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小学生英语口语大赛精彩自我介绍小学生英语口语大赛精彩自我介绍hell, nae is_ i a_ ears ld n i a studing in_priar shl i a in grade _, lass_i live in_ there are _ ebers in failfather, ther and e father is a_ but ther is ring in _ i lve bth f thein spare tie, i lie _, and favrite lur is_ als i lve_ver uh, suh as _i hpe i an learn english ell, beause i thin it ver iprtant but_ is favrite subet, beause it is ver interestingi ish i an bee a_in the future1gd afternn, teahers! tda, i ver happ t ae a speeh here n, let e intrdue self nae is aenia english nae is i 12 i e fr lass1 grade 6 f xinghualing priar shl i an ative girl i lie plaing basetball beause i thin its ver interesting id lie t eat ptates there tast favurite lur is green and i lie ath best its fun n eeend, i lie reading bs in r i have a happ fail father is tall and strng ther is hard-ring and shrt and i a gd student drea is t be a teaher, beause i ant t help the pr hildren in the future than u fr listening! please reeber e!2i have an hbbies, suh as plaing ping-png, plaing badintn, listening t usi, reading agazines and s n favurite fd is hien its tast and u s i ver strng i a naught girl i alas pla tris and i ust lie staing in r and reading bs3 hbb is reading i read str bs, agazines, nespapers and an ind f aterial that i find interesting this hbb gt started hen i as a little b i had alas anted parents t read fair tales and ther stries t e sn the gt fed up and tired f having t read t e ntinuall s as sn as i uld, i learned t read sn i uld read siple fair tales and ther stries n i read ust abut anthing that is available reading enables e t learn abut s文章
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