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初三英语(上)期末复习Unit 7一、掌握下列单词(听说读写)able neatly(变形) own(2 种词性) spirit invent(变形) pupil build print(变形) track frighten(变形) telegragh lifetime graduate healthily(变形) clearly(变形)二、翻译下列词组(重点掌握划线部分)try to do sth. get sb to do sth give up try out have nothing to do with teach sb to do sth find sb/ sth to do sth at the age of open up think of turn down/ up/ on/ off operate on sb.三、课文重点(一) 掌握下列句型:the + 序数词+形容词最高级+名词 no matter+疑问词 who/what/where see sb doing sth(比较 see sb do sth,回忆其他相近用法)too+形容词+to do sth.(连接 enough to do sth 与 so that) (二)掌握下列语言点: own 的用法 with 的短语表示伴随状语 主语+find+宾语+名词作宾补的用法(与主语+find + that 从句;主语+find+宾语+to be的转换)be able to 与情态动词 can 的区别。四、语法重点动词不定式:在句子中,它除了不充当谓语成分外,其他都可以。不过,它还有一点动词的特性即可以在 to do 的 do 后面加名词做它的宾语,副词做它的状语。1、 作宾语:动词不定式常在以下这些动词后作宾语:want, like, love, wish, try, ask, start, begin, forget, remember, learn, choose, agree, tell, decide, need 等。2、 作宾补:动词不定式在以下动词后作宾补,不能省 to:ask, want, teach, know, would like, allow, tell 等。在以下动词后要省 to: hear, see, look at, watch, notice, listen to, let, make, have(但被动语态中要补出不定式 to).3、 作状语,表示原因、目的、方法、方向、结果等。重点是目的状语。五、同步练习(一) 单项选择1.Thomas Edison was born in _ America.a. an b. / c. the d. a 2.I saw some children _ games in front of the house.a. to play b. to playing c. playing d. played3.The story is very _, and Im very _ in it.a. interesting/interesting b. interesting/interestedc. interested/interested d. interested/interesting4.WeiHua has got enough money _the new Chinese-English dictionary.a. to buy b. to sell c. buying d. selling5.Tell him _ football in the street . Its very serious.a. playing b. not playing c. not to playing d. not play6.Mr. Li wanted to know _. a. where does Liu Mei live b. where Liu Mei livesc. where did Liu Mei live d. where Liu Mei lived7. - _ do you write to your pen-friend? - Once a month.a. How long b. How often c. How many d. How many times8.One day when Edison was five years old, his father saw him _ on some eggs.a. sat b. to sit c. sitting d. siting9.Im sorry I have kept you _ for a long time.a. waited b. to wait c. waiting d. wait10.My parents _ in Beijing since 1995.a. are living b. will live c. have lived d. live11.When I was walking by the river, I suddenly heard someone _ for help.a. calling b. to call c. to called d. calls12.- _ I use your new pen? - Yes, of course you _.a. Can/ could b. Could/ can c. Should/ will d. Would/ will13.Will you _your little brother to the cinema when we see the film tonight.a. get b. carry c. take d. bring14.If you are not free today, come another day _.a. instead b. so c. too d. yet15. Do you mind _difficult to learn a foreign language?a. it b. that c. this d. /(二) 单词拼写1. Thomas Edison was a great American _().2. When he was only ten, he _()a chemistry lab for himself.3. Are you _()in learning English?4. I want to be a scientist when I _()from school.5. Please finish this work as soon as _ .6. Now people seldom use _() to send message.7. Its dangerous to play on the railway_ .8. There is something wrong with my computer. I will ask Mr. Wang to _fiks it.9. Mr. Young is our P.E. teacher. He not only teaches us how to run quickly but also teaches us how to eat _ .10. Seeing a train coming towards him, the little boy was too _ to move.(三) 句型转换1. The little girl was too frightened to say a word. The little girl was _ _ _ she _ say a word.2. The policemans questions were not about the accident. The policemans question _ _ _ _ with the accident.3. Emily hopes to find a job in a foreign company. _ _ Emily_ _ _ in a foreign company.4. I think Andrew is speaking too quickly.(否定句) I _ _ Andrew _ speaking too quickly. (四)翻译填空1 我父亲坚持冬季游泳已有十年了。My father _ _ in winter for more than ten years.2 在他十九岁时,他离家去一所大学学习。_ _ _ _ nineteen, he left home to study in a college.3 老师叫李雷不要放弃英语。The teacher asked Li Lei _ _ _ _ English.4 弗兰克能用汉语回答我的问题。Frank _ _ _ answer my questions in Chinese.5 这些书本与我们的功课无关。These books _ _ _ _ our lessons.6 让他考虑一下,我肯定他会提出一些意见的。Let him think it over, Im sure she
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