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五年级英语下册 Making Supper教案五年级英语下册aing Supper教学设计Lessn aing Supper 教学目的:1、 知识与技能:本要求学生能正确听、说、读、数字写单词 dishes,lean,dirt,ash,dr。2、情感态度价值观:通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。 教学重点、难点:本重点单词。教具准备:tapes,ards 教学过程:Step 1 : lass pening and Revie 1) Greeting 2) RevieSing “ In the bathr ”Using the ards t revie rs and bets that g in the ithen : stve sin refrigeratr bedr : bed dresser lset bathr : sher bathtub tilet living-r : TV piture Step 2 Presentatin and pratie 一、Teah the ne rds : dishes dirt lean ash dr 1、Denstrate the ne vabular ith a basin f ater , se dishes detergent , se real dishes ( dirt ) and a tel ash and dr the dishes (as fr a vlunteer t help u ) as u sa phrases Suh as :T : These are dishes Dishes (Read it a fe ties )These dishes are dirt (Read “ dirt ”)Lets ash the dishes in the sin ( Read “ ash ”)N I ashing the dishes (t a vlunteer) Please help e ash the dishes N the dishes are lean L ! There lean T : N I dring the dishes (t a vlunteer ) Please help e dr the dishes 二、Teah the vegetables D u n se vegetables ? an u sa it in English ?1、The students sa then I rite the n the blabard 2、Pratie :1)As the students e t frnt t read 2)Pla “ pint ”三、Teah the text 教学侧记1、Listen t the tape and thin ver the fll questins :hats fr supper ?hat vegetables des r Sith need ?h is ashing the dirt dishes ?hat des LI ing d ?2、As the students t read the text and disuss the questins in grups 3、As the students t anser the questins 4、Read b theselves Step 3 nslidatin 1、Pla “ ppsites ” and inlude the ne vabular : lean , dirt , ash , dr 2、ae a dialgue Divide the lass int sall grups As eah grup t ae up a dialgue abut “ lean , dirt , ash and dr ”Step 4 Suar Step Her dishes,lean,dirt,ash,dr板书设计: Lessn aing Supperdishes,lean,dirt,ash,dr 教学反思:
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