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毕业(设计)论文 摘要第 1 页 共 55 页毕业(设计)论文 基于数据关联规则的网上购物系统摘 要伴随着计算机技术在各行各业日益广泛和深入的应用,网络的概念早已深入人心。网络在各行各业的发展战略中占据了重要的位置,成为商家不可分割的部分。商品的宣传已不只局限于电视与报纸,网络已成为商家展示自己的另一个舞台。商家建立网站,将商家各方面的宣传与服务展现于网络中,通过网络更可实现如网上购物、信息查寻等功能,这些在改变我们原有经营方式与经营理念的同时,也为商家带来了更高的效益。因此,对于商家来说,拥有一个属于自己的网站是至关重要的。本论文研究了一种基于数据关联规则的网上购物系统。其开发主要包括后台数据库的建立、后台管理以及前台页面的 Web 设计。系统使用 Microsoft 公司以 C#为核心语言的 ASP.NET 开发工具,利用微软提供的 IIS 5.0 建立运行环境,再结合SQL Server 2000 建立数据连接关系。利用其提供的各种组件,在短时间内建立数据库,对数据库进行分析与建立 ASP.NET 页面,不断改进,直到功能基本实现的可行系统。本系统主要运用了系统开发生命周期法(System Development Life Cycle 简称 SDLC)和结构化方法(Structured Approach)来阐述该系统的开发过程,将计算机作为管理决策的支持手段,融入日常业务的各个环节,使得管理更加规范,同时也能够更好的为顾客服务,该系统大大提高了工作效率,为公司带来了更好的社会效益和经济效益。本系统采用 ASP.NET 和 SQL Server 2000 为开发工具,具有扩展性。在此,我真诚的感谢对我的毕业设计进行耐心指导的吉老师,以及对我的论文完成给予帮助的各位老师和同学。关键字:软件生命周期法;信息系统开发;浏览器/服务器;动态网站江西理工大学南昌校区毕业(设计)论文 ABSTRACT第 2 页 共 55 页ABSTRACTFollow the technology of the computer in the enterprise and deep application day by day of all trades and professions, the concept internet has been deeply taken up peoples heart. Today , the internet takes an very important part in the development tactics of all trades and professions, became a part of an company which can not be partition off. Themerchandise has not only limited in TV set and newspaper. The internet has became another stage which company can display themselves. Company set up web site, and make propaganda and service of all aspects of company, display on the internet. Though internet we can achieve buying products on the internet, searching message and so on. Those have changed old way of management and idea of management, meanwhile those also bring more yield for company. So, for the business company, have a web site which is belong to themselves is very important.I studied one kind of system of shopping online based on related-data rule. Its developments mainly include database setting-up, back-stage management and web design of the foreground pages. The system uses ASP.NET developing instrument, which taking C# as key language of Microsoft Company, exploit IIS 5.0 offered by Microsoft as running environment, and then combine with SQL server 2000 to establish the database. At first, utilize its various kinds of packages offered to set up the database within short time. Then, I analyzed database and made pages with ASP.NET, improved constantly, until basic functions of the system were realized.The system mainly utilize the Structrued Approach of System Development Life Cycle method to expound the performance history of Department Store MIS,computer as important administrative decision supporter.Which will make the business technological process more standard and rational,raise working effiencicy,and bring us greater management and economic benefit.The system adopts ASP.NET and SQL Server 2000 as the development tool,so it is extensible.Thanks to my tutor,Teacher ji bao yu.He gives me earnest direct to this paper,as well as other teachers and my fellow students.key words: Software life cycle method; Information System Developing; B/S ; Dynamic website江西理工大学南昌校区毕业(设计)论文 目录第 3 页 共 55 页目 录摘 要 .1目 录 .3第一章 系统概述 .51.1 电子商务介绍 .51.2 电子商务系统 .51.3 电子商务系统 Web 平台的开发方式 .51.3.1 Web 平台的体系结构 .51.3.2 Web 服务器平台 .61.3.3 Web 平台的动态设计技术 .71.3.4 Web 平台系统的开发方法 .8第二章 系统规划 .92.1 系统规划概述 .92.1.1 系统规划的目标、任务和主要工作 .92.1.2 系统规划工作的特点 .102.2 项目实施前期工作 .112.3 电子购物商城系统的总体设计思路 .112.4 电子购物商城系统的建设原则 .
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