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四年级英语上册 Lesson4 Cars and Trucks 教案四年级英语上册 Lessn4 ars and Trus 教案教学目标:1、 知识与技能:本要求学生会听、说、读、写单词ab, ar,tru, bus 学会说句子:Let s tae a 学会唱歌曲 ”The heels n the Bus” 通过听说唱演等不同方式培养学生对语言的感受能力。2、 情感态度价值观:通过多样性的活动,激发学生学习英语的兴趣,调动积极性,使学生在英语堂中不断体验成功,感受乐趣,树立自信心,促进学生综合语言运用能力的发展。教学重点、难点:本重点单词、句子,并会口头运用,学会本歌曲。教具准备:磁带、单词卡片板书设计:Lessn4:ars and TrusLets tae a artrubusab教学过程:一 lass pening and Revie1 GreetingHell, bs and girls! H are u tda?2 Rle-PlaAs fr a vlunteer t rle-pla sene h is lst As anther vlunteer t tell hi/her the rute Teaher an give verbal diretins t the student, perhaps using hand gesturesS1: Exuse e here is the ? ( librar, ffie, g)S2: Turn right/turn left/g straight/g up the stairs二 Ne nepts1 DenstrateDra the vehile n the blabard As the students t spea ut hat the vehile is, then give the English rd fr the vehile and rite it n the blabard and the students sa it afe ties2 Drill教学侧记Use vabular ards f transprtatinT: hats this?S: It is a ar/tru/bus/ab/bile3 As the students t stud the pitures and rds in N1 As students t reite the rds a fe ties Explain that the plete rd fr “ab” is “taxiab”, st English speaers use the shrt rd “taxi”4 Pla the auditape as the students fll in their bsIntrdue the phrase “Lets tae a (bus, taxi, tru, ar)Repeat the phrase ith the students a fe ties6 Teah the sng: “The heels n the Bus”Teah the students atins fr eah f the pituresAs the students t fll u as u d the atins and sa the rds ith thePla the auditape as the students listen and fll in their bsTeah the students the sng, line b linePla the auditape again and the students sing alng and d the atins三 lass lsing 教学反思:
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