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八年级上册 unit3TOPIC2sectionA-sectionD 导学案Unit3 Our hobbies Topic2 What sweet music? Section A科目:八年级英语 课型:新授 执笔者:张献芳 审核者:班级:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_Every man is his own worst enemy.(一个人最大的敌人就是他自 己。)【预习目标】1.能预习并熟读 P61-62 的单词和词组。 2.能熟读 1a 并了解课文意思,将课文中 的新重点知识做上注释。3.基本能完成 1b,2b,3. 4.能试着完成 2a。5.能完成“英汉互译” 。【学习目标】1.会读写用下列单词和短语:concert, go on, language, Renai English Language School,lend,tape,hiphop,singer,violin,drum,instrument,artist,musician,price,folk,dr awing,ad,pay.2.复习 be going to 将来时结构。 3.初步感知不同种类的感叹句: (1)How exciting! (2)And it sounds beautiful! (3)Thats too bad! 4. 会用英语说出部分乐器的名称。5.通过谈论音乐会,感受音乐之美。【学习重点】不同种类的感叹句的学习【学习方法】对话操练法。 【自主学习】 1.听录音,大声朗读 1a 对话。 2.读第 111 页的课文注释,借助其他工具书和辅导资料尽量理解 1a。翻译对话内容;然后 同桌合作分角色读 1a。3.英汉互译,一定在书上相应地方勾画和注释出来(必须先完成 1,2,再做此部分)(1)go to a concert/at the concert/giconcert_ (2) How exciting!_ (3) 我心永恒_ (4)听起来真优美! _(5)为什么不和我一起去?_ (6)在仁爱英语语言学校上英语课 _(7)那太遗憾了!_ (8)来加入我们吧! _ (9)spend a wonderful_ (10)同一首歌_(11)音乐工具_ (12) 上一堂吉他课_ 【导入新课】1.Question: what kind of musical instruments do you know?(the violin, the piano, the guitar, the drums, erhu) finish2b,2a. 2.呈现:听音乐“my heart will go on”学习 1a.3.独立完成 3。【合作探究】 1.两人一组编写对话,完成 1b。 2.总结感叹句有多少类型(参考 120-121 页) 。【当堂检测】 翻译下列句子加油!_救命!_真遗憾!_好精彩!_ 听起来真棒! _多么聪明的男孩_ 多有趣的故事!_ 今天下午我将和我的同学去打乒乓。_ 我后天要去上海。_【训练检测】 一单项选择。( )1.He isnt good at English. So he has to_ English lessons on weekend. A. is B. does C. take D. give ( )2.I have no money. I want to look for a job _the ad.A. with B. in C. of D. after ( )3.Her songs sound_. A. well B. greatly C. beautiful D. beautifully( )4.Each of the students _a book quietly .Its a good way to learn a language. A. are reading B. read C. is reading D. reading( )5.How much is it _this book?A. to B. at C. of D.for 二根据首字母提示完成句子 1.Zhang Jie will come to KaiXian. He is going to give a c_. 2.He l_ his bike to her. 3.He cant play basketball while he can play the d_.4.I want to listen to rock music, but I have no t_ for such songs.5.The p_ of a piano lesson is 100 yuan. Its a little high.三同义句转换。1. How blue the sky is!_ 2.He often lends his bike to me . I often _the bike _ _ _. 3.Whats the price of this book? _ _ is this book? 4.The bike cost me 300 yuan . I _300 yuan for the bike.自学问题记录: 通过本话题的学习,你掌握的如何,你还有那些不懂之处, 请你做记录。_。教(学)后记:_。
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