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“Paparazzi”翻唱红人格雷森蔡斯帅气回归!Remember Him? 5 Questions with Paparazzi Star Greyson Chance! Greyson Chance has changed a lot in the five years since his performance of Lady Gagas Paparazzi at his sixth-grade music recital独唱会 went viral如病毒般扩散 on YouTube. Simply put简单地说: “I was short and I had a really high voice, and now my voice is low and Im tall.”After signing with Ellen DeGeneres label, and touring with Miranda Cosgrove and Cody Simpson, the 18-year-old follows up坚持完成 his debut首个 album Hold On Til the Night, with a more grown up, 70s funk 注 1-inspired record. 自从格雷森?蔡斯在他六年级的音乐独唱会上翻唱 Lady Gaga 的“Paparazzi”并因此在 YouTube 上迅速走红后,这五年来,他也改变了很多。他简单概括道:“我之前身材矮小且有着非常高的嗓音,而现在我长高了,声音也变低沉了。 ” 在和艾伦?德杰尼勒斯签约并跟随米兰达?科斯格罗夫和科迪?辛普森巡回演出后,18 岁的他继首张专辑Hold On Til the Night后,带来了一张更为成熟、有着 70 年代乡村爵士乐风格的专辑。 Q1.When youre on tour, what is it like in your house in Edmond? 当你进行巡回演出时,你在埃德蒙的家是怎么样的? GC:My siblings兄弟姐妹 are in college, so its empty nesting空巢期 at my house. I got my license驾照 in August, and I just got a Ford Mustang 注 2. I collect a lot of books as well as old typewriters at this point. My rooms a mess! I dont really get homesick. The only thing I miss is my dog. I have a dog. His name is Whiskey. Hes too big, and I think he would freak out on tour. For the most part, its easy to travel and do what you love. I started writing for this record in Bali with some songwriters, artists and producers. I really love Bali. 我的兄弟姐妹们都上大学了,所以我家处于空巢期。我在八月的时候考到了驾照,并且刚买了辆福特野马。我现在收藏了很多书和老式打字机,房间里乱糟糟的!我并不是十分想家,唯一挂念的便是我的宠物狗。它叫威士忌。它的体型很庞大,我想它若跟着我巡演一定会非常兴奋。最重要的是,旅行以及做自己喜欢做的事都很容易。在巴厘岛,我和一些词曲作家、艺人及制作人开始为新专辑进行创作。我实在太喜欢巴厘岛了。 Q2.Whats the best gift a fan has given you? 你的粉丝给过你的最好的礼物是什么? GC:My new record is all about escaping逃出 through music and traveling to what I call Planet X, and Planet X to me is a whole fantasy world that I feel like Im in when I listen to the record. I got this lovely box that a fan painted, and its Planet X-themed and inspired. Thats whats so amazingfans are getting it, and they havent even heard the tunes yet. Its just so amazing and incredible难以置信的, and the time she put into itI cant even imagine想象. 我的新专辑主要是关于通过音乐去到一个被我称作 X 星球的地方。当我聆听这张专辑的时候,我感觉自己仿佛就在 X 星球这个幻想的世界里。我收到过一个粉丝亲手画的可爱的盒子,这份礼物是受到 X 星球的启发并以此为主题画的。这简直是太令人惊讶了,他们甚至还没听过我的专辑,就已经知道专辑想表达的内容了。实在是难以置信,我都不敢想象她为这个盒子投入了多少时间。 Q3.Any celeb 注 3 crushes? 你有哪些喜欢的明星呢? GC:I watch way too many太多的 movies and theyre like music to me. Theres greatness in every genre类型. St. Elmos Fire is my favorite. Ally Sheedy is a celebrity crush, she is so hot in that movie! And is Meryl Streep a weird怪异的 choice? I love Meryl, man. Oh, and Julia Roberts when she was doing Mystic Pizza 注 4. 我看过太多的电影,而我喜欢电影就像我喜欢音乐一样。每一种题材都有其引人入胜的地方。 我最喜欢圣艾尔摩之火 。艾丽?西蒂是我喜欢的演员,她在电影里太迷人了!另外,如果我说我喜欢梅丽尔?斯特里普,你们会觉得奇怪吗?我爱梅丽尔。噢,我还喜欢现代灰姑娘里的朱莉娅?罗伯茨。 Q4.Whos your dream collaborator? 你希望与谁合作呢? GC:If I could ever do something with Prince, I would definitely freak out处于极度兴奋中. I met the President at the Easter event at the White House a couple of years ago and that was such a cool thing! But PrinceIve thought about sneaking into偷偷摸摸进入 house to see what he cooks. Oh my god! 如果我能够和普林斯合作,我肯定乐翻了。几年前的复活节,我在白宫和总统见了面,那感觉真的很酷!但普林斯就不同了我还想过要溜进他的房子里看看他煮了什么菜,我的天啊! Q5.Whos your favorite person to follow on Twitter? 谁是你在推特上最关注的人? GC:One of my favorite indie独立音乐 artists is James Blake. He does a lot of really cool stuff on Twitter and Tumblr. I also love seeing what Gagas up to忙于. I love everything she does, so Im up with拥护 her a lot. Now it kind of turns into a friendship and its really, really great! I just think shes amazingly talented. Its funny, just fantasy turns into a reality, and Im here making music! I just keep on looking forward. 詹姆斯?布雷克是我最喜欢的独立音乐人之一,他在推特和Tumblr 上做了许多很酷的事。我也喜欢关注 Gaga 的近况。我喜欢她做的所有事情,因而我也十分支持她。现在我们渐渐成为了朋友,这种感觉非常棒!我就是觉得她非常有天赋。有趣的是,梦想成为现实了,我正在这里做音乐!我会一直展望未来的。 注 1:骤停打击乐,崛起于 20 世纪 70 年代,由黑人爵士乐演变而来。它被认为是迪斯科音乐的前身,也是美国黑人舞蹈文化的一种。 注 2:Mustang(国内也称“野马” ) ,福特汽车公司旗下的传奇跑车品牌,其首款车型于 1964 年的纽约世博会上推出。 注 3:即 celebrity,名人。 注 4:现代灰姑娘 ,1988 年由唐纳德?佩特瑞执导、朱莉娅?罗伯茨等主演的爱情片,讲述了三对恋人的爱情故事。
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