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高三英语学法指导与语法难点(二)高三英语学法指导与语法难点(二)一 关于英语总复习的几点建议 (一)学会自主学习 所谓自主学习,就是学生具有学好英语的欲望,在老师的指导下能自己确定目标,自己安排进程,自己设计活动,自己寻找材料,自己监督自己,自己总结经验。上下听老师的话是对的,但要有主动性,作学习的主人。 坚持实践第一,以使用英语为主。简明扼要地对学过的知识进行归纳总结是必要的,但决不能用很多的时间去钻研语法规则。应该把大部分时间用在阅读、写作和听力的练习上,即应用语言上,尤其要加大和突出阅读的训练。使用英语的能力是在使用英语的实践中产生和提高的,并不是靠老师给讲会的。English is best learnt hen alas used in eaningful uniatin 学习英语要坚持模仿为主,理论分析为辅,不要过分钻研为什么。有的同学在学习英语时,采取”君子动口不动手”的态度,一味在那里琢磨理论,而不是抓紧时间动手写写,找出赶紧看看或打开录音机听听。这样的同学最终使用英语的能力不会有大的提高。 (二)抓好基础题 无论什么考试,基础的东西都是最重要的。英语高考也不例外。考生应努力做到保证拿到基础题的分,力争难题的分。在复习中,一定要结合实际情况安排练习的难度。如果水平不是很高,就一定要以练习基础题为主,不要嫌容易,不要跟别人攀比。要把基础词汇、基本句型弄扎实,要做到懂、会、熟。越临近高考越要降低难度 。有人以为做多难的练习就能达到多高的水平,其实并不是这样,这也取决于原的基础。 (三)把考试大纲上的词汇表掌握好。 词汇表是高考命题的基础,是应该重点掌握的词汇。词汇表上的许多名词可归类为阅读词汇,这类词知道意思,会拼写即可。但动词、介词、连词及其他常用名词等则必须做到四会。学习词汇表不要照搬词典,词典的解释太繁杂了,高考用不上。 (四)重视总结做题规律和扩大知识面。 背诵短,例句,甚至例题好处甚多。天天练,最终会见成效,但不要渴望迅速成功,因为语言的提高是慢工夫。停一天等于前三天白练。只有那些坚持不懈,埋头苦干,永不退缩的人才有希望到达光辉的顶点。 二 语法知识易错点 1 it, that, ne, the ne, the nes, thse pen as lst I annt find it (同一物体)pen as lst I have t bu a ne ne (同类不同一)The ppulatin f Shanghai is uh larger than that f Tianin (不可数名词)This pen is nt the ne I lst esterda (特指)The pens are nt the nes I lst esterdaThe pens are nt thse I lst esterda误句:The eather in Beiing is uh lder than the ne in Shanghai正句:The eather in Beiing is uh lder than that in Shanghai2 eah, either, bth, neither, ever, allTrees are planted n either/eah side f the streetTrees are planted n bth sides f the streetTrees are planted n ever/eah side f the squareTrees are planted n neither side f the streetTrees are planted n all sides f the square误句:u an tie the hrse t ever f the t trees正句:u an tie the hrse t either f the t trees3 an, either I have three bs and u an hse an neI have t bs and u an hse either ne误句:-hen uld u lie t e ver t huse, Saturda r Sunda?-An da is ith e 正句:-hen uld u lie t e ver t huse, Saturda r Sunda?-Either da is ith e4 anther, the ther, the thers, thers Anther student ae inI have t brthers ne is a teaher The ther is a dtrSuppse there are 0 students Se students (20) are plaing ftball n the plagrund thers (20) are ding their her in the lassr The ther students (30) are plaing ftball n the plagrundThe thers (30) are plaing ftball n the plagrundnne, nthing, nbd, neither1) -H an students are there in the lassr?-Nne2) -H uh ne d u have?-Nne3) -Is there anbd in the lassr?-Nbd4) -Is there anthing in the r?-Nthing) -uld u please lend e se in?-Srr, but I have nne left self6) I ant neither f the t bsI ant nne f the three bs误句:-hat d u ant?-Nne正句:1) -hat d u ant?-Nthing 2) -f the three things, hih d u ant?-Nne 6 反身代词应注意以下几点。1) I self thin2) Help urself! 请随便吃吧3) ae urself at he!别客气4) Dnt upset urself 别自寻烦恼) ae neself heard/ understdI uldnt ae self heard abve the nise 声音被淹没了。6) beteen urselves, d u thin 私下里说7) In itself, his illness is nthing t rr abut 就疾病本身而言,没什么可担心的。8) He is nt quite hiself tda 他感到不舒服9) b neself = alne, ithut help 单干、无人帮忙10) fr neself 为u have the right t deide fr urself11) f neself 自动地The light ent ut f itself7 代词的其他注意事项:1) this, thatplan is lie this: firstsendthirdHe as ill Thats h he didnt e2) uh, an3) se, an4) it 可以指代分不清性别的小孩Is it a b r a girl?) she, he 也可以用于月亮、太阳、轮船或动物拟人化。hina is ur therland and she is the st beautiful untr in the rld in pinin6) u, he and I, u and I, ladies and gentleen8 数词1) 大于某数 re than 20 ears, ver thirt, abve tent degrees2) 小于 less than ten das, feer than 0 peple, hildren under 73) 至少 at least 10 dllars, n less than 100 peple4) 大约 abut three das, arund 2 l, t iles r s) 至多 nt re than rs, at st ten das6) 仅有 n re than 1 ear, nl 2 ears7) 倍数 This ruler is tie/three ties lnger than that neThis ruler is tie/three ties as lng as that neThis ruler is tie/three ties the length f that ne误:This bx is as three ties heavier as that ne正:This bx is three ties as heav as that ne9 数字+ 形容词+ 名词Its a five-ft-deep hleThe hle is five feet deepIts a hle five feet deep误句:Its a three-eters-lng table正句:Its a three-eter-lng table10 形容词,副词的比较级和最高级bus-busier-busiestht-htter-httestiprtant-re iprtant-st iprtantgd-better-bestan/uh-re-stbad/ill-rse-rstld-lder/elder-ldest/eldestlittle-less-leastfar-farther/further-farthest/furthestbadl-rse-rstell-better-best11 形容词需要注意以下几点:1) 只能做定语的形容词有:live, ain, hief;ain purpse is t help u here2) 只能做表语的形容词有:alne, alie, aae, asleep, lit, ntentHe is alne, but he desnt feel lnel3) 多个形容词修饰名词的顺序依次是:冠词(所有格;指示词;数词) ;品质;大小长短;形状;新旧;颜色;产地;材料;用途;例如:a beautiful little rund red hinese den publi reading r4) 能修饰形容词比较级的有:uh, rather, even , still, far, an, n, a little, a bit, a lt, a great deal, et 等;I uh better nI a great deal better n) 能修饰形容词最高级的有:b far, ver, uh。He is b far the best student in lass
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