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1第七单元测试题答案1. We _ away the whole summer at the beach.A. stayed B. remained C. delayed D. lingered答案为 D。句意为:我们在海滩上消磨掉整个夏天。stay 停留;remain 仍然是,保持;delay 耽搁;linger磨蹭,徘徊。2. The _ of the occasion was lost when he cut in with a rude joke.A. dignity B. honor C. fame D. silence答案为 A。句意为:他突然插入一则粗俗的玩笑,使当时的庄严气氛丧失殆尽。dignity 尊严,庄严;honor荣誉,光荣;fame 名声;silence 寂静。3. I _ at the very thought of it.A. shake B. shiver C. tremble D. vibrate答案为 C。句意为:我一想到这件事就不寒而栗。shake 摇动,挥动;shiver 发抖(冷、害怕等) ;tremble颤抖(愤怒、激动等) ;vibrate 震动,颤动(声音等) 。4. He applied _ a job with a computer company, on to be turned down.A. at B. on C. to D. for答案为 D。句意为:他到一家电脑公司去应聘一份工作,结果被拒绝了。apply for应聘,申请;apply to适用于。5. The thieves fled _ disorder when they heard that the police were coming to them.A. in B. on C. at D. by答案为 A。句意为:听说警察来了,小偷们四处溃逃。in disorder 零乱,慌乱。6. His employer _ him to another office.A. delivered B. transferred C. handed over D. passed答案为 B。句意为:老板把他调到了另一个办公室。deliver 交付,投递,分娩;transfer 迁移,调动;hand over移交;pass 传递,经过。7. This problem will not be dealt with here owing to the _ of space.A. limited B. limitation C. limiting D. limits答案为 B。句意为:这个问题由于空间的局限而无法得到解决。limit 界限,极限;limitation 局限,限制。8. The researchers are keeping a close eye on the _ of autumn to winter.A. transportation B. transmission C. transmit D. transit答案为 D。句意为:研究人员们正密切关注着从秋季到冬季的过渡。transportation 运输;transmission传播,传送;transmit(动词) ;transit 过渡,变迁。9. She _ her ears, but no sound reached them.A. pressed B. strained C. stressed D. stretched答案为 B。句意为:她使劲用耳朵听,但一点声音都没有听到。press 按,压;strain 拉紧,尽力用;stress施压,强调;stretch 伸展,延伸。10. I remember the small and _ tree in the desert.A. alone B. solitary C. lonely D. lone答案为 B。句意为:我记得沙漠中那棵孤零零的小树。alone 单独的,独自一人的(表语) ;solitary 孤单的,孤独的;lonely 孤独的,寂寞的;lone(内心)孤独,忧愁。11. He is _ all over the wall.A. crawling B. scrawling C. sprawling D. creeping答案为 B。句意为:他在墙上到处乱涂。crawl 爬行,蠕动;scrawl 乱涂,潦草地写;sprawl 四肢伸开,蔓延;creep 匍匐,爬行。12. The medicine is on sale everywhere. You can get it at _ chemists.A. each B. some C. certain D. any答案为 D。句意为:这种药到处有售,你在任何药店都可买到。each 各个,每个(强调单一) ;any 任何(强调所有) 。13. You cannot be _ careful when you drive a car.A. very B. so C. too D. enough答案为 C。句意为:开车时,再怎么小心都不会过分(越小心越好) 。cannottoo(固定搭配)怎么都不过分。14. The government is trying to do something to _ better understanding between the two countries.A. raise B. promote C. heighten D. increase答案为 B。句意为:政府正努力采取措施以促进两国间的相互理解。raise 提高,抬高;promote 促进,促成;heighten 增高,加高;increase 增加。15. Nursery school can be enormously _ to socially handicapped children.2A. admirable B. invaluable C. profitable D. beneficial答案为 D。句意为:幼儿园对有交际障碍的小孩特别有帮助。admirable 令人钦佩的,令人羡慕的;invaluable无价值的;profitable 有利润可图的;beneficial 有益的,有好处的。16. Its _ in the regulation that you can take 20 kilos of luggage with you.A. laid off B. laid out C. laid up D. laid down答案为 D。句意为:规章规定你可以带 20公斤行李。lay off下岗,解职; lay out设计,布置;lay up卧床,搁置;lay down 规定。17. Such essentially different stimulus as cold, drugs and _ can cause identical chemical reaction in the body.A. illness B. weather C. sorrow D. travel答案为 C。句意为:这些本质上有区别的刺激物如寒冷、药物和痛苦会在身体内引起相同的化学反应。根据 cold和 drugs只有填如 sorrow最为切题。18. There has been a great increase in retail sales, _?A. does there B. hasnt there C. isnt it D. isnt there答案为 B。句意为:零售额有很大的增加,是吗? 反疑问句,与前句保持一致。19. These people once had fame and fortune; now _ is left to them is utter poverty.A. all what B. all which C. that all D. all that答案为 D。句意为:这些人过去有名有利,现在剩下的只是赤贫。all 是先行词,that 引导定语从句。20. The old man _ with anger when he heard that his own son would bring a suit against him.A. shook B. trembled C. stumbled D. hesitated答案为 B。句意为:当老人听说自己的儿子要告他时,气得直发抖。shake 摇动,挥动;tremble 颤抖(愤怒、激动等) ;stumble 绊跌,绊倒;hesitate 犹豫。21. _ energy under the earth must be released in one form or another, say, an earthquake.A. Accumulated B. Assembled C. Gathered D. Collected答案为 A。句意为:地下积累起来的能量总要以某种形式释放出来,比如说地震。accumulate 积累,堆积;assemble集合,组装;gather 聚集,收集;collect 收集,收藏。22. As we can no longer wait for the delivery of our order, we have to _ it.A. postpone B. refuse C. delay D. cancel答案为 D。句意为:我们无法再等待送货,因此我们只好取消订单。postpone 推迟;refuse 拒绝;delay耽搁;cancel 取消。23. American football and baseball are becoming known to the British public through televised _ from the United States.A. transfer B. delivery C. transportation D. transmissions答案为 D。句意为:美式足球和棒球是通过电视转播为英国人所了解的。transfer 迁移,调动;delivery送货,发送;transportation 运输;transmission 传播,传送;24. They regarded it as a gift as a _ of their friendship.A. guarantee B. oath C. vow D. pledge答案为 D。句意为:他们把这个礼物当作他们友谊的见证。guarantee 担保,保证;oath 誓言;vow 发誓;pledge许诺,宣誓,信物。25. Every student must _ himself at the beginning of each semester.A. sign B. enroll C. admit D. register答案为 D。句意为:每个学生一开学就必须注册。sign 符号,签名;enroll 招生,入册;admit 承认,录取;register 登记,注册。26. Purchasing the production line will be a _ deal for the company.A. profitable B. tremendous C. forceful D. favorite答案为 A。句意为:购买这条生产线对这家公司来说是有利可图的。profitable 有利润的,有利可图的;tremendous巨大的;forceful 有力的;favorite 最喜爱的。27. Altho
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