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主题: Everyday English(52)Deaths in Israeli-Palestinian Violence 巴以冲突死亡报道The Associated Press(美联社) Three years of violence in the Israeli-Palestinian conflict has killed 2,417 people on the Palestinian side and 860 on the Israeli side. In addition, about 60 Palestinians suspected of informing for Israel have been killed by Palestinian militants. 三年的巴以冲突共导致巴方2,417人死亡,以方860人死亡。另外,有60 人因被怀疑为以色列提供情报而被巴勒斯坦民兵处死。The figure for the Palestinian side includes at least 101 suicide bombers. Among the other dead are 13 Israeli Arabs involved in pro-Palestinian riots, a British U.N. staffer, an American peace activist, an Italian journalist, a British journalist and a German resident of the West Bank. 巴方的统计数字包括至少101个自杀性人体肉弹。死者中还有 13个参加支持巴勒斯坦骚乱活动的以色列裔阿拉伯人,一个英裔的联合国职员,一个美国和平激进分子,一个意大利记者,一个英国记者和一个居住在西岸的德国居民。Deaths on the Israeli side include four non-Jews in the Israeli army, at least 14 foreigners working in Israel, a Swiss international observer, a Turkish observer and a Greek monk. 以色列方的死亡数字包括以色列军队中的四个非犹太人,至少14个在以色列工作的外国人,一个瑞士国际观察员,一个土耳其观察员和一个希腊修道士。Those listed in the Israeli total include 41 Americans, many of whom had dual U.S.-Israeli citizenship. One Palestinian-American is counted on the Palestinian side. 以色列方所列死亡人数中总共包括41个美国人,他们当中许多人具有美国以色列双重国籍。一个巴裔美国人被列入到巴方统计数字中。【词汇小注】:informing adj.提供情报的staffer n.编辑, 职员monk n 僧侣;修道士提问: 请教了,这句话怎么理解呢?the substance found in cigarette works on people somewhat as drugs do.答复:growup is absolutely right.in this sentence, there is a word drug, which has two meanings. they are 毒品 and 药品, which will be used according to different occasions. here are some examples:drug stores in this street 街上的药店he is on drugs. 他在吸毒!提问: 请问“同桌”和“逛街”怎么翻译? 答复:as for the first one, you can say: desk matefor the second, maybe you can use the following on different occasions:go shoppinggo window-shoppinggo into the streetbeat the streets提问: 你先请“怎么翻译? 答复:we may say: after you!when you are with a lady, you can say:lady first!but if you are a lady and want to show that you want to be equal, you may say gentleman first! to tell the truth, i have never heard of it, hehe!错误的句子:By seven oclock p.m. the child had been found.翻译:到晚上七点钟,孩子已经找到了。正确答案:By seven p.m. the child had been found.或是:By seven oclock in the evening the child had been found.解释:oclock ( 点钟)不能和p.m. (下午,晚上) 或a.m. (上午) 一起使用。误句中oclock应去掉,或者把p.m. 改为in the evening.错误的句子:Moon goes round earth, and earth goes round sun.翻译:月球绕地球旋转,地球绕太阳旋转。正确答案:The moon goes round the earth, and the earth goes round the sun.解释:表示世间独一无二的事物须加定冠词。又如:The flight to the moon is of special interest. 飞往月球特别令人神往。earth作“世界”解时不加冠词,如:on earth 在世界上,例如:Most bacteria are not only harmless to man but absolutely essential to the continuation of all life on earth. 大多数细菌不仅无害于人类,而且对世界上一切生命的延续是绝对不可少的。错误的句子:He is a clerk of a firm.翻译:他是一个公司的职员。正确答案:He is a clerk with a firm.解释:公司职员,应用with,不用to。第四篇上回说到Ross 因为前妻的事而感到非常郁闷,他担心万一老天只给每个男人安排了一个女人怎么办?那他岂不是再也找不到自己的另一半了?碰到这种情况,我们大半会劝人家说”天涯何处无芳草”,可Joey是个好吃之人,所以他就很有趣地把 “芳草” 比作了 “冰激凌”,他教导Ross说:What are you talking about? One woman? Thats like saying theres only one flavour of ice cream for you. Let me tell you something, Ross. Theres lots of flavours out there.(你在说什么啊? 一个女人? 这就好比天下就只有一种味道的冰激凌似的。我来告诉你Ross, 冰激凌的口味多着呢。)” 末了他还对Ross 说了句grab a spoon, 意思是鼓励Ross抓起匙子准备好去品尝各式”冰激凌”。这天晚上正好Ross和Rachel单独在一起:ROSS: Okay. You know you probably didnt know this, but back in high school, I had a, um, major crush on you.RACHEL: I knew.ROSS: You did! Oh. I always figured you just thought I was Monicas geeky older brother.RACHEL: I did.ROSS: Oh. Listen, do you think- and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor here- but do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe?RACHEL: Yeah, maybe.ROSS: Okay. okay, maybe I will.RACHEL: Goodnight.ROSS: Goodnight.(Rachel goes into her room and Monica enters the living room as Ross is leaving.) Monica: See ya. Waitwait, whats with you? Ross: I just grabbed a spoon.【视角】Ross向Rachel 承认说他在高中时暗恋过她( back in high school, I had a major crush on you). major 在这里相当于big的意思,have a crush on sb 就表示喜欢某个人,这种喜欢有可能只是一时的迷恋,有句话说得好: It takes only a minute to get a crush on someone ,an hour to like someone,and a day to love someone- but it takes a lifetime to forget someone. 使Ross觉得有些意外的是,Rachel 早就知道这个小秘密了,呵呵,女孩子对于感情方面的事情总是比较敏感的。于是Ross又说: I always figured you just thought I was Monicas geeky older brother. (我总觉得你只是把我看作是Monica的土包子哥哥)。Geek 在美语当中是用来专指那些穿着很土气,而且很boring的人。而对于figure 这个词许多人恐怕只是把它作为名词来用,它可以表示数字(number)或是女性的身材(woman s body),但在口语中,figure经常是被用作动词来表示think, believe, feel等等, 比如:We figured (that) youd want to rest after your journey. 没想到Rachel说她确实是那样认为的, 接着Ross鼓足了勇气吞吞吐吐地问 Rachel是不是改天能约她(do you think it would be okay if I asked you out? Sometime? Maybe?) , 生怕Rachel 因为同情而点头,他还插了一句and try not to let my intense vulnerability become any kind of a factor (别让我这种很受伤的样子影响你)。Rachel笑盈盈地回答说maybe, 看到这儿我想 Ross应该马上就顺水推舟了,可是他okay 了老半天,( 我等得急啊) 居然憋出句maybe I will. 。真是昏倒,要换作是Joey的话早
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