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我们的英语老师- Our English Teacherur English Teaher-我们的英语老师ur English teaher is a an f ediu build, alas earing a pair f gih-fraed spetales He ls thin in his lse-fitting suit Sall as his ees are,the are extreel bright He ls ld fr his age, beause his hair is all hiteHe is enthusiasti and sillful in teahing his students He has extensive nledge He nt nl teahes English but als tells us an things abut histr, gegraph and literatureHis letures are given in a vivid a Fr exaple,hen e tae up a ne lessn,he intrdues the authr first, inluding his bigraph, his rs and ain ntent f thse rs In this a e an iprve ur listening abilit quil, and learn re than nl the text itselfHis teahing ethd eans re r fr us t d in the evenings Fr eah leture, he ass several questins fr the text fr ur her In rder t anser thse questins, e ust first read the hle text at he Seties it isnt enugh t read the text nl e have t read ther aterials nerning thse questins This helps us develp self-relianee learn a lt fr ur English teaher e lve hi ver uh 文章地址:/zuen/inguzuen/dxz/2007091011240282ht
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