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2011-01-18 商务部例行新闻发布会2011年 1月 18日,商务部召开例行新闻发布会,以下为全程实录:2011-01-18 商务部例行新闻发布会Regular Press Conference of the Ministry of Commerce on 18 January 201各位记者朋友:Dear friends from the Press: 欢迎大家参加商务部 2011年首场例行新闻发布会。从本次新闻发布会开始,我们将在商务部政府网站、中国经济网和新浪网进行直播,请大家关注。我首先向大家介绍 2010年我国商务工作运行情况,然后回答大家关心的问题。Welcome to the Ministry of Commerces first regular press conference in 2011. The press conference will be broadcast live to the website of MOFCOM, China Economic Net and Sina.com from this session on, and your further attention is welcomed. First I would like to brief you on the commercial development of China in 2010, and then I will take your questions. 2010年是我国进入新世纪以来经济社会发展面临形势最为复杂的一年。在党中央、国务院的领导下,商务部实施应对国际金融危机的一系列政策措施,加大结构调整力度,国内外贸易和国际经济合作总体保持平稳较快发展,为国民经济由企稳回升向平稳较快发展做出了重要贡献。Chinas economic and social development has gone through the most complex situation in the year of 2010 since the new century. MOFCOM implemented a series of initiatives in addressing the global financial crisis, and intensified restructuring under the leadership of the CPC Central Committee and the State Council. Domestic and foreign trade, and international economic cooperation maintained a steady and rapid development on the whole, contributing to the stabilizing and improving of the national economy. 一、关于国内市场运行I. Chinas domestic market operation2010年,我国消费品市场保持了平稳较快增长。据商务部监测,12 月份,全国3000家重点零售企业实现销售额较上年同期增长 19%,增速比 11 月加快 0.4个百分点。1-12 月份,全国 3000家重点零售企业销售额同比增长 18.1%,比上年同期提高 10.6个百分点。Chinas consumer market has maintained a steady and rapid growth in 2010. According to MOFCOM statistics, in December, sales volume of 3,000 major retailers rose by 19% year-on-year, 0.4 percentage points higher than the growth rate of November. From January to December, sales volume of 3,000 major retailers increased by 18.1% year-on-year, 10.6 percentage points higher than the growth rate of the same period of 2009. 2010年 12月份,千家重点零售企业(下同)食品销售额同比增长 15.1%,饮料同比增长 14.4%,烟酒销售额增长 14.8%,增速比 11月份 分别回落 3.9、2.9和 3个百分点;服装销售额同比增长 19%,鞋帽销售额同比增 19.8%,增速比11月份分别加快 0.8和 5.4个百分点。金银珠宝 销售额同比增长 39.1%,同比增幅连续 8个月保持在 30%以上。家电销售额同比增长 19.2%,增速比 11月份加快 5.5个百分点。汽车销售额同比增长 32%,增速比 11月份加快 2.9个百分点,同比增幅创 2010年以来新高。In December 2010, sales volume of foodstuff, beverage, and tobacco and liquor for 1,000 major retailers rose by 15.1%, 14.4%, and 14.8% respectively year-on-year, 3.9, 2.9 and 3 percentage points lower respectively than the growth rates of November. Sales volume of clothing and garment increased by 19%, and shoes and hats jumped 19.8%, 0.8 and 5.4 percentage points higher respectively than the growth rates of November. Sales volume of gold, silver and jewelry soared by 39.1%, having increased more than 30% each month for eight consecutive months. Sales volume of home appliances increased by 19.2%, 5.5 percentage points higher than the growth rate of November. Auto sales rose by 32%, 2.9 percentage points higher than the growth rate of November, hitting a record high since the beginning of 2010. 商务部把扩大消费作为转变经济增长方式的重要内容,全国商务系统认真落实国务院关于搞活流通扩大消费的意见(国办发134号),按 7方面 20条具体政策细化工作,工作取得明显成效,主要体现在四个方面:MOFCOM looks on expanding consumption as an important part of the transformation of the economic growth mode. Commercial departments at all levels implemented the Opinions of the General Office of the State Council on Invigorating circulation and Expanding Consumption (the General Office of the State Council, No. 134), and 20 specific policies in seven aspects gave detailed instructions to implementation, Significant results have been achieved and are demonstrated in four aspects. 一是居民消费不断扩大。2010 年,全国社会消费品零售总额实现快速增长,全年将突破 15万亿元,预计同比增长 18%以上。家电以旧换新、汽车和家 电下乡等优惠政策让居民得到实惠,促进了消费升级换代。截至 2010年底,家电以旧换新累计销售 3322万台,销售额 1211亿元;家电下乡 1.14亿 台,销售额2418亿元;汽车以旧换新共淘汰老旧汽车、黄标车 47.4万辆,拉动新车消费518亿元;全国汽车摩托车下乡共补贴车辆 1792万辆,拉动消 费突破 2600亿元。First, consumption by urban and rural residents has kept expanding. In 2010, total volume of retail sales maintained rapid growth, and was expected to exceed 15 trillion Yuan, with a growth rate of over 18%. The Home Appliances “Old-for-New” scheme, and Home Appliance and Motor Vehicle Subsidy Program for Rural Areas have benefited the residents, and upgraded the consumptions. By the end of 2010, total sales of new home appliances in the Home Appliances “Old-for-New” scheme reached 33.22 million units, with sales value of 121.1 billion Yuan. Sales of home appliances in the “Home Appliances to Rural Areas” program amounted to 114 million units, with sales value of 241.8 billion Yuan. 474,000 “yellow sticker vehicles” and old vehicles were eliminated in the implementation of Replacement Policy on Automobiles, boosting consumer spending of 51.8 billion Yuan on new cars. A total of 17.92 million cars and motorcycles were subsidized in the Sales of Autos and Motorcycles in Rural China, stimulating consumer spending of over 260 billion Yuan.二是农村现代流通网络初步形成。截至 2010年底,全国累计建设或改造连锁农村超市 52万个,覆盖 80%乡镇和 65%的行政村;建设和改造了 2667 个配送中心;累计支持 740家农产品批发市场和农贸市场,覆盖 56%的地级市;支持2000多家零售企业与 1.1万家农民专业合作社开展“农超对
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