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7B 词组 M1U11 参加竞赛 take part in a competition/ contest2 参加(活动/竞赛) take part in = join in3 加入(组织) join .4 入党 join the Party5 加入我们 join us6 加入兴趣小组 join the hobby group7 令人吃惊的是 To ones surprise8 吃不同的当地小吃 eat different local snacks9 在大的百货商场 in large department stores10 看到美丽的喷泉和鸽子 see beautiful fountains and pigeons11 提些建议 make some suggestions12 去观光 go sightseeing13 设计一份旅行指南 design a travel guide14 一个导游 a tour guide15 在崇明岛 on Chongming Island16 在上海的中心 in the centre of Shanghai17 一个国际化的城市 an international city18 以它的夜景而闻名 be famous for its night views19 在某地著名 be famous in20 被誉为购物天堂 be known as a “Shopping Paradise”21 在广场周围 around the square22 有的大型的开放区域 a huge open area with 23 在与之间 between and 24 一个著名的教堂和天文台 a famous church and observatory25 把加入 add to 26 进展,继续 get on with sth.27 与某人相处(融洽) get on (well) with sb.28 继续做某事 go on doing sth.29 作为众所周知 be well-known as (well-known= famous)30 乘磁悬浮列车 take the Maglev31 带某人去国际机场 take sb. to the international airport32 城市西南大约 30 千米 about 30 km south-west of the city33 为观光和游玩去那里 go there for sightseeing and fun34 水上餐厅 floating restaurants35 思考,认为,想出 think of36 更多一些有趣的地方 some more interesting places37 最受欢迎的地方之一 one of the most popular places38 决定做某事 decide to do sth= make a decision to do sth.= make up ones mind to do sth.39 在中国的东/西/南/北部 in the east/ west/south/ north of China40 世界上最大的城市之一 one of the largest cities in the world41 穿过隧道 travel through the tunnel42 人民广场 Peoples Square43 上海博物馆 Shanghai Museum44 豫园 Yu Garden45 上海大剧院 Shanghai Grand Theatre46 杨浦大桥 Yangpu Bridge47 世纪公园 Century Park48 东方明珠电视塔 Oriental Pearl TV Tower49 上海科技馆 Shanghai Science and Technology Museum50 东平国家森林公园 Dongping National Forest Park51 上海野生动物园 Shanghai Wild Animal Park52 浦东新区 Pudong New Area = Pudong New District53 佘山国家风景度假区 Sheshan State Resort54 在大约八分钟之内 in about 8 minutes (how soon)55 所以,每年有许多游客来上海购物也就不足为奇了。Therefore, it is not surprising that many tourists come to visit Shanghai every year to shop.56众多的桥梁和隧道式浦东和浦西之间的交通往返变得方便。There are many bridges and tunnels, so it is convenient to travel between Pudong and Puxi.57 你的旅行指南进展的如何? How are you getting on with your travel guide?M1U21 看电影 see a film= watch a movie = go to the cinema2 讨论看那部电影 discuss which film to see3 看一看 take/have a look at= look at 4 喜剧片 funny films5 愚蠢的 stupid= silly = funny6 一部动作片 an action film7 在太空 in space8 一个关于天鹅公主和王子的爱情故事 a love story about a swan princess and a prince9 关于警察和强盗的故事 a story about policemen and robbers10 一些宇航员的历险 adventures of some astronauts11 在马戏团 in the circus12 电影的片长 the duration of the film13 在一个遥远的小镇上 in a small town far away14 年度最佳卡通片 the greatest cartoon of the year15 年度最令人激动的电影 the most exciting film of the year16 弹钢琴/小提琴 play the piano / violin17 写日记 write a diary / keep diaries18 充满笑声,欢乐,动作 full of laughter,fun and action19 采取行动 take actions 20 讨厌做某事 hate doing = dislike doing21 充满 be full of =be filled with=be crowded with22 哪种电影 what kind of film23 不同类型的电影 different kinds of films24 哪一部电影 Which film25 花钱买 payfor=spendon sth=spend (in) doing26 去电影院的的路 the way to the cinema27 向左转 turn left28 沿走 walk along29 左转进入 turn left into 30 在某人的右边 on ones right31 发生 take place = happen32 与某人进行一次讨论 have a discussion with sb.33 与某人讨论 discuss with sb.= talk to/ with sb.34 最短的路线 the shortest route35 总共 altogether (in all)36 从我家如何去那儿? How can I get there from my home?37 你知道如何到达最近的汽车站?Do you know how to get to the nearest bus stop?= Do you know how I can get to the nearest bus stop?= Do you know the way to the nearest bus stop?38 你想看哪部电影? Which film would you like to see?39 这部电影是关于什么的? What is the film about?40 不要错过这不电影 Dont miss the film.41 他们总共花多少钱购票?How much did they pay for the tickets in all?= How much were the tickets altogether?= How much did they spend on the tickets?= How much did the tickets cost?41 这部电影持续多长时间? How long does this film last?M1U31 相当多年 for quite a few years2 数年 for several years3 相当多 quite a few / little = many / much4 只有一点点 only a few/ little5 教我们数学 teach us Maths6 自从 1997 年以来 since 19977 自十年前起 since ten years ago8 抓贼 catch thieves9 有助于保护城市安全 help keep the city safe10 保持某种状态 keep +形容词原级(eg. keep quiet/ healthy)11 一直做某事 keep doing 12 挽救某人的性命 save ones life (复数. lives)13 搬到一个安全的地方 move to a safe place14 安全地着陆 land safely15 安全规则 safety rules16 参观某地/ 拜访某人 visit sp / visit sb17 对某人进行一次拜访/对某地进行一次参观 have a visit to sb. / sp18 在某人参观期间 during ones visit in sp.19 去某地 travel to sp20 主管,负责 be in charge of= take charge of = be responsible for21 在一家公司工作 work in a company 22 画建筑物图纸 draw plans of buildings23 设计机器 design machines24 打印信件和接电话 type letters and answer the phone25 在地里种蔬菜 grow vegetables in fields26 为人们煮食物 cook food for people27 送信 deliver letters28 在运动方面训练某人 train someone in sport 29 一个钥匙环 a key ring30 被用作 be used for doing sth=be used to do31 用某物去做某事 use sth. to do = use sth. for doing32 过去常做某事 used to do sth.33 习惯(做)某事 be/ get used to (doing) sth34 挂钥匙 hold the keys35 帮助某人做 help sb do sth36 乘电缆车 take the cable car37 玩得愉快 have a good ti
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