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牛津小学英语 5B 全册教案 1Unit 1 A Ne TerPerid 1一、教学内容Part B and Part 二、 教学目标1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词nda, Tuesda, ednesda, Thursda, Frida, hinese, Siene,puter Studies2、能正确地理解并应用句型 hat da is it tda ?Itshat lessns d u have in the e have 3、能用所学单词、句型问答并初步感知句型 ele ba t shl Nie t see u三、教学过程Step1 Free tal 1Greetings 用“Happ Ne ear! “ele ba t shl!” “H are u? 等日常交际用语进行问答,复习并导入新知2Revisin复习 “I lie English hat d u lie? “D u lie? “H abut u? 等所学句型,渗透新知3Present “Siene,Sial Siene, PE, puter Studies 方法:延续以上对话引出。通过实物直观呈现,在学生理解的基础上,进行单词教学(教师先范读,让生静听、模仿跟读。可通过抢答、试拼等进行巩固)为避免单词教学的枯燥,可将单词放入句型中操练,也可为新句型的教学做个铺垫。例如: I lie Siene hat subet d u lie? h u lie Art e,t H abut u/ And u? 师生示范一例,生生操练并问答表演。Step2 Presentatin and pratie1Learn “nda”教师自由谈话引出,例如:h, sene lies PE, but sene lies EnglishTda is “nda”(出示自制表),师重复该单词,生静听、模仿跟读。延续以上对话,引出:“hat lessns d e have tda? ”生听、模仿。2Present “hat lessns d e have in the rning?”引导学生用“e have”回答1)师问,让学生熟练回答。 2)学生试问,师帮助纠正读音。 3)在会读的基础上操练并进行实际运用,师生先示范,后让学生自由练习运用。3Learn “Tuesda, ednesdaFrida”方法:渗透新句型“hat da is it tda? Its” 例如:hat da is it tda?It s Thursda为避免单词教法的重复,在新单词的引入时还可以用让学生试读的方法,单词的拼读可通过竞赛、游戏等方法以激发学生的兴趣。同时也可加入本所学的句型“hat lessns d e have in the rning?” “e have” ,使对话的情景更为真实,也起到了复习的作用。Step3 Pratie 1) 教师利用自制的表进行连锁操练:A:hat da is it tda?B: Its ThursdaA: hat lessns d u have in the rning? B: e haveB: hat da is it tda?: Its Frida2) 师利用投影进行有意义的操练,图结合。3)利用挂图,生生问答,检查表演。Step4、 her 1朗诵并抄写要求会的单词、词汇和句型。2完成练习册 A、B 部分。Perid 2一、教学内容Read and sa 和 part F二、教学目标1、能正确地理解、掌握对话内容,并能朗读、初步表演对话。2、能正确地听、说、读写单词 a subet Interesting, a ee 和句型 hat subets d u lie ? I lie3、能正确地运用对话中的日常交际用语 Nie t see u I hape e have re H abut u?4、在掌握重点句型的基础上,通过本学习培养学生的语言实际运用能力。三、教学过程Step1Revisin1Pla a gae: 2Free talA: I have a hat d u have?B:I have a A:I lie ging spping hat d u lie?:I lie A:I ften ging shpping n Sundas Is it Sunda tda?Ss: N, it isnt Its nda3 复习前一所学有关的单词 A: hat da is it ?B: Its 4 Sing a sng 生初步感知、熟悉歌词及旋律。Step2Presentatin 1教学句型“hat subets d u lie?” “I lie” (由对话自然引出)T: e are having an Engilsh lessn D u lie English?Ss: es, /N, (师帮助学生回答)T: hat subets d u lie?(生跟读,出示板书)S1:I lie (师作提示)2Teah: H abut u?提示“I lie”3Drilla师问生,直观呈观句型运用的情景,为学生自己开口说作铺垫。b 同桌互问,要求学生适当加入问候语,真实运用语言。走下坐位与学生交流,既检查学生的掌握情况,又给了学生说的场地、机会。4Learn “interesting”1) 教师可由以上的对话 hat subets d u lie? D u lie PE?生回答 es, I d 师可引入 es, its interesting新单词的呈现时师可放慢速度,让学生感知读音后再开口,为了使学生明确意思可在单词卡下面写出中给学生参照。