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INTERNATIONAL YOUNG ARCHITECTS IDEASAWARDS and EXHIBITION“Dynamism in Office Buildings of the Future”Article 1: The Aim and Extent In our age comprehensive changes occur at all cultural dimensions. The speed of these changes is difficult to follow. In parallel, the concept of space and functional needs shaping architecture are changed and transformed. In this context the relation between space and time transcends its conventional patterns. While the physical configuration of architecture traditionally reflects a “static” character, in contemporary age the functions, to which this physical structure tries to respond, undergo profound transformations due to developments in information and communication technologies. Architectural envelopes and spatial configurations struggle to cope with the velocity of functional changes. In general, architecture, which formerly had a “static” character, currently recognizes “speed” and “dynamism” as fundamental concepts of its professional agenda. Office structures constitute instances where the above mentioned transformations in information and communication technologies are profoundly perceived. The functional needs faced by the office structures change. Thus it becomes harder for the spatial configurations to respond these changes. The objective of this project is to interpret the concept of “dynamism” in contemporary office buildings in a more comprehensive level beyond mere kinetic structural systems and architectural form. The participants are expected to discuss and interpret the concept of “dynamism” in terms of changing functions, culture and technology, relations with environment (both urban and rural) and the spatial experiences offered to the users of the space. The participants may design new office buildings and / or propose transformations for existing structures within a context, function and scale determined by themselves. The participants are expected to present their architectural design proposals in graphical and textual media compatible with the required standards. Article 2: OrganizersThe event is organized by the Chamber of Architects of Turkey and its Antalya Branch under the auspices of UIA. Article 3: Type of EventThis single stage ideas awards programme is open to young architects worldwide in accordance with UIA-UNESCO regulations.Article 4: Terms for Participation To be born after 1973 and to be an architect, To be a member of the Chamber of Architects of Turkey for participants from Turkey, To be a member of an organization of architects in their own country for the participants from abroad. Participation in the event is free of charge. It is possible to participate as a team. People who are relatives of jurors or the Technical Committee can not participate in the event.Article 5: Language Turkish and English are the official languages for projects and documents.Article 6: Schedule of the Event Announcement: January 1, 2012 Deadline for questions: January 27, 2012 Deadline for answers of the questions: January 30, 2012 Deadline for submission of projects: March 26, 2012 Evaluation of the Jury: April 7, 2012 Announcement of the results: May 19, 2012 Exhibition of the projects: May 19, 2012 Award ceremony: May 19, 2012Article 7: Questions & AnswersAll questions about the event will be asked by using the question-answer form on the web site up to January 27, 2012.Questions will be answered by the organizers of the competition up to Januray 30, 2012. All questions and answers will be published on the International Young Architects Meeting web site on that date.Article 8: Anonymity All projects will be presented and adjudicated anonymously. Participants will choose an identity code that will appear on each document submitted. This code will be made up of 3 numbers (non-consecutive) and 2 letters. They will be written on the 15mm/50mm white background with black letters and it will be written on right upper corner of the all documents making up the entry. The technical committee will mask these identity codes with a serial number for the duration of the jury meeting. When the jury has made it final selection, the identification envelopes will be opened and anonymity lifted.Article 9: Submission of the Project Entries will be submitted anonymously. Submissions will include a sealed envelope containing the competitors personal information. The identity code of the participants will be written on the outside of the envelope in which applicants name, surname, telephone number, e-mail address, communication address, photocopy of their identity card/passport and their registration number at their Chamber/Institute will be clearly written. In case of team participation, all team members inform
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