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Module 6 Eating together【教材分析】Module 6 的主要内容为通过对中西方饮食文化的介绍来复习被动语态,重点学习 heat up, be similar to, help yourself 等短语的用法。从全书来看,本模块承接上册书对被动语态的学习和运用,内容有层次的展开,学生容易接受。Unit 1 When is the school-leavers party?【教学目标】 Knowledge objective1.Words: invitation,calendar,balloon,paint,heat,knife,fork,spoon,cheeseburger,Italian2. Expressions: heat up Ability objective能听懂和阅读关于介绍学校毕业生聚会的语言材料,能通过相关词汇和图片描述聚会的情况;能编写关于毕业聚会的对话。 Moral objective能够积极参加同学之间的庆祝活动;能够与同伴积极合作,参与课堂活动,大胆实践;能分享同学之间共同庆祝的快乐。【教学难点】短语 heat up 和 be invited to do sth.的使用。【教学方法】PWP method, task-based method and interactive approach 【教学手段】A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures【教学过程】Teaching Procedures:Step 1 Lead-in Ss look the pictures and answer the questions.Is this an invitation?Have you ever been invited to the party?What will you take to join the party?What do you usually do at the party?Step 2 Consolidate new words and expressionLook and say. The teachers shows the pictures of new words and expressions, then let the students to say as quickly as possible.invitation n. 邀请;请柬calendar n.日历;历书balloon n.气球paint v. 绘画heat v. 使变热;给加热knife n. 餐刀;刀具fork n. 餐叉spoon n. 匙;勺子cheeseburger n. 干酪汉堡包Italian adj.意大利的;意大利人的 n. 意大利语;意大利人heat up 使变热;给加热Step 3 Listening 1. Listen and 65plete the invitation.InvitationYou are invited to the _ on Saturday, 30th May at _ in _. Bring a traditional dish (_). 65e and enjoy the food, music and dancing.2. Now work in pairs and check.Step 4 Listening1. Listen to Part 2 and answer the following questions.1) What is Daming going to make?Jiaozi.2) Who is going to make hot and sour soup?Lingling.Step 5 Reading 1. Read the dialogue and 65plete the notes.DishLingling _Betty _Daming _Tony _Made with Lingling _Betty _Daming _Tony _2. Read the dialogue and answer the questions.1. What was Daming chosen to do at the school-leavers party?2. Where are they going to prepare the food?3. Why does Tony call pizza a traditional English dish?210*230Step 6 65plete the passage with the words in the box1. Read the passage carefully.2. Choose the right words in the box.3. Draw the right answers from each group.balloons calendar fork knife paint spoon 219865The day for the school-leavers party is an important date in the school (1) _. Tony is going to bring some (2) _ and (3)_ some pictures for the party. Everyone is going to bring a traditional dish that can be eaten with their fingers. Soup is no good because it is not finger food and people need a (4) _ for it. Anything that needs a (5) _ and (6) _ is not finger food either.Step 7 Everyday EnglishLet Ss say what they have learnt in the passage. Soups no good then. And you? I see what you mean.Step 8 Language pointsSs should master the main points from the passage in Part 3.If possible, let the students to say at first.1. Look at the school calendar!看看学校的校历!calendar 表示“日历”,school calendar 表示“校历”。e.g. Look at the school calendar! We will have an exam next week.看看学校的校历!我们下周将有一次考试。2. Were all invited.我们都被邀请了。这个句子为一般现在时的被动语态。invite 是动词,表示“ 邀请 ”。invitation 是名词,也表示“邀请” 。3. And I was asked to bring some balloons and paint some pictures for the party.我被要求带一些气球和为这个聚会画一些画。 balloon 表示“ 气球” 。paint 表示“绘画” ,是动词。e.g. Please paint a balloon for me in the paper. 请为我在纸上画一个气球。4. We can heat it up in the school kitchen.我们能在学校厨房加热它。heat up 表示 “使变热,给加热”。e.g. Light the cooker and heat up the food.点着厨具加热食物。5. The teachers have asked everyone to prepare a traditional dish from their home country.老师要求每人准备一道家乡的传统菜。dish 表示“烹制好的菜肴,一道菜”。e.g. When I was in Italy, I had a wonderful pasta dish.我在意大利的时候,吃过一次很棒的意大利面。dish 还表示 “盘子” 。Dish 的复数还可以表示“ 待洗的餐具 ”。e.g. Ill do the dishes before we go.我们走之前,我会把餐具洗好的。6. Oh, soups no good then.哦,汤不行。no good 表示“ 不适合”。e.g. These glasses are no good for champagne.这些玻璃杯不适合用来喝香槟。no good 的用法有四条:(1) it is no good doing 做某事没用e.g. Its no good talking to himhe never listens.21*6*65跟他讲没用,他从来不听。(2) no good for sth. 不适合某物/某事e.g. This medicine is no good for headache.这药治不了头痛。 (3) no good to sb.对某人没有好处或没有帮助e.g. A car is no good for me, since I cant drive.汽车对我没用,因为我不会开车。(4) do no good 没用处,不成功 e.g. Ill talk to him, but it will do no good. 我会和他谈的,但不会有用。7. That means you eat it with your fingers, not with a knife, fork or spoon.那意味着你吃饭用你的手指,不会用刀、叉、勺子。knife 表示“ 餐刀”,复数为 knives.fork 表示“餐叉”。 spoon 表示“匙”。a knife and fork 表示“ 一副刀叉” 。8. Is she invited to the school-leavers party too?她也被邀请参加学校的毕业晚会了吗?be invited to do sth.表示“ 被邀请去做某事”。e.g. I was invited to his birthday party.我被邀请去参加他的生日聚会。Step 9 Learning to learnLet Ss learn about how to 65municate with foreign people.You can use Englis
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