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毕 业 论 文 (设 计 )用 纸佳木斯大学教务处 第 页 I摘 要随着社会的发展,人们文化水平的提高以及物质生活水平的增长,便利店已经进入我们的生活。连锁便利店有其鲜明的特征。它以向消费者提供方便为第一原则,并在经营管理方面追求高效。在现代商业领域中,连锁便利店作为零售业的新宠正异军突起,并以前所未有的速度在全球扩展,生活节奏的加快使得它是一种非常有竞争力的零售业态, 在国内虽然已经出现了好多年,但其经营状况并不是很理想,与国际成功的便利店经营者有着很大的差距。中国作为人口第一大国,在经济飞速发展的前提下便利店在我国市场应该有很大的利润空间。我们可以看出,发源于美国的便利店是在移植到日本后得到飞速发展的,其后又在台湾被加以推广。其中原因在于日本和台湾地域狭小,人口众多、密集度相当高,居民出行购物很大程度上还是依靠步行,会更多地考虑便利的因素。同样原因,在国内中心城市与沿海城市,便利店也会有着较大的生存空间。但是,在迅速发展的同时,由于定位不明确,特点不突出,营销策略不足等,使得我国便利店无法发挥其独特的优势。我国便利店要进一步发展,就必须实施连锁经营,充分发挥规模优势,构建高效的物流配送系统,提高产品的开发能力,在充分发挥便利店功能的基础上,满足人们日益增长的个性化需求。只有这样,才能降低我国便利店的经营成本,提高效率,从而摆脱亏损的局面,进一步发展。因此,现在有必要就便利店的发展潜力进行分析并对其日后的经营提出可行性设想,结合我国市场特点有针对的展开营销,我国便利店行业必将潜力无限。关 键 词 : 便利店;困境;潜力毕 业 论 文 (设 计 )用 纸佳木斯大学教务处 第 页 II毕 业 论 文 (设 计 )用 纸佳木斯大学教务处 第 页 IIIABSTRACTWith the social development and the enhancement of the level of peoples cultural and material lives, Convenience store chain has its own distinct characteristics. It is convenient to consumers as the first principle, and the pursuit of efficient business management. In the field of modern business, the retail chain convenience stores, as is the new darling of the rise, and at an unprecedented rate in the global expansion of the convenience store has filtered into our lives already, and has been made a very competitive retail format by the quickening pace of modern society. However, its operation situation is not quite satisfying, far behind successful international convenience store operators, though it has been in our country for years.China has the largest population in the world. Therefore, the convenience store arising in the market of such a country should have a great interest gap under the premise of rapid economic development. And we can see that the convenience store originated in the U.S. didnt develop fast until transported into Japan and later spread all over Taiwan. The reasons are that these two regions are small and narrow with large highly-intensive populations and that residents go shopping on foot to a great extent, resulting in their taking into consideration convenience.The same reason, in the domestic central cities and coastal cities, convenience stores will also have a larger living space. However, the rapid development, as a result of positioning is not clear, the characteristics of non-obvious lack of marketing strategy, making Chinas convenience store can not play its unique advantages. Convenience stores in China to further develop, it is necessary to implement the chain and give full play to advantages of scale, build a highly efficient logistics system to enhance product development capacity, give full play to the convenience stores in the basis function to satisfy the increasing demand for personalization. The only way to reduce Chinas convenience store operating costs, improve efficiency, in order to shake off loss-making situation, the further development of therefore, it is necessary to the development of convenience stores on an analysis of the potential and feasibility of future business to the 毕 业 论 文 (设 计 )用 纸佳木斯大学教务处 第 页 IVidea of combining the characteristics of Chinas market launch targeted marketing, convenience store industry in China is bound to an unlimited potential.Key word:Convenience stores; plight; potential毕 业 论 文 (设 计 )用 纸目 录摘要 Abstract前言 1一、当今世界便利店发展情况概述 2(一)便利店行业起源 2(二)便利店服务方式 2(三)便利店的经营模式 4(四)便利店四个“便利性”特征 5二、当前我国便利店经营现状和存在问题 7(一)定位模糊和经营理念不明确 7(二)便利店选址与其他业态重叠7(三)信息管理技术落后,物流配送严重滞后9(四)商品缺乏特色,延伸服务极少竞争力偏低 10(五)管理方式、配套技术落后,人才缺乏企业竞争力低 11(六)地域发展不平衡,消费者对便利店消费意识不强 12(七)后续扩张经营资本短缺,连锁程度低、网点布局不合理 13三、我国便利店未来发展的潜在动力14(一)政府支持力度不断加强14(二)经济发展趋势仍将持续
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