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CONTENTS 目录SECTION 1 SCOPE, CLASSIFICATION AND DEFINITIONS第一部分 范围,分类和定义1.1 SCOPE . 4范围1.2 CLASSIFICATION . 4分类1.3 DEFINITIONS . 4定义SECTION 2 DESIGN AND CONSTRUCTION第二部分 设计和结构2.1 MATERIALS . 7材料2.2 CONSTRUCTION. 7结构2.3 DESIGN . 9设计2.4 MARKINGS. 11标识2.5 INSTRUCTIONS . 11说明书SECTION 3 PERFORMANCE REQUIREMENTS第三部分 性能要求3.1 GENERAL . 12概要3.2 LEAKAGE . 12密封性3.3 FLOW RATE . 12流量3.4 OPERATING EFFORT. 12操作力3.5 MECHANICAL STRENGTH . 13机械强度3.6 DURABILITY . 13耐久性APPENDICES附录A FIGURES A1 A5. 14图A1-A5B METHODS OF TEST. 19试验方法S E C T I O N 1 S C O P E , C L A S S I F I C A T I O N A N DD E F I N I T I O N S第一部分 范围,分类和定义1.1 SCOPE 1.1 适用范围These requirements apply to manual shut off valves up to 150 mm size for use on natural gas (NG), simulated natural gas (SNG), town gas (TG), tempered liquefied petroleum gas (TLP) and liquefied petroleum gas (LPG).这些要求适用于小于150mm尺寸的手动截断阀,这些阀可用于天然气(NG), 代用天然气(SNG ),城市煤气(TG),回火液化石油气(TLP)和液化石油气(LPG)。Compliance of a manual shut off valve with these requirements does not imply that it is acceptable for use without supplemental tests in its intended application.符合这些要求的手动截断阀并不意味着它可以不经过补充测试就能在计划应用中使用。Certification requirements for manual shut off valves incorporated in a combination control are published in AS 4624.AS4624规定了对手动截断阀在组合控制中的认证要求。1.2 CLASSIFICATION1.2 分类Manual shut off valves may be one of three types:手动截断阀可以是以下三种类型之一:(a) Type 1 Emergency or appliance isolating valves.(a) 紧急切断阀或设备隔离阀(b) Type 2 General or special purpose valves.(b) 一般或特殊用途阀门(c) Type 3 Emergency or isolating valves (plastic). Type 3 valves are for underground use only.(c) 紧急切断阀或隔离阀(塑料)。第三种类型阀门只地下使用。1.3 DEFINITIONS1.3 定义For the purposes of this Standard, the following definitions apply:在本标准中,下列定义适用:1.3.1 Authority1.3.1 权威机构Means the authority having jurisdiction or such authority as delegated. (Technical Regulator).是指该权威机构有司法权或被授权委派。(技术监管机构)1.3.2 Certified1.3.2 合格Assessed by a Certifying Body, and having a certificate number to demonstrate compliance with a Standard.经认证机构检测通过,并有证书号码以证明符合标准。1.3.3 Certifying body1.3.3 认证机构A body acceptable to the Technical Regulator that provides assurance of compliance of appliances and components with nominated standards or other accepted safety criteria.该机构须经技术监管机构认可,并能提供保证符合指定标准或其他公认的安全标准的设备及组件。1.3.4 Combination gas control1.3.4 多功能气体控制An assembly of two or more different control functions in a single body.单一阀体有两个或多个不同的控制功能。1.3.5 Gas1.3.5 燃气A combustible fuel gas which may be one of the following:可燃燃料气体,可以是下列之一: Natural gas (NG) 天然气(NG)A hydrocarbon gas, consisting mainly of methane.烃类气体,主要由甲烷组成1.3.5.2 Simulated natural gas (SNG) 代用天然气(SNG)A gas comprising a mixture of LPG and air, in the approximate proportions of 55% gas and 45% air for commercial propane.由液化石油气和空气混合组成,比例近似55%的天然气和45%的丙烷气。 Town gas (TG) 城市煤气(TG)A gas manufactured from coal or petroleum feedstocks.以煤或石油为原料制取的燃气。 Tempered liquefied petroleum gas (TLP)回火液化石油气A gas comprising a mixture of LPG and air, in the approximate proportions of 27% gas and73% air for commercial propane.由液化石油气和空气混合组成,比例近似27%的天然气和73%的丙烷气。 Liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) 液化石油气(LPG)A gas composed predominantly of any of the following hydrocarbons, or any combination of them in the vapour phase; propane, propene (propylene), butane, butene (butylene).由以下烃类为
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