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牛津英语 Starter U12 全英文精品教案牛津英语七年级预备程 Unit 12 教案The First LessnTeahing ntentUnit 12 ele and ListeningTeahing ais and deandsnledge ais: 1 n further abut the siple present tense2 n the differenes beteen untable nuns and ununtable nunsabilit ais: 1 Ss get t n se preparatin r befre a birthda part 2 Ss learn t use the sentenes pattern “uld u lie sth?” and “uld u lie t d sth”Teahing diffiulties and iprtane 1 In “uld u d sth?” and “uld u lie sth?”, “uld” has nthing t d ith the past tense Instead, it ust eans a urteus tne f speeh2 e use “se” instead f “an” in the sentene “uld u lie se bread?”, beause it eans as fr sethingTeahing tls Pretr , rb and Students bTeahing predureStepele and presentatin1 Have a hat ith Ss abut hen their birthdas are, hat the usuall get fr their birthda, and hat the ant as their gifts Teah ne rds in this a, saing: abe u an get se birthda ards fr ur friends and rite “ard ” n the blabard abe u an get se hlates fr ur parents, and rite “hlate ” n the blabard abe u an get se ts fr ur grandparents, and rite “t” n the blabard2 Let the students listen t the tape and anser the questin:h is the girl in ell?h is the girl in blue?h is she happ?uld Lil e t illies birthda part?hat des illie usuall get fr her birthda?hat des Lil ant t give illie fr her birthda?Therefre, the teaher ill n if the grasp the ain idea f the dialgue3 As Ss t pla the rle Step 2 sentene pattern1 Teah the graar In sentene patterns “uld u lie sth?” and “uld u d sth”, there is a “uld” “uld” is the past tense f “ill”, but in these sentenes patterns, it has nthing t d ith the past tense Instead, it ust eans a urteus tne f speeh2 ant=uld lie, ant t d = uld lie t d, uld u lie?= D u ant ? hat uld u lie? = hat d u ant?3 In rder t aster thse iprtant sentene patterns, Ss have t d lts f pratie Fr exaple, as Ss t ae suh sentenes ith the five rds, hih are a ae, a banana, an range, uie, and il, in Listening Part A in advane, lie “uld u lie a ae fr ur birthda? uld u lie t drin se uie? uld u lie t eat a banana?”4 In sentene aing exerised, Ss are liel t eet the prble f hether t us “se” r “an” T slve the prble, Tell Ss that e use “se” instead f “an” in the sentene “uld u lie se bread?”, beause it eans as fr sethingStep 3 Listening1 Pre-listeningRevie the iprtant sentene patterns “uld u lie sth? and teah Ss the affirative repl “es, Id lie ne” and the negative repl “N, thans” 2 Tell Ss the differenes beteen untable nuns and ununtable nuns3 Befre listening, have a hat abut the t pitures in Part B ith the students-h is in the piture? hat are the taling abut?In additin, intrdue the situatin f the dialgue: illie and her u are taling abut hat t bu fr illies birthda part Listen t their nversatin and tr t plete their shpping list4 D the listening exerise f Part B Later n, invite se students t read their present lists and then as the t tal abut their favrite presents The flling is hat I suggest: As: illie is ging t have a birthda part There are an inds f fd in the part hat uld u lie t eat?Help the students t sa their favrite fd(Tae ut the pitures and things)As: uld u lie se bananas/seets/ie rea/range uie/aes? rite the ne rds n the blabard and read theStep 4 Suar, and d rbStep HerThe Send LessnTeahing ntentUnit 12 Speaing and ReadingTeahing ais and deandsnledge ais: 1 aster the siple present tense and use it freel2 Learn hat interrgative rds are and get t n interrgative sentenes b ding the exerise under Reading PartAbilit ais: Ss get t n se ativities in a birthda part, and tr t retell the Reading Part t express illies birthda part in the siple present tense In additin, Ss rite anther artile “ birthda”, flling the del artileTeahing diffiulties and iprtane 1 Ss learn t retell the Reading Part2 Flling the del artile, rite anther artile “ birthda”Teahing tls Pretr, rb and Students bTeahing predureStep 1 Speaing 1 ae Ss read the dialgue alne, and ae the t anser these questins afterards:hse birthda is trr?h are the t girls?D the t girl ant t bu her an presents?hat des the girl n the right ant t bu her?hat des the girl n the left ant t bu her?here an the bu thse presents?hen d the ant t d the shpping?Teah se siilar rds and sentenes t Ss: Trr is illies birthda = Its illies birthda trrpresent = giftI ant t bu her a present = Id lie t bu her a presentbu her a present = bu a present fr herhat d u ant t bu? = hat uld u lie t bu?I d lie t bu her a tedd bear = I ant t bu her a tedd bearI ant t bu her se stiers = Id lie t bu her se stiersuld u lie t g ith e? = D u ant t g ith e?And at the sae tie, instrut Ss t replae the blue rds ith hat the ant t b, ith the naes f lassates, and ith ther ties and plaes, in rder t ae a siilar dialgue abut their shpping plans Then tae a fe inutes t tell their neighbrs abut their shpping listsStep2 Reading1 Let the students l at the pitures under the text, befre entering the text, and uniate ith the students Th
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