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六年级英语上册全册导学案UNIT 1 H an I get there?Perid 1 Lets learn PLearning ais( 学习目标)1Learn:siene useu pst ffie bstre inea hspital2Learn:here is the librar? Its near the pst ffie 并进行关键词的替换操练。Iprtant diffiult pints( 重难点)1 掌握本节重点单词。2 掌握句型:Exuse e here is the librar? Its near the pst ffieLearning steps (学习步骤)Step1 :预习温故(用时分钟)1 Greetings 2 T: an u sing English sngs ? S:es, I an T: hat are u ding ? S: I reading a b/riting a letter Step 2 新内容展示(用时 1 分钟)1T: Sh rd ards t teah the ne rds: siene , useu , pst ffie , bstre, inea, hspital2 T :here is ur shl? (引导学生回答)S:It s near / behind Xinhua BstreT: here is the b stre ?S: Its near the pst ffie3Listen t the tape and read Lets tal4 运用所学句型操练 Lets learnStep 3 合作交流,师生共建(用时 10 分钟)1 运用图片操练重要单词和词组。2 T: There is a bstre in ur it here is it?S: Its next t the pst ffie (可小组操练)3ae a ap and talStep 4 达标检测(用时分钟)一、选一选,读一读( )1 siene A 博物馆 B 科学 邮局 ( ) 2 hspital A 书店 B 邮局 医院( )3inea A 书店 B 电影院 邮局( )4useu A 科学 B 博物馆 书( )bstre A 医院 B 书店 哪里( )6 pst ffie A 邮局 B 医院 书二、填一填,读一读。1 here_(is/ are) the inea? 2 I ts _(附近)the bstre3 It s _ _(旁边) the bstre4 Is there a _(电影院) near here? _(here/ H ) is the bstre?Step 安排当堂作业书写本单词和句子。学生小结,这节我学到了什么:_板书设计 Unit 1 H an I get there?siene useu pst ffie bstre inea hspital, , , here is the librar? Its near the pst ffie教学反思:Perid 2 Lets tr Lets tal P4Learning ais( 学习目标)1Learn:Lets tal here is the useu shp/ Its next t/ 句型并能在情景中熟练运用。2、 能够听懂 Lets tr 部分的录音。Iprtant diffiult pints( 重难点)1流利朗读运用 Lets tal 的对话并能在情景中熟练运用。Learning steps (学习步骤)Step1 :预习温故(用时分钟)1G ver rds in p:siene useu pst ffie bstre inea hspital2T: here is the pst ffie?S: Its near the shpT: here is the librar?S: Its next t the inea(熟读并操练句型)Step 2 新内容展示(用时 1 分钟)1 Learn;Lets talListen t the tape and read after the tape2 As and anser;T:here is the useu shp? S: Its near the dr T:here is the pst ffie? S:Its next t the useu 3Listen t Lets tal again4Lets tr ,Listen and tiStep 3 合作交流,师生共建(用时 10 分钟)1Tal abut the plaes in ur it/tn/village2T: Is there a par near here ?S: es, there isT: here is it?S: Its next t the bstre3 ae ther dialguesStep 4 达标检测(用时分钟)一、连一连,读一读。1Than u A It next t the hspital2Is it far fr here? B es, there is3Is there a inea near here? ure ele4heres the inea, please? D N, its nt far二、填一填,译一译,读一读。p_st ( ) b _ _stre( ) hspit_ _ ( ) _s_u( ) ff_e( )三连词成句。1 is/ here/ inea/ the/ please (?)_2 there/ Is / par /a / here /near( ?)_3 next /Its/ t / next /the useu()_Step 安排当堂作业1 写出下列句子。here is the inea, please? Its next t the hspitalThan u ure ele学生小结,这节我学到了什么:_板书设计Unit 1 H an I get there?here is the useu ?Its next t the drThan u ure ele/Thats / Thats all right教学反思:Perid 3 Lets learn P7Learning ais( 学习目标)1 掌握单词: rssing, turn, left, straight, right , turn left, turn right, g straight2 掌握句型: here is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here?3 学会应用问路和指路。Iprtant diffiult pints( 重难点)Learning steps (学习步骤)1 掌握本重点单词和句型。Step1 : 预习温故(用时分钟)1 T: Is there a bstre near here? S: es, there isT: here is it? S:It s next t the pst ffie2G ver rds : siene useu pst ffieStep 2 新内容展示(用时 1 分钟)Lets learn1 用图片学习单词短语:rssing, turn, left, straight, right , turn left, turn right, g straight2 T: here is the bstre/pst ffie? S: G straight /rssing3 Listen t the tape and read after it4 小组自编对话,操练。Step 3 合作交流,师生共建(用时 10 分钟)1 小组朗读 Lets learn 比赛。2Be a tur guide(可选上)3 看图学会问路和指路。Step 4 达标检测(用时分钟)一、读一读,选一选( ) 1rssing A 左 B 右 十字路口( )2turn left A 向右转 B 向左转 转弯( )3 straight A 左 B 右 直接地( )4turn right A 向右转 B 向左转 转弯( )g straight A 向右转 B 向左转 直接走二、 选出不同类的一项。( )1 A bus Bdg plane ( )2 A stp B g b( )3 A bstre Binea sl ( )4 A taxi B n ft b ship( )4 A hspital Bleft rightStep 安排当堂作业1 书写本重点单词和短语。学生小结,这节我学到了什么:_板书设计 Unit1 H an I get there?rssing turn left straight right turn left turn right g straight后反思:Perid 4 Lets tr Lets tal P6Learning ais( 学习目标)1 学生掌握: interesting, Italian restaurant, pizza, street, get2Listening pratie: Lets tr 3Learn Lets tal 学会情景交际对话应用。Learning steps (学习步骤)Step1 : 预习温故(用时分钟)1G ver the flling rds:turn left turn right g straight rssing 2T: N e are at shl H an e get t the b stre? S: G straight and turn right u an see the b stre T: an u read the rds?Then ath( 连一连)S: interesting Italian restaurant pizza street get比萨饼 餐馆 街道 到达 意大利的 有趣的Step 2 新内容展示(用时 1 分钟)1 Learn: Lets tal2 T:D u lie pizza? S: es, I dT: here is pizza fr? S:Its fr Ital3 Listen t the tape (听录音,跟读对话)4 T:here is the restaurant?S: Its next t the par n Dngfang StreetT: H an the get there?S: Turn left at the b stre Lets tr p6 Ti r rssStep 3 合作交流,师生共建(用时 10 分钟)1 Tal abut a inea r restaurant u lieT: H an u get there? S: I an T: I lie fils H an I get t the inea? S: Turn left /right at2 小组讨论编新对话。并展示对话。达标检测(用时分钟)一、选一选,读一读。A inter
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