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武汉大学 2011-2012 学年第一学期期末考试经济与管理学院 2011 级 数理经济与金融专业初级微观经济学考试试题( A 卷)注意:答案一律写在答题纸上,不要写在试卷或草稿纸上。可以用中文或者英文答题。1. (10) Suppose that there are 10 million workers in Canada and that each of these workers can produce either 2 cars or 30 bushels of wheat in a year.a. What is the opportunity cost of producing a car in Canada? What is the opportunity cost of producing a bushel of wheat in Canada? Explain the relationship between the opportunity costs of the two goods.b. Draw Canadas production possibilities frontier. If Canada chooses to consume 10 million cars, how much wheat can it consume without trade? Label this point on the production possibilities frontier.c. Now suppose that the United States offers to buy 10 million cars from Canada in exchange for 20 bushels of wheat per car. If Canada continues to consume 10 million cars, how much wheat does this deal allow Canada to consume? Label this point on your diagram. Should Canada accept the deal?2. (10) Market research has revealed the following information about the market for chocolate bars: The demand schedule can be represented by the equation QD = 1 600 - 300P, where QD is the quantity demanded and P is the price. The supply schedule can be represented by the equation QS = -1 400 + 700P, where QS is the quantity supplied. a. Draw the demand and supply curves. b. Calculate the equilibrium price and quantity in the market for chocolate bars.c. If the price of material of chocolate bars decreases 0.5 per unit, calculate the equilibrium price and quantity in the new condition.3. (10) Because bread and cream cheese are often eaten together, they are complements.a. Scientists reveal that consumption of cream cheese increases the risk of heart attack, Illustrate and explain what effect the change has on the equilibrium price and quantity of bread and cream cheese.b. We observe that both the equilibrium price of cream cheese and the equilibrium quantity of bagels have risen. What could be responsible for this pattern: a fall in the price of flour or a fall in the price of milk? Illustrate and explain your answer.c. Suppose instead that the equilibrium price of cream cheese has risen but the equilibrium quantity of bagels has fallen. What could be responsible for this patterna rise in the price of flour or a rise in the price of milk? Illustrate and explain your answer.4. (10) Pharmaceutical drugs have an inelastic demand, and computers have an elastic demand. Suppose that technological advance doubles the supply of both products (that is, the quantity supplied at each price is twice what it was).a. What happens to the equilibrium price and quantity in each market?b. Which product experiences a larger change in price?c. Which product experiences a larger change in quantity?d. What happens to total consumer spending on each product?5. (10) The supply and demand for broccoli are described by the following equations:Supply: QS = 4P - 80Demand: QD = 100 - 2PQ is in bushels, and P is in dollars per bushel.a. Graph the supply curve and the demand curve. What is the equilibrium price and quantity?b. Calculate consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus at the equilibrium.c. If a dictator who hated broccoli and requires the sellers of broccoli to pay a $0.5 tax on each case of broccoli purchased, who would bear the larger burden - the buyers or sellers of broccoli?6. (10) Consider how health insurance affects the quantity of healthcare services performed. Suppose that the typical medical procedure has a cost of $100, yet a person with health insurance pays only $20 out of pocket. Her insurance company pays the remaining $80. (The insurance company recoups the $80 through premiums, but the premium a person pays does not depend on how many procedures that person chooses to undertake.)a. Draw the demand curve in the market for medical care. (In your diagram, the horizontal axis should represent the number of medical procedures.) Show the quantity of procedures demanded if each procedure has a price of $100.b. On your diagram, show the quantity of procedures demanded if consumers pay only $20 per procedure. If the cost of each procedure to society is truly $100, and if individuals have health insurance as just described, will the number of procedures performed maximize total surplus? Explain.c. Economists often blame the health insurance system for excessive use of medical care. Given your analysis, why might the use of care be viewed as “excessive”?d. What sort of policies might prevent this excessive use?7. (10) When Chinas clothing industry expands, the increase in world supply lowers the world price of clothing. But this price is higher than the price in China.a. Draw an appropriate diagram to analyze how this change in price affects consumer surplus, producer surplus, and total surplus in a nation that imports clothing, such as the United States.b. Draw an appropriate diagram to analyze how this change in price affects consumer surplus, producer
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