2)Sa a rhe根据不同的学生不同的爱好这一特点,由生描述 I lie ,Its interesting 一方面训练 interesting,同时也复习前面所学各种科目的单词。师总结出 rheEnglish, English, A, B, aths, aths, ne, t, threehinese, hinese, rite and readArt, Art, dra and singPE, PE, run and siStep3Listen, read and sa1Present “I hpe e have re ” “a ee”I lie PE, d u lie PE? h lie PE, please hands up But e have nl t in a ee I hpe e have re单词 ee 让学生多听几遍,读音可与 “need”比较读。也可提问:H an das are there in a ee?在引入 I hpe e have re 后可改动表, 2Listen and anser对话分成两部分,听一半对话后回答:1)hat da is it tda? 2)hat lessns d the have in the rning?继续听并完成句子:hat d Su Hai and Su ang lie? Su Hai lies and Su ang lies 3Read the text b urselves then tgether4Read in rlesStep4 Pratie 1L as and anser2D a surve可借助 F 部分的表格,师先示范,让学生明确句型运用的场合,再相互问答。作记录后上前回答并介绍。StepHer听录音,朗读并表演对话。四人一组自编或改编对话。Perid 3一、教学内容Part D, E, F and Part G, H二、教学目标1进一步掌握本单元的单词、句型达到能熟练运用的程度。2通过有针对性的操练,训练重点句型和难点,学生能用所学句型进行情景对话和交流。3了解元音字母在开音节词中的读音。4能演唱本英语歌曲。三、教学难点重点较熟练地掌握与运用所学句型及有关星期的单词。四、教学过程Step1: Sing a sng1Listen t the tape2Sing after the tapeStep2 Free tal and revisin T: Gd rning, lass Nie t see uSs: Nie t see uT: I lie running n Sunda rning D u lie running?S1:es, I d/ N, I dntT: He lies PE, s he lies runninghat subet d u lie?S2: I lie sieneT: H an siene lessns d u have in a ee?S2: e have t I hpe e have reT: Exuse e D u have siene tda?hat da is it tda?Ss: It s FridaT: hat lessn d u have in the afternn?Ss:3 利用挂图,操练句型 “hat subet d u lie ?”I lie H abut u?I lie Step3 L and read1 导读,大致了解图意。2 学习单词“tri” “inus”, 猜其意并试读。3 同桌问答,熟练地朗读对话。4 你知道其中的窍门吗?用同样的方法出题,自编对话。例如:I lie aths ver uh Itshats 64 inus 46?It s Step4 Design a tietable 1 师出示自制的表操练句型。H an subet d u have this rning?e have H an hinese lessns d u have in a ee?e have hat subet d u lie?I liehat lessn d u have n ednesda?e have2 ae a ne dialgue in pairs3 Atin4 Design a tietable u lie1) 师示范(可利用科目粘贴的方式):选择星期几,再边问边选科目粘贴。2) 小组合作,注意用英语问答。3) 上台演示并作介绍。S1: Tda is The first lessn isT: D u have an questins t as?S2:hat subet d u lie?S1:I lie S3 u Step Listen and repeat1 单词认读,如,bla,happ,hat,rabbit,after,lass,basetball,dane,l,ffee,dtr,ht2 同桌交流,互读,体会读音相同和不同之处。3Read after the tape4 归纳出 l, ffee, dtr, ht 的共同音标,师生共同看图说话:The ht ffee near the l is fr the dtrStep6 Her1 抄写本单元所学单词、词组和句型,要求能默写。2 能熟读并会表演 Read and at 3 自由分组编演小对话。4 调查学生的兴趣、爱好,自制合理表。Unit2 A telephne all Perid 1一、教学目标:1、能正确地听、说、读、写单词 a headahe, bad , a ugh ,gt, a fever , a ld2、能正确地听、说、读单词 a tthahe , an earahe , a baahe , a stah ahe3、能正确地理解并运用句型 hats rng ith u? Ive gt4、能初步熟悉歌谣。二、
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