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Final Exam ReviewMultiple Choices Inalienable rights (Thomas Jefferson-the Declaration of Independence-Life, Liberty, the Pursuit of Happiness) Three branches of government (Legislative & Executive & Judicial) (Judiciary /dudri/) Gettysburg Address ( by Abraham Lincoln-After the Battle of Gettysburg-November19,1863-of the People, by the People, for the People) Soviet Blockade(封锁苏联)and Berlin Airlift ( Winters of 1948-1949) American family values (Independence & Self-reliance) Where were slave states? (Southernsn America) Another name for Hispanic Americans? (Latinos) /ltin/ Which Americans used to be slaves? (African-Americans) Cost of private education is going up or down? (Up) The impact of Elvis1 Took “black” music and made it popular to a wider and “whiter” audience.2 Thereby(从而)made black culture more accessible and acceptable to a wider audience.3 Founded “Rock and Roll Music”.4 Made Rock and Roll the music of choice for rebellious children.5 Began the use of mass communication (both television and radio) to spread the popularity of music. Economic bubbles (Housing & Dot Com) Invention that spread the popularity of music (Radios) Marriage, more or less often? (Less often)Radicals(激进分子),Progressives, Conservatives and Reactionaries(保守分子,反动分子).【见图解】 Kinds of Christianity (Catholic & Protestant) Who fought in the Cold War? (the US & the Soviet Union) Federal Reserve (美国联邦储备系统 Central Bank of USA) Entitlements (Medicaid & Medicare & Social Security) Libertarians (Less government & More freedom) Kinds of Instruments 【见图解】 Dentists (A dentist is a person who is qualified to examine and treat peoples teeth.) Britains Empire (how?) (Through colonization) Interest rates and borrowing (change oppositely) Marvin Gaye and Aretha Franklins music (Soul Music) Impact of TV on music (MTV appeared and the appearance of singers became important.) 1990-2008, American interest rates were _Low_. Americans go to school (a lot or a little). (A Little)MatchingLed Zeppelin Stairway to HeavenThe Beatles Norwegian n:wi:dn WoodI Want to Hold Your HandMahatma Gandhi Salt MarchTorture Treat Somebody Badly (折磨,拷问)Ke$ha We Are Who We AreVictorias Secret Lingerie /lnri/ (女士的内衣或睡衣)Glee a Musical of TV ShowAir Guitar 想象中的吉他Rihanna UmbrellaElvis Jail housewifeRock and Roll Founded by ElvisMarshall Plan Financial Assist for Europe (13Billion dollars)Korean War the Forgotten WarOsama Bin Laden 9/11Inequality Income & Race& Education & GenderTea Party Movement Against (Obama) communism, high tax, more government; for more freedom and low tax.Two-income household a family where there are two bread-earners (usu. parents).Types of schools Public School, Private School, Home School, Parochial prukil (教区的,教会的)School“Smart-tracking” 分优差班,但优秀学生不喜欢 Types of governments Monarchy(君主制 ), Oligarchy lig:ki(寡头制少数人统治), Democracy(民主制多数人统治), Republic(共和政体 依据法律), Anarchy(无政府主义)Queen Bohemian Rhapsody rpsdi (狂想曲)The Salt March Mahatma Gandhi National Intelligence One of the Measurements Taken After 9/11The Far East Movement(组合) Like a G6Suburbs Houses Look the SameThe Iron Curtain Churchill (时任英国首相)Covert Military Operations Secret Military Operation(covert kvt adj.秘密的)Americas Economic Bubbles Housing & Dot ComRap Music Beat, RhythmRent a MusicalHead banging 有点像摇头舞,跟着强烈的音乐节奏甩头跳舞,主要是那种重金属音乐。比如林肯公园或者 Metallica。Flash mobs To Do Something Unexpected in the Same TimeMartin Luther King Civil Rights MovementBerlin Airlift Winters of 1948-1949Why Americans protested the Vietnam War? People Were Drafted to Do That. DraftAmericas Response to 9/11 1. War in Iraq 2. More Security 3. War in Afghanistan 4. Surveillance 5. National IntelligenceEssays (My Opinions-3 to 4 sentences for each)1. Civil Rights Movements (Segregation Equality )2. Conflicting Values (Which is My Most Important Value?)Liberty (Libertarian ,libtrin自由主义者) 自由主义是一种意识形态、哲学,以自由作为主要政治价值的一系列思想流派的集合。自由主义追求保护个人思想自由的社会、以法律限制政府对权力的运用、保障自由贸易的观念、支持私人企业的市场经济、透明的 政治体制以保障少数人的权利。在现代社会,自由主义者支持以共和制或 君主立宪制为架构的自由民主制,有著开放而公平的选举制度,使所有公民都有相等的权利担任政务。自由主义反对许多早期的主流政治架构,例如君权神授、世袭制和国教制度。自由主义的基本人权主张为生命的权利、自由的权利、财产的权利。Efficiency (Corporatist k:prtist社团主义者) 社团主义(Corporatism)在历史上是一种政治体制,在这样的体制里,立法的权力交给了由产业、农业、和职业团体所派遣的代表。与多元论相较,多元制度里众多团体必须经过民主竞争的过程才能取得权力,但在社团主义制度里,许多未经过选举的组织实体掌控了决策的过程。这些社团主义的代表团与一般的商业公司或法人组织并不相同。社团主义又也被称为经济法西斯主义。Communist (Communitarian k,mju:nitrin共产主义者) Equality (Egalitarian i,glitrin平等主义者)3. Cultural Differences between the US and ChinaParents of the U.S encourage independence and self-reliance while Chinese parents encourage loyalty to the family.U.S families are nuclear while Chinese families are extended.4. What Americans think about government? (Government shouldnt control too much. Freedom is most important.)5
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