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上册单词1.短元音 aand 和 man 男人 bag 包,袋子 cap 帽子 fan 风扇 hat 帽子 has 有 map 地图 rat 老鼠 act 表演 bat 球棒 van 有篷货车ant 蚂蚁 jam 果酱 sad 伤心的 ask 询问 tap 轻打 gas 煤气 add 增加 fax 传真 ham 火腿 pal 好朋友 cant 不能 fact 事实backpack 背包2.长元音 alate 晚的 bake 烘烤 game 游戏 tape 磁带shape 形状 age 年龄 page 页 cage 笼子vase 花瓶 wave 挥手 lake 湖泊 safe 安全的race 竞赛 change 改变 brave 勇敢的 plate 盘子taste 品尝 sail 航行 tail 尾巴 wait 等待paint 油漆 train 火车 rain 下雨 fail 失败mail 邮件 chain 链 lay 放置 way 路gray 昏暗的 railway 铁路,铁道部门3.短元音 emet yep bed egg getleg let hen pen tenyes net pet wet yetred end next desk bestsend nest test help well4.长元音 ebe beet feed feet feelsweet queen canteen fifteen sixteencheese these Chinese evening eastcream jeans neat each beachpeach cheap treat leave niecepiece leafy sleepy key honey5.短元音 ibin pin tin win tipfit fix mix its diddig bit hit kid himzip his ill gift hillmilk miss wind quiz twins6.长元音 idie lie size mine firedrive smile quite shine ricerise hide side site pipewide dive lime prize bydry why shy cry mindhigh fight tight might wild7.短元音 olog lot dot hop moptop got nod job offsoft pop fox from sockclock shopping crossing boxing dolphinchopsticks pond contest8.长元音 oOh so hole bone ropethose phone notebook note hopesmoke bowl blow grow throwopen going goal toast floatgoat soap coach hold foldgoldfish most post postman postbox9.短元音 uup us but cut nutbug hug mug rug mudyuk sum fun gum yumdust rubbish duckling dumpling dustbinpumpkin lunchbox sunset thumbtack10.长元音 uuse rude rule June studentflu music unit Tuesday glueblue juice fruit suitcase newfew mew flew nephew newspