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0高性能计算机集群软件安装手册Intel 软件的安装前提: 软件都是开源下载的,下载软件及 license 网址:http:/www.intel.com/cd/software/products/apac/zho/343156.htm 将软件的序列号文件(*.lic 文件)拷贝到/opt/intel/licenses 下(此目录需要手动建立)。1 Intel C+编译器的安装:1. 复制源码包:使用 cp 命令复制 Intel C+的源码包 l_cproc_p_11.0.083_intel64.tgz 到 root 目录下2. 解压缩:tar zxvf l_cproc_p_11.1.072_intel64.tgzcd l_cproc_p_11.1.072_intel643. 安装:./install.sh如下图所示,需要经历 7steps 安装过程,基本都是默认选项回车进行下一步。Press Enter key to continue or q to quit: 回车Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice 1:回车(View the license agreement (required))Type accept to continue or decline to back to the previous menu:accept1Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice 1:回车(Use existing license)Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice 1:回车(Typical Install (Recommended))Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice 1:回车(Install)Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice q:回车(Quit)至此,已安装成功,默认的安装路径为/opt/intel/Compiler/版本号/ 的路径下,4. 设置环境变量:vi /root/.bashrc /编辑.bashrc 文件,在文档最后加入以下内容:source /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/bin/intel64/iccvars_intel64.sh /(:wq)保存退出source /root/.bashrc /source 使其生效which icc /查看是否环境变量设置正确2 Intel Fortran 编译器的安装:1. 复制源码包:使用 cp 命令复制 Intel Fortran 的源码包 l_cprof_p_11.0.083_intel64.tgz 到 root 目录下2. 解压缩:tar zxvf l_ l_cprof_p_11.1.072_intel64.tgzcd l_cprof_p_11.1.072_intel643. 安装:./install.sh如下图所示,需要经历 7steps 安装过程,基本都是默认选项回车进行下一步。2Press Enter key to continue or q to quit: 回车Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice 1:回车(View the license agreement (required))Type accept to continue or decline to back to the previous menu:acceptPlease type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice 1:回车(Use existing license)Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice 1:回车(Typical Install (Recommended))Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice 1:回车(Install)Please type a selection or press Enter to accept default choice q:回车(Quit)4. 设置环境变量:vi /root/.bashrc /编辑.bashrc 文件,在文档最后加入以下内容:source /opt/intel/Compiler/11.1/072/bin/intel64/ifortvars_intel64.sh /(:wq)保存退出source /root/.bashrc /source 使其生效which ifort /查看是否环境变量设置正确3 Intel MPI 的安装:1. 复制源码包:使用 cp 命令复制 Intel MPI 的源码包 l_mpi_p_4.0.0.028.tgz 到 root 目录下2. 解压缩:tar zxvf l_mpi_p_4.0.0.028.tgzcd l_mpi_p_4.0.0.0283. 安装:./install.shPlease type a selection (1/2/x) 1:回车(Install cluster node software on an automounted shared file system)Press Enter to continue. 回车Enter accept to continue, reject to exit: (accept/reject): accept3Please specify installation prefix /opt/intel/mpi/3.0: 回车Preparing packages for installation.intel-mpi-em64t-3.0p-043Installation successful.To uninstall this package, run /opt/intel/mpi/3.0/uninstall.Completed cluster installation successfully.4. 设置环境变量:vi /root/.bashrc /编辑.bashrc 文件,在文档最后加入以下内容:source /opt/intel/impi/ /(:wq )保存退出source /root/.bashrc /source 使其生效which mpirun /查看是否环境变量设置正确5. MPD 环境初始化设置:在每个节点的终端下运行以下命令:touch /root/.mpd.confchmod 600 /root/.mpd.confecho MPD_SECRETWORD=mr45-j9z /root/.mpd.conftouch /etc/mpd.confchmod 600 /etc/mpd.confecho MPD_SECRETWORD=111111 /etc/mpd.conf快捷运行命令:假设所有计算节点 IP 为 192.168.100.* (*从 1 到 100)for(i=1,i= 1) 1 # of panels in recursion 2 NDIVs 1 # of recursive panel fact. 1 0 2 RFACTs (0=left, 1=Crout, 2=Right) 1 # of broadcast 0 BCASTs (0=1rg,1=1rM,2=2rg,3=2rM,4=Lng,5=LnM) 1 # of lookahead depth 0 DEPTHs (=0) 2 SWAP (0=bin-exch,1=long,2=mix) 256 swapping threshold 81 L1 in (0=transposed,1=no-transposed) form 1 U in (0=transposed,1=no-transposed) form 0 Equilibration (0=no,1=yes) 8 memory alignment in double ( 0) 主要注意N,NB,P 和Q 的值 N 是矩阵的大小,其公式为:N*N*8=总内存*80% ,在intel Nehalem以上的cpu, N*N*8=总内存*90% 测试的效果会更好些。 NB 是求解矩阵分块大小,一般为192,224 P和Q 要满足:P*Q=进程数;PQ 这2 个关系 4. 运行linpack mpdboot mpiexec machinefile hosts n 12 ./xhpl 5. 看输出结果,并算出效率。 一台双路服务器配置了2颗Xeon x56502.66GHz的理论峰值为2.66 (主频)*4 (每个时钟执行4 次浮点运算)*2(2 颗cpu )*6 (每颗cpu 有6 个核)=127.68 GFlops 实测的一组输出结果: = T/V N NB P Q Time Gflops - WR00C2L2 50760 224 2 6 720.91 1.210e+02 - |Ax-b|_oo/(eps*(|A|_oo*|x|_oo+|b|_oo)*N)= 0.0024948 . PASSED = Finished 8 tests with the following results: 8 tests completed and passed residual checks, 0 tests completed and failed residual checks, 0 tests skipped because of illegal input values. - End of Tests. nt
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