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西 南 交 通 大 学本科毕业论文合肥美菱冰箱产品营销策略研究年 级 2007 级学 号 20073062姓 名 陈海锋专 业 工商管理指导老师 覃容芳摘要随着中国改革开放的不断深入和经济持续增长,国内消费需求日益扩大。国际主要家电品牌公司都将中国作为其战略市场,冰箱行业业已出现国内竞争国际化的态势,品牌战、产品战、价格战、广告战、渠道战层出不穷,竞争趋于白热化。同时,国内电冰箱消费需求发生了结构性的变化,中高档产品需求旺盛;农村市场在国家惠农政策的支持下,消费潜力逐渐显现,这给国内电冰箱生产企业提供了难得的市场机遇。因此国内冰箱行业是机遇与挑战并存。美菱是国内冰箱行业龙头企业之一,拥有 600 万台的产能和 10%的市场占有率,目前居于第一阵营。美菱产品定位中低端市场,近年来出现主销产品利润率低、销量增长慢等问题。因此研究美菱冰箱的产品策略具有重要意义。本文以合肥美菱股份有限公司为研究对象,分析了美菱冰箱的宏观环境、行业环境和竟争环境,并运用 Sw0T 模型分析了公司的优势、劣势、机会和威胁。论证了美菱通过产品策略调整来提高综合竞争力的可能性和合理性。在对冰箱产品市场营销环境和公司产品现状研究的基础上,指出了该公司产品存在的问题:产品结构不合理、缺乏有效的产品组合、产品品牌趋于老化、新产品开发、产品服务不尽完善等。然后结合美菱冰箱产品定位,制定了包括整体产品、产品组合策略、产品品牌策略、新产品开发策略和产品服务策略。最后提出了美菱产品策略的实施建议。希望本文的产品策略对美菱公司的进一步发展具有一定的实际应用价值。【关 键 词】美菱冰箱 产品策略 竞争优势【论文类型】应用研究AbstractWith china reform and open policy unceasingly penetrate deeply and ecnomy is invreasing substantially,The national comsumer demand is increasing day by day.International electrical brands companies takes china as the strategic market,and the industry of refrigerator has presented the international trend of national competition.The brand war、price war、product war、advertising war and channel war emerge in an enless stream,and the competition apt to turn white hot.Meanwhile comsumer demand of national refrigerators comes about the hard-own marketing opportunity for the national enterprise of manufactureing refrigerators.So the opportunity an challenge exist an the same time in the industry of national refrigerators.Meiling is one of the leading enterprises in the refrigerator industry.and processes the output of 6000000 sets and the market share of 10%.At present,Meling stands in the first troop arrangement.The product of Meling is middle_low profit margin and the sale increases show.These problems confuse the company.So it has an important significance to research the adjustment of product strategies of Meling refrigerator.The paper takes Hefei Meiling Limited Liablity Company for exsample,and analyzes the macro environment、industry environment and competition environment.Then the paper analyzes the companys strengths、Weaknesses、opportunities and thereats.The paper proofs the possibility and rationality that the company can strength core competitiveness according to the adjustment of product strategies.In the foundation of marketing environment and product status quo,the paper points out the existing problems:the illogicality of product strcture、not affectivity of product mix、the degradation of product brand、the development of pioneer product and imperfect of product service ect.To combine with product position of Meiling refrigerator,the paper proposes product strategies including strategies of holistic product、strategies of product mix、strategies of product brand、strategies of pioneer product and strategies of product service.At last implement advices product strategies are put forward.Hope that the product strategies of this paper have some real applied value for the further development of Meiling Company.【Key words】Meiling refrigerator Product strategies Competitive advantage【Type of thesis】Applie Research目录第一章 绪论 .11.1 选题的背景 .11.2 本文研究的目的和意义 .21.3 论文研究的思路和方法 .21.3.1 论文研究的思路 .21.3.2 论文研究的方法 .3第二章 中国冰箱行业的发展概况 .32.1 中国冰箱行业的发展概况 .32.1.1 市场启动阶段(1978 一 1983) .32.1.2 市场扩展阶段(1984 一 1988).42.1.3 市场萎靡阶段(1989 一 1991).42.1.4 市场回升、竞争阶段(1991-2004 年以后) .52.1.5 市场剧烈竞争阶段(2005 年以后) .62.2 中国冰箱市场的现状分析 .62.2.1 冰箱行业的产业特征:冰箱行业已处于产业生命周期的成熟期 .62.2.2 冰箱行业的现状 .
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