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1Unit 2Aunite ju:nait v.联合;团结助记:un + i + te拓展:unite with 与联合 be united as one 团结一致kingdom kidm n.王国助记:king + dom拓展:the United Kingdom 联合王国 the animal kingdom 动物界 the kingdom of fiction 小说界consist knsist v.组成;在于;一致助记:con + si + st比较记忆:insist,resist, desist,persist拓展:consist of 由组成 consist in 在于province prvins n.省;行政区助记:prince + ovdivideinto 把分成比较:separate .fromunitekingdom consist consist ofprovince divideintoBclarify klrifai v.澄清;阐明助记:c + l + ar + i + fy拓展:clarrify ones stand 阐明自己的立场accomplish kmpli v.完成;达到;实现助记:ac + com + ish比较:finish,achieve,completeconflict knflikt n.矛盾;冲突助记:con + fl + i +ct拓展:conflict of interest 利益冲突unwilling ,nwili adj.不愿意(的);不乐意(的)助记:un + will + ing拓展:be unwilling to do sth.不情愿或不愿意干某事break away(from)挣脱(束缚);脱离比较:break down 毁掉;破除;(使)垮掉 break in 打断(说话);闯入 break into 破门而入;突然想起 break off 中止;中断 break out 突然爆发 break through 冲破;突破 break up 破裂;驱散;(被)分解2clarify accomplish conflictunwillingbreak away(from)unitekingdom consist consist ofprovince divideintoCunion ju:njn n.联合;联盟;结合;协会助记:un + i + on拓展:in union 共同地;一致地 a labor union 工会 a students union 学生会credit kredit n.信任;学分;赞扬;信贷助记:c + red + i + t拓展: credit card 信用卡 get credit for sth 为而获得声誉或赏识 give credit to sb for sth 为某事认可、称赞或赞许某人to ones credit 为带来荣誉;值得赞扬;在 名下currency krnsi n.货币;通货助记:cu +rr + en + c +y拓展:foreign currencies 外币 give currency to 散布institution ,institju:n n.制度;机制;公共机构助记:in + st + It + u + tion拓展:public institutions 公共机构(指孤儿院、医院等)institution of higher learning 高等学校 institute n.学会;协会;学院;(研究)院、所 an institute of technology 理工学院 institute for research in English teaching 英语教学研究所convenience knvi:njns n.便利;方便助记;con + ve + nie + n +ce 拓展:for convenience 为了方便 at ones convenience 在某人方便的时候union credit to ones creditcurrencyinstitution convenience3clarify accomplish conflictunwillingbreak away(from)ju:nait kidm knsistprvins klrifai kmpliknflikt,nwili ju:ninkreditkrnsi,institju:nknvi:njnsDrough rf adj.粗糙的;粗暴的助记:rou + gh拓展:rough weather 狂风暴雨的天气 have a rough time 吃苦头roughly rfli adv.粗略地(approximately);粗糙的助记:rough + ly 拓展:at a cost of roughly 5 $ 约值 5 美元 roughly speaking 约略地说nationwide neinwaid adj.全国性的;全国范围的助记:nation(国家) + wide(广泛的)attract trkt v.吸引;引起注意助记:at + tr + act拓展:attract sb to virtue/evil 劝人向善/诱人作恶architecture :kitekt n.建筑学;建筑艺术助记:ar +chi +t + e +c +ture拓展:architect n.建筑师;设计师;缔造者 chief architect 总建筑师rough roughlynationwideattract architecture 4Ecollection klekn n.收藏品;珍藏;收集助记:collect + (t)ion拓展:large/small collection of books 大量/少量藏书administration d,ministrein n.管理;行政部门助记:ad + mini +s + tr + ationport p:t n.港口拓展:airport 飞机场 import 进口;输入 export 出口;输出 transport 运输;搬运countryside kntri,said n.乡下;农村助记:country + side拓展:in the countryside 在农村enjoyable indibl adj.令人愉快的;使人高兴的助记:enjoy + able拓展:a very enjoyable concert 一场十分愉快的音乐会leave out 省去;遗漏;不考虑比较:leave behind 遗留;忘带;超过 leave to/with 把托付给;留/交给collectionadministrationportcountrysideenjoyableleave outrough roughlynationwideattract architecture Fdescription diskripn n.描写;描述助记:de +s +cr + ip + tion拓展:beyond description 难以形容furnished f:nit adj.配备好装备的;带家具的助记:furnish + edfurnish vt.供应;为(房间、公寓)配备家具 fu + rn +ish拓展:furniture n.家具 a piece/article of furniture 一件家具5fax fks n.传真(机)v.用传真传输(文件)助记:fa +xpossibility ,psbilti n.可能性助记:possib(le)+ ility归纳:ability n.能力 ab(le) +ility responsibility n.责任感 responsib(le)+ ilityplus pls prep.加上;和 adj. 加的;正的;零上的助记:pl + us拓展:minus mains prep.减去;减 adj. 负的;减的descriptionfurnished fax possibilitypluscollectionadministrationportcountrysideenjoyableleave outrfrfli neinwaid trkt:kitektklekn d,ministrein p:tkntri,saidindibl diskripnf:nit fks ,psbilti plsGquarrel kw:rl n.争吵;争论;吵架 v.争吵;吵架alike laik adj.相同的;类似的6take the place of 代替break down(机器)损坏;破坏arrangereindv.筹备;安排;整理wedding wedi n.婚礼fold fuld v.折叠;对折quarrelalike take the place ofbreak downarrangeweddingfoldHsightseeing saitsi:i n.观光;游览delight dilait n.快乐;高兴;喜悦royal ril adj.王室的;皇家的;高贵的uniform ju:nif:m n.制服splendid splendid adj.壮丽的;辉煌的;极好的statue sttu n.塑像;雕像sightseeing delightroyaluniform splendid statue quarrelalike take the place ofbreak downarrangeweddingfoldIcommunism kmjunizm n.共产主义thrill ril v.使激动;使心惊胆战pot pt n.罐;壶error er n.错误;过失;谬误7tense tens n.时态consistent knsistnt adj.一致的communism thrillpoterrortenseconsistent sightseeing delightroyaluniform splendid statue quarrelquarrel kw:rl n.争吵;争论;吵架 v.争吵;吵架alike laik adj.相同的;类似的take the place of 代替break down(机器)损坏;破坏arrangereind筹备;安排;整理wedi fuld saitsi:idilait ril ju:nif:msplendid sttukmjunizm rilptertens knsistnt 检测v.联合;团结n.王国v.组成;在于;一致8由组成n.省;行政区把分成v.澄清;阐明v.完成;达到;实现n.矛盾;冲突adj.不愿意(的);不乐意(的)挣脱(束缚);脱离n.联合;
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