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2016 高二英语 Unit910 重点短语归纳(人教版)2016 高二英语 Unit910 重点短语归纳(人教版)一、重点短语1 be ntent ith sth(=be satisfied ith/be pleased ith)对满意be ntent t d(=be illing/glad t d)乐意做2 sustainable develpent 可持续性发展3 have/gain (free)aess t 可(自由)进入,接触,使用4 all t ften 屡次,常常 all f a sudden 突然stress the iprtane f强调的重要性la/put stress/ephasis n强调,主张 under great stress 经受巨大的压力6 have respnsibilit fr 对负有责任 be respnsible fr联想: tae/undertae respnsibilit fr 承担责任 a sense f respnsibilit 责任感7 there exist(s)这存在 there sees/appears t be似乎有,看似有I dn t ant there t be an isunderstanding 我不想有任何差错。an u iagine there being a big pleasant surprise fr u?你能想象有一个大的惊喜等着你吗?8 tae atin / tae easures/tae steps9 live/be in harn ith 与和谐相处 (harnius ad )build a siet in harn ith siet 建立人与自然相和谐的社会10 put an end t 结束 e t an end 到尽头 bring sth t an end 使 结束 ae ends eet 使收支相抵 eg,The shuld put an end t that ridiulus ar 他们应该结束那场荒谬的战争。eg,I nder h I an bring their dispute t an end 我不知道如何才能让他们停止纷争。eg,The eeting ae t an end at idnight 会议进行至深夜才结束。 11 ipe ut 灭除,扫清 eg,ipe ut pvert 消灭贫困 ipe sth ut fr er 把从记忆中抹去(sb)be iped ut=be rn ut =be tired ut=be extreel tired/exhausted 筋疲力尽12 there is a (gd )hane that=Its liel /prbable that 有可能13 dra a nlusin 得出结论 su up 总结,概括14 replae A ith B 用 B 取代 A eg, replae letters ith E-ail 用邮取代信 exhange A fr B 用 A 调换 B eg,exhange dllars fr punds 用美元兑换英镑1 alternative energ 可替代能 have n alternative(hie)but t d sth 别无选择只能16 issue(v) 发行;公布 / (n)eg,问题,议题,争论点;发行,发行物issue ne staps/ins/shares/agazines 发行新邮票,硬币,股票,杂志issue a stateent 发表声明 issue an rder/arning 发布命令,警告a plitial/eni issue 政治,经济问题 a burning issue 急待解决的问题a ne issue f bnds 新发行的债券 the latest issue f a agazine 杂志的最新一期17 affet(v)影响;(疾病)侵袭;感动;eg, the area affeted b the earthquae 受地震影响的地区The disease is beginning t affet her eesight 疾病逐渐侵袭她的视力。be deepl affeted b the str 为故事感动affetin(n) 感情,亲情,爱 eg,the affetin f parents fr their hildren 父母对儿女的爱have a great/deep affetin fr parents 对父母有着深厚的感情affetinate(ad)充满深情的,亲切的,有爱心的eg,an affetinate letter 一封充满深情的信 an affetinate hug 亲切的拥抱He is ver affeinate tards his hildren 她很爱自己的孩子。18 advise sb(nt)t d=tr t persuade sb (nt)t d 劝某人做(不)做二、重点句子1 ne f the ain thees f the suit as “sustainable develpent”,r the questin h e an ntinue develping the rld ithut daaging the envirnent2 st f the speaers taled abut the “big three”- ntainated drining ater,pr sanitatin and air pllutin(被污染的饮用水,卫生状况恶劣,空气污染)3 Air pllutin alne auses alst three illin deaths 仅空气污染就导致 300万人死亡。注意:alne 放名词后面表强调,仅仅,只有eg,The prie alne disuraged e 单看价格就让我沮丧。4 If e are t develp the rld suessfull,e ust ae sure that everne is able t tae part in the ne rld e reateAng the speaers as hinas then Preier Zhu Rngi,(倒装)h stressed the need fr equalit and fairness in the rld 强调平等与公正的必要性6 Rih untries have respnsibilit fr pr untries and ust d hatever the an t help thers7 ith better eduatin,peple ill be able t build a better siet in harn ith nature and perhaps put an end t death and suffering8 If pvert is less f a prble and peple are better eduated,there is a gd hane that e ill see less vilene and feer ars 如果贫穷不再是问题,人民的教育程度得以提高,就有可能会减少暴力和战争。三、语法(倒装)出于语法结构或强调的需要,倒装一般分为两种,全倒和半倒:一 全倒的情况(谓语提到主语的前面)1 以 here,there,或 ut ,in,up,dn,aa 等表示地点,方位的副词开头:eg, Here es the bus ut rushed the hildrenAa ent the b N es turn(注意:若主语为代词,则不倒装 eg,Here it is/ Aa she ent)2 直接引语放在句首:eg,”It ls as if a tphn is ing” said the aptain3 地点状语提前:eg ,n the benh sat a little an h as trebling in the indIn Ne r harbur stands the Statue f Libert,hih is a gift fr Frenh二 半倒的常见情况(谓语的一部分倒装,通常只助动词提前):1 在疑问句中:eg, H did u find huse?2 nl 修饰的状语置于句首:eg, nl b hanging the a e live an e save the earth3 否定副词置于句首:eg: Nt until e n re ill e be able t iprve the situatineg: Never have I realised that ater is s preiuseg: Nt nl did he arr e t the hspital,but als ept e pan thereeg : N sner had he sat dn than the telephne rangeg : Hardl had the bell rang hen the hildren rushed ut f the reg: Under n irustanes(任何情况下都不) ill I give in t hi=in n a/b n eans/in n ase4 表示前面所说内容也适合后者:eg , A better understanding f the envirnent is neessar,as(=s)is the illingness t at更好地了解环保是必要的,行动的愿望也是必要的。eg, ithut internatinal peratin,develping untries ant prsper,nr ill sustainable develpent be pssible没有国际合作发展中国家就不可能繁荣,可持续性发展也就不可能实现。if 虚拟的省略:eg, Had I nn that air nditiner ause s uh pllutin,I uld never have bught neeg ,ere I u, I uld d it in a different a三 其他情况的倒装:1 主语太长,保持平衡:eg Gne are the das hen teahers are led dn upneg Present at the eeting ere representatives fr re than 100 utries as ell as se faus perfrers2 为强调,将表语或状语提前:eg Greatl lved in hina are the English ranti petsS bright is the b that the all lve hihild as he is,he ns a ltHard as he red,he still failed3 表祝愿的句型:eg, Lng live ur friendship! 愿我们的友谊常青!a u sueed/be suessful!Unit 10 frightening nature一 重点短语1 get int a ttal pani 陷入完全的恐慌2 ae ne s hair stand n end 使毛骨悚然3 be sared/frightened/ t death 吓死4 hat terrifies/frightens/sares e is that令我害怕的是dra/attrat/ath/apture nes attentin t 吸引某人的
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