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2014 新目标七年级英语下学期 unit8-10 复习测试题2014 新目标七年级英语下学期 unit8-10 复习测试题一、选择题。 (每小题 1 分,共 1 分)( )1 Peter desnt lie apples, hien _ uttnA and B ith r D f( )2Is there a librar near here? es, _A here is B the are it is D there is( )3 I dnt n ur English teaher Is she shrt r _?A ute B thin tall D Fat( )4 e need _nin and t tates fr dinnerA a B an the D 不填( ) _is the pa phne? Its next t the pst ffieA hen B h here D h( )6The librar is_the pst ffie and the superaretA ang B beteen n D Arss( )7 D u n the girl ver there?es She alas _a pair f glassesA put n B ear puts n D ears( )8hn is a ne student fr Hng ngNbd _hiA ns B nning D t n( )9e all lie listening t usi and_gaesA plaing B pla t pla D Plas( )10hat _ bl f ndles uld u lie? Large, pleaseA prie B ind size D lr( )11She is gd-ling _lng bla hair She is _ a red dressA has; has B ith; nhas; ears D ith; earing( )12I dnt lie the shirt Please give e_A ther B the ther anther D ne( )13 a I have ur rder? _A N, u ant B Have a gd tie u, t D Id lie se rie, please( )14 _? Beef ndlesA H uh are the beef ndles D hat size uld u lie B H abut beef ndles hat ind f ndles uld u lie ( )1 uld u lie se duplings? _A es, please B Its interesting ure ele DN prble二、完形填空。 (每小题 1 分,共 1 分)r hite rs in a iddle shl He 16 English He is friendl t his 17 and the als lie hi He spends 18 tie n his r He ften des se reading and riting hen hes 19 , he is als ver bus S he ant help his ife d an 20 The an is alas angr ith hiIt s Saturda Their daughter ate is 21 her her in her bedr rs hite finds her 22 is ut She hpes her daughter ill sa shes 23 than her husband She gives an apple t ate and ass,“ 24 is leverer, ur father r I?”an u guess hat the girls 2 is?“I the leverest in ur fail!”ate sas ithut thining( )16 A studiesB athes teahes D reads( )17 A friendsB students rers D drivers( )18 A anB little se D uh( )19 A at heB at r in bed Din the lassr( )20 A ashing B ing leaning D huser( )21 A aing B ding finding D ling( )22 A ther B brther husband D teaher( )23 A gd B better bad D rse( )24 A h B hse h D hat( )2 A pla B sing anser D Thin三、阅读理解(每小题 2 分,共 40 分)(A)aren is a telveld girl She has a sister and her nae is ara ara is ten ears ldTnight, aren and ara ant t ae dinner fr the fail The ant t ae pizza beause all their fail lie it The need t bu the ingredients (原料) fr the pizza S, their dad drives the t the superarethen the get t the superaret, aren and ara l fr the ingredients Sn the get all f the and g t pa fr the The are 30 dllarsThe put the ingredients in the ar Their dad drives the hehen the get he, aren and ara tae the ingredients ut f the ar The tae the t the ithenIn the ithen, the lean the vegetables Then, the ut the vegetables Next, the tae ut the rust (面包皮) The put the ingredients n tp f the rust Finall the put the pizza in the ven (烤箱)The tae the pizza ut f the ven in thirt inutes“The pizza sells gd!” sas their ther“e thin s!” sa aren and araThe fail are happ, and the eat the pizza fr dinner根据材料内容判断正(T)误(F) 。( )26 aren and ara are the sae age( )27 aren and ara lie eating pizza, but their parents dnt( )28 aren and ara g t the superaret b bus( )29 aren and ara pa 30 dllars fr the ingredients fr the pizza( )30 aren and ara the pizza fr half an hur in the ven(B)根据下面的地图寻找正确路线和目的地,完成选择填空题。注意每次都以圈 A 作为出发点。( )31al up the street and turn left at the first rssing Then turn left again at the next rssing The_is a fe eters n ur leftA ban B llege pst ffie D shp( )32 al up the street nl a fe eters Tae the first turning n the right The _is n ur leftA pst ffie B ban huse D restaurant( )33 al up the street and tae the send turning n the right The_is n ur right half-a dn this streetA inea B bus stp sque huseD heists( )34 Tae the first turning n the right Then tae the next left and al up the street The_is n the right ust after the send rssingA huse B ban buthersD inea( )3 Turn right first Then turn left al up this street and turn left at the third rssing The_is half-a dn the street n the leftA shp B ban inea D Huse()rs Brn is ver fat (胖)“Dnt eat eat r aes,”her dtr sas t her“I ging t stp her eating the, dtr,” her husband (丈夫) sasThe next rning, rs Brn aes a nie ae, and her husband eats half f it After he ges ut, rs Brn uts (切) a ver sall piee f the ae and eats it It is ver gd She uts a bigger piee and eats it In a fe inutes she finishes the ae“ husband is ging t be ver angr (生气),”she sas“hat a I ging t d?”She aes anther ae ver quil, eats half f that, and leaves half n the tableHer husband es ba later He sees the half f the ae n the table and he is ver happ( )36 The dtr tells rs Brn nt t eat eat r aes beause_A rs Brn lies the B eat and aes an ae her fatterr Brn tells the dtr t sa s D eat and aes are nt gd fd( )37 The next rning rs Brn aes a ae fr_A her husband B her hildren her sister D the dtr38 r Brn eats_t
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