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人教新课标英语必修 3 全册教案(Unit2 Healthy eating)Unit2 Health eatingTeahing Ais f this unit 1 Tal abut health eating 2 aing suggestins r giving advie n diet 3 Distinguish the eanings f dal verbs 4 ae a balaned enu Vabular: 6fiber,digestin,bean,sli,urisit,lie,debt,glare,liit,benefit,ite,prtetive get rid f, thr aa, get aa ith, tell lies, earn nes living in debt ,set ut run nes business ,arr n 7 Speaing: Pratie taling abut ur ideas; pratie giving suggestins and advie, pratie seeing the dtr Teahing iprtane: The use f ught t1 Stateents u ught t fresh vegetables and eat ithut t uh fat if u ant t sta sliu ught nt t eat the sae ind f fd at ever eal2 DiffiultDistinguish and suarize the usage f ught t and shuldTeahing ethds: siing, sanning, disussingTeahing aids: a tape rerder, a pretr and a puterThe first perid aring up and reading Step aring up Revie the rds f fds b shing their pitures First, as students t list the fds the lie best Then ti ff 3 f the the eat st ften Send, sh the three grups f fds and see hih grup their fds belng t Third, as the students t tell us in hat as their fds help the gr Step Pre-reading Get the students t disuss the questins ith their partners in this part Then as the t reprt their r This part ill help the students understand the text T: Please l at the slide sh and disuss the questins ith ur partners Then Ill as u t reprt ur r Are u lear? hih fd ntains re Exaples f fds Anser Sugar hlate r grapes aes r bananas hlate Fat rea r rie hlate r hien rea hlate Fiber Peas r nuts Pr r abbage Nuts abbage prtein Ptat risps r ha Eggs r rea Ha Step Reading Get the students t prehend the passage quil and auratel and eanhile help the students t fr a gd habit f reading Give the students a uple f inutes t l thrugh the hle passage Tell the students t read the text silentl and then as fr the ain idea f the text n the slide sh ith their partners Enurage the students t express their ideas 1 Fast reading In this part as the students t read the text quil fr the first tie and find ut the ain idea f the text Then as the t read the text again arefull t btain se details Befre reading sh the tass and let the students read the tass first This text ill help the have a gd understanding f the text a The t restaurants supplied the health diet b The reasn h ng Huis restaurant as s ppular ith usters ang Pengei fund ut h he had lst his usters and deided t in the ba 2 areful reading T: N it is tie fr us t read the text arefull and deide hih sentenes are true Then rret the false nes First read the sentenes a Usuall ang Pengeis restaurant as full f peple (T ) b ng Hui served a balaned diet ( F) ng Hui uld ae peple thin in t ees b giving the a gd diet (F) d ang Pengeis usters ften beae fat after eating in his reataurant (T) e ng Hui s enu gives the energ fds (F ) f ang Pengei s enu gives te fds ntaining fiber (F ) g ang Pengei adired ng Huis restaurant hen he sa the enu (F ) h ang Pengei deided t p ng Huis enu (F ) Step prehending B n, the students have had a further understanding f the text Let the students read the text again and find ut the differenes beteen the t restaurant T: N please read the text again and fill in the hart tgether ith ur partner disadvantages advantages ang Pengeis restaurant Nt giving enugh fds ntaining fiber Prvide plent f energ fds ng Huis restaurant Nt giving enugh energ fds Prviding plent f fiber fds T: Until n e have nn hats rng ith bth restaurant hat des it atter if u nl eat at ne f the restaurant? T: u all have a pint here But hat ill the d? e ill see it next perid Faing the serius petitn ang asnt lst in sadness and he didnt quarrel ith his petitr either He ent t the librar t learn re abut health eating and ade his enu better than ng Huis enu D u thin e shuld fll his exaple? Ss: es T: N lets deal ith se language pints Turn t page 10, lets l at the sentenes: a ang Pengei sat in his ept restaurant feeling ver frustrated This sentene eans that the send atin “ feeling ver frustrated” happened tgether ith the ain atin “sat” Pa attentin t the fr (v-ing) f the send atin b Nthing uld have been better This sentene tells us that everthing has red ut the a u uld lie Its a sentene that e an use in an situatin He uldnt have ng Hui getting aa ith telling peple lies! This sentene eans that he ill punish ng Hui fr her telling lies Step Her 1 Tr t retell the text 2 Prepare fr the language learning and d Using rds and Expressins n B (Page 49-0) The send perid Language stud Step Revisin 1 he the students her 2 As se f the students t retell the text Step rd stud This part is a nslidatin f the rds in the text As the students t d the exerise individuall T: N please pen ur bs and turn t page 11 Fill in the hart using the rret frs f the rds hih have the sae rt Next ativit is t ath the definitins ith the rds e have learnt fr the text I neessar, u an disuss ith ur partners Step Graar The students ill learn the usage f dal verbs First tr t ae
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