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第 1 页手机产品质量标准本产品质量标准由以下四个部分组成:第一部分:产品技术规格书(电性能部分)第二部分:产品外观检验标准第三部分:产品功能检验标准第四部分:产品可靠性检验标准 第 2 页第一部分:产品技术规格书(电性能部分)1 GSM 900MHz 电性能测试标准GSM900Peak burst power (dBm) Average power (dBm )range range信道 功率等级标准UL LL标准UL LLPCL5 33 35 31 33 35 31PCL8 27 30 24 27 30 24PCL16 11 15 7 11 15 7CH1PCL19 5 10 0 5 10 0PCL5 33 35 31 33 35 31PCL8 27 30 24 27 30 24PCL16 11 15 7 11 15 7CH62PCL19 5 10 0 5 10 0PCL5 33 35 31 33 35 31PCL8 27 30 24 27 30 24PCL16 11 15 7 11 15 7射 频 载 波 功 率CH124PCL19 5 10 0 5 10 0 第 3 页信道 功率等级 测试内容 标准CH1CH62发射功率/时间特性CH124PCL5 Power time template 发射功率突发脉冲在 GSM 规范要求的功率/时间波罩内Phase error peak(dg) Phase error RMS(dg)信道 功率等级 GB GBCH1 150小时。白卡测试结果供参考。2 通话时间测试Communication time test测试手机在通话时,电池在额定容量下维持手机通话的最长时间.The battery with rate capacity, Inspect the max time to communicate with the handset.电池在额定容量下,将手机听筒音量开到最大,分别在移动网和联通网,手机呼叫建立通话联系后,至到自动关机为止。记录各自手机的通话时间,5 台平均即为手机通话时间;要求手机关闭其它设置,网络信号在-65-85dBm 范围内.The battery with rate capacity, the volume set the max.Mobile Card and Unicom Card division of communication. Record each set 5PCS推荐大于 120 分钟(具体按产品定义)Commended more than 120 minutes (According to the product SPEC) 第 20 页the longest commun3 温升实验Temperature rise test验证手机在通话过程中,手机温度是否会升高并超过标准要求.Inspect the temperature variety of handset during communicating.最大功率发射。并工作于 CH62。装入低电电池,开机、充电状态下将手机与模拟基站建立连接,持续通话 90 分钟。持续通话中,听筒音量开到最大,实时测量手机表面(按键、电池表面) 、听筒部分的温度值;分别以 90 分钟内测量到的手机表面及听筒部分的最高温度值为最终实验温度。The handsets with the max transmit power in channel 62, Low electrical voltage, power on and charge. Communicate with the2PCS通话过程中不能出现掉话现象,试验后功能、性能正常。手机表面温度上升不超过15,听筒部分不能超过12.Interrupted exception is not allowed during the test. The function and performance is normal after test. The surface temperature variety is not more than 15. The receiver temperature variety is not mor环境试验 Environment Test4 高低温贮存Hot/Cold test in storage验证手机在高低温环境条件下贮存的适应性Validate the capacity of the handset to be stored in low and high temperature conditions.被测样机不包装、不通电状态放进具有20的试验箱内。使试验箱在 30 分钟内温度达到-253 ,温度稳定后持续 48 小时,然后在 30 分钟内又使温度回到 20;在 30 分钟内使试验箱内温度达到 702,温度稳定后持续 48 小时,再在 30 分钟内使试验箱内温度回复到 20,放置期满,被测样机进行试验后检查。Put the unpacked and power off samples in the test box in 20 temperature.The room temperature reduce to10PCS通过基本功能、性能测试;外观和结构正常Base function and performance test is OK; Appearance and structure are normal. 第 21 页5 高低温工作Hot/Cold test in operation验证手机在高低温环境条件下使用的适应性Validate the capacity of the handset to be operation in low and high temperature conditions.被测样机不包装、处于通电待机状态,放进具有 20的试验箱内。使温度在 30 分钟内达到-203,温度稳定后持续 16 时,然后在 30 分钟内又使温度回到 20;再使试验箱在 30 分钟内温度达到+552,温度稳定后持续 16 小时,再在 30 分钟内使试验箱内温度回复到 20,持续期满。立即进行被测样机试验后检查。Put the unpacked and switched on samples in the test box in 20 temperature.The room temperature reduc10PCS通过基本功能、性能测试;外观和结构正常Base function and performance test is OK; Appearance and structure are normal.6 恒定湿热Damp Heat test验证手机在恒定湿热环境条件下使用的适应性.Inspect the performance of the handset under high temperature and high humidity.被测样机不包装、处于通电待机状态,以翻盖打开位置放进试验箱内。使温度达到+402,湿度达到 95%(+2%/-3%) ,稳定后持续 96 小时,持续期满。立即进行被测样机试验后检查。put the unpacked, power on and folder opened samples into the constant temperature box. When the temperature arrive retentively +402 and humidity is 95(+2%/-3% )10PCS通过基本功能、性能测试;外观和结构正常Base function and performance test is OK; Appearance and structure are normal.7 温度冲击实验Thermal shock test验证手机经受环境温度迅速变化的能力.Inspect the performance of the handset under the vertiginous temperature.被测样机不包装、不带电池状态,以正常位置放进试验箱内。高温为+702,稳定温度保持时间 2h;低温为 403,稳定温度保持时间 2h;转换时间不大于5 分钟;循环次数为 12 次(1 个循环周期为 4 小时 5 分钟) 。循环期满,在正常大气条件下放置 2h。放置期满,被测样机进行试验后检查。put the unpacked and power off 5pcs QC pASSED samples into the Thermal Shock Box. High temperature is 702, keep t10PCS通过基本功能、性能测试;外观和结构正常Base function and performance test is OK; Appearance and structure are normal. 第 22 页8 结露实验 Dew test验证手机在结露环境下的适应性.Validate the performance of the handset under the dew environment.待机状态下,按照 +202/95%(+2%/-3%)湿度放置 2h;-203放置 30min;转换时间 40min 设置进行试验,共连续进行 5 个循环;试验结束后立即进行测试。The samples idle, Do the test as the temperture is 202 and the humidity is 95%(+2%/-3% ) for 2h; then the temperture is -203 for 30minutes, conversion time in 40minu5PCS通过基本功能、性能测试;外观和结构正常Base function and performance test is OK; Appearance and structure are normal.9 污物混入实验Filth interfuse test验证手机结构密闭性.Validate the frame obturation of the handset.将电池装在手机上,关机状态下放入装有300 目滑石粉的
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