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Unit6 Meet my familyB Lets learn Lets play执教人:袁升敏一, 教学目标1、知识与技能目标: (1)能听、说、读新授单词,cook, driver, farmer, doctor, nurse. (2)能综合运用句型:Whats his/her job? He is a . She is a .(3)能够在语境中正确使用有关家庭成员和职业的单词或词组简单介绍家庭成员及其职业。2.过程与方法目标(1)通过家庭照片复习前面所学到的家庭成员之间的称呼和引出各个家庭成员的职业。(2)通过一些图片和问题引出所教授单词,然后通过音标教学和TPR 全身反应教学法让学生会读和熟练单词,再通过游戏,唱歌曲和一些习题来巩固所教学单词和所学句型。(3)本节课采用了小组合作学习法,任务型教学法,游戏,活动,比赛贯穿始终,充分调动了学生学习积极性和主动性,培养了创新思维。另外,课堂评价也贯穿始终。3.情感态度价值观目标:(1)通过 They have different jobs, but they all helpful,引导学生树立职业平等的观念,注重培养学生热爱各种职业,无贵贱之分,热爱生活的美好情感。(2)培养学生从小树立远大理想的情感。二教学重难点重点:1.能听说读写单词 doctor, nurse, farmer, cook, driver.2.能用 Whats sbs job? 询问某人的工作。难点:正确使用:his her 等(形容词性的物主代词) ,hes, shes(是人称代词和 be 动词的缩写).三,学情分析 本单元的教学内容与学生的实际生活息息相关,因而本单元的教学内容对学生来说不难理解,关键是如何将分散的语言点进行整合、拓展,并在实际生活中加以准确运用。在教学时,教师要通过创设情景,运用多种教学手段,开展灵活多样的教学活动,将新旧知识有机结合,对本单元知识加以强化,从而让学生更好地掌握和拓展职业这一话题。本节课是第六单元的第四课时。这节课的教学任务是如何在学习新知识的基础上,拓展和利用所学的旧知识,真正达到学以致用。六、课前准备 单词卡片、图片、课件。四,教学过程1.GreetingGood morning, boys and girls. Im your new teacher. My family name is Yuan.You can call me Miss Yuan. So, hello, boys and girls, Whats your name? whats his/her name? Nice to meet you.(设计意图:拉近师生感情,承接旧知识) Today lets talk about family. Everyone has a family. Do you love your family?lets look at the family. F is for father. A is for and. M is for mother. I is for I. L is for love. Y is for you. That is a family. Follow me .father and mother I love you. How many people are there in your family? Whats your brothers name?2. Warm up and ReviewI have a family photo here. Do you want to have a look? How many people are there? Lets count together. Who are they? Look at the girl .Who is she? This is sarahs father. This is sarahs aunt. This is sarahs uncle. This is sarahs uncle,too. This is sarahs grandfather 然后再问学生,who are they?(复习家庭成员,引入职业,为新课作铺垫。 )3. PresentationLead-inI teach you English .So I am an English teacher. What about you? Are you teachers? No, you are students. What about Sarah? Is she a teacher? Is she a student? Yes, she is a student. What about her father? Is he a teacher? You can ask Sarah like this Sarah, Sarah Whats your fathers job? 教学 job(升降调,学生分别读 ),把job 这个单词贴在黑板上,把 Whats your fathers 也贴在黑板上和 job 组成 Whats your fathers job?教读,学生举手来回答2.教授新词教学 doctor(拿出 doctor 卡片先教音标,然后升降调教读, ) Who can have a try? Raise your hands, please. 把 doctor 贴在黑板上,然后指着 Sarahs father 说,Hes a doctor.把 Hes a贴在 doctor的前面。If the doctor is a girl, we can say She is doctor.把 Shes a贴在黑板上。Doctor, doctor , act like a doctor(一边说,一边做动作). Who can act like a doctor? 分组表演 act like a doctorDo you want to see a doctor? You should eat healthy food and do sports every day. Can you do it?教学 nurseCan you guess? She works in a hospital. She is not a doctor. But she can help doctor. Whats her job? Nurse(升降调读),教读 ur 音标,学生回答 .Nurse nurse. Act like a nurse.(边说边做)Now, Lets chant. Follow meWhats her job? She is a doctor.Whats her job? She is a doctor.Whats her job? She is a doctor.She is not a nurse.教学 farmerHe works with a hoe, he works on a farm every day. whats his job?Farmer(升降调,教读音标),who can have a try?,学生用升降读,who can act like a farmer?Now, listen to a poem.悯农作者:李绅 锄禾日当午,汗滴禾下土,谁知盘中餐,粒粒皆辛苦(告诉学生们要爱惜粮食).教学 cookI am hungry. Id like some beef and vegetables. What about you? Are you hungry? What would you like? OK, I can cook it for you. Now I am a cook.教读 cook(升降调,教音标),学生举手回答Cook,cook, act like a cook.教学 driverLook. I can drive a car. So I am a driver.教读 driver(升降调,教音标)。学生回答Driver driver . act like a driver. (分组表演)3. practiceLets play a game (大小声)听音频学唱歌a,Come and meet Sarahs family. Whats her familys members job?b,Whats missing?c,Guess. Whats his/her job?四,consolidation and extension1. 教学 B Lets play2. 活动方式,学生两人一组,利用书本上的五幅图进行对话问答。 ( 培养小组合作精神,团队意识,激发学生个性。 )3. Show their dialogue.4.lets survey: 二十年后的我活动方式:学生畅想二十年后自己的职业,然后小组用 whats your job? Im a的句式进行问卷调查。5,课件播放不同的职业。五Homework 六,板书设计七,教后反思:
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