ff aste gas and three peple are tring t avid breathing in the pisnus gas b asing their fae ith their hands The pisnus gas sent ff b fatries, desti applianes and autbiles has ade the air unhealth fr peple t breathe(对图画进行描述) There is n dening that autbiles are indiatins f ivilizatin, prgress and develpent; nevertheless, autbiles ause the serius prble f air pllutin Sientists have arned that unless effetive easures are taen, the prble f pllutin ill eventuall get ut f hand Atuall, peple are shing a real nern ver the prble Fr exaple, there is an inreasingl lud vie fr the publi(公众) fr fir atin against pllutin fr autbiles(寓意)Indeed, the earth is ur he and e have the dut t tae are f it fr urselves and fr ur desendants In pinin, e shuld r ut nrete slutins t the prble f pllutin fr pisnus gas given ff b autbiles Fr exaple, the autbiles shuld be equipped ith a devie hih an dispse f aste gas s as t prevent it fr plluting air nl in this a an
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