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牛津英语七年级下册 unit5 教案牛津 7B Unitele t the unit一、教学内容简介:本选自牛津英语b unit ele t the unit。这一单元的主要内容是学习怎样帮助别人的一些说法教材以图片的形式呈现出的内容,如plant trees,lean up the par,visit the he fr the elderl 等等。其中elderllletabilit为新词。考虑到本校学生的能力和所授知识的完整性,我对教材内容做了适当的补充;在学习本知识外另外再加入一篇有关帮助别人的,从而扩充学生的阅读量。二、教学目标:1、知识目标:(1)理解、掌握本中的新词:elderllletabilit要求能听懂,会说,会认读。(2)掌握本中的词组: visit the he fr the elderl, help the ld an rss the rad,give a seat t the ld an,lean up the par,plant trees,llet things fr the hpe pret,ebers f the helping hands lub2、技能目标:能听懂并运用句型 hat an u d in the par/in the shl/n the bus/n the rad3、情感目标:让学生在有趣的活动中体会堂教学的乐趣,使学生愿学、爱学、乐学、积极地学。三、教学重点:认读新词;理解、运用新句型及其回答;发言时发音正确,语音语调准确、流利、有感情。四、教学难点:1、单词 elderllletabilit 的识记。2、句型 hat an u d in the par/in the shl/n the bus/n the rad?的灵活运用及回答。五、 教学设计思路:初中八年级的英语教学在基本单词、短语掌握的基础上,更应注重的学生阅读能力。所以我除了将教学环节设计成为活动以外,还找了一篇与有关的阅读训练。这样,既让学生们在快乐的活动中理解语言、运用语言、习得语言,同时可以增加学生的阅读量,从而提高学生的阅读水平。六、教学设计过程:(一) 、greeting:1t:h ties flies! t nths has passed ur suer hlida is ver n e e ba t shl again ele t the shl! did u have a gd tie in ur suer hlida?ss: es(二) 、presentatin:1t: hat did u d in ur suer hlida?s1: I did her t: hat did u d in ur suer hlida?s2: I athed TV 3t: hat did u d in ur suer hlida?s3: I ent t shanghait: hat abut u?s4: I sa in the river and sa se fils t: hat did u d in ur suer hlida?s: I plaed puter gaes3t:did u help thers in ur suer hlida?s1:est: hat did u d t help thers?s1: I helped ther t: did u help thers in ur suer hlida?s1:es s2: I helped ther lean the huse t: did u help thers in ur suer hlida?s1:ess3: I helped little brther ith the lessns(三) 、ling at se pitures then disuss h t help thers:1t:hat an u d n the rad t help thers?s1: I an help the ld an rss the radT :hat an u d n the rad t help thers?s2: I an visit the he fr the elderl2t:hat an u d n the bus t help thers?s1:I an give a seat t the ld an t: hat an u d n the bus t help thers?s2:I an help the ld an g upstairst: hat an u d n the bus t help thers?s3:I an give a seat t the an ith a bab3t:hat an u d in the par t help thers?s1:I an lean up the par t: hat an u d in the par t help thers?s2:I an plant trees 4t:hat an u d in the shl t help thers?s1:I an pi up rubbisht: hat an u d in the shl t help thers?s2:I an lean the shlt: hat an u d in the shl t help thers?s3:I an help teahers lean the biest: hat an u d in the shl t help thers if the ant t g t shl but the dnt have uh ne?s1:I an llet things fr the hpe prett: u are great! i thin u an be ebers f the helping hands lub6 ss: arding t the pitures ,as and anser in pairs:s1: hat an u d n the bus/in the par/ in the shl/ n the rad t help thers?s2: I an 6ss:as se pairs t at it ut(四) 、extending:1t: different peple have different abilities the an d different things t help thers I hpe everne f u an help thers hen the are in truble please sh lve t thers2ss: read a text abut h t help thers(五) 、her:read and reite the useful expressins(六 )、板书设计: hat an u d in the par/in the shl/n the bus/n the rad?I anhelp the ld an rss the radvisit the he fr the elderlgive a seat t the ld an help the ld an g upstairsgive a seat t the an ith a bablean up the par plant treespi up rubbishllet things fr the hpe pretebers f the helping hands lubsh lve t thersabilit-abilities(七) 、教学后记:本的知识点不多,堂上通过图片导入、小组操练等形式,学生对本的单词、短语及基本句型有了比较深刻的印象。最后通过一篇阅读,使学生在掌握本重点、难点的基础上进行拓展,增加学生的阅读量。牛津 7B Unit 教案Title :Unit an uld Teahing betive: T regnize and understand h t use an and uld t express abilit in the present and pastTeahing Predure:ar Up:Please tae ut the previe paper and lets he it ut Step 1 Please translate the phrases int hinese1 r a bat2 pla a ie3 pla tennis4 fl a itespea apanese6 pla the pian7 sing English sngs8 ride a hrseStep 2 Please anser the questins1 an u spea apanese?2 an u pla basetball?3 an u sing English sngs?4 an u pla the pian?an u fl a ite?6 an u ride a hrse?7 an u run fast?8 an u ?Step 3Please read ut the reprts abut the sprts ur lassates uldnt d last ear but an d this earPresentatin:Step 1e have learn an befre and n h t use it t express abilities ell, lets revie the sentene stles in hih an is used陈述句:sb/sth+an+deg He an daneillie an si e an sing English sngs否定句:sb/sth+annt/ant +deg He annt/ant daneillie annt/an t sie annt/an t sing English sngs一般疑问句:an sb/sth d?eg an he dane?-es, he an/N, he annt/antan illie si?-es, she an/N, she annt/antan e sing English sngs?-es, e an/N, e annt/antStep 2 N, e n h t use an t express abilities n, but h t express abilities in the past Generall speaing, e ust hange an int uldTip: an-uld, annt/ant-uldnt/uld nteg He uld danee uldn t /uld nt sing English sngsuld illie si?-es, she uld/N, she uldntStep 3 e have n h t use bth an and uld n Lets finish the r n the b And then lets he it utStep 4 D and he ut the revie paperAssignents: 1 Finish the previe paper2 Revie hat have been learned牛津 7B Unit 教案Title: Unit Integrated sills (2) Spea upTeahing betive:T develp f
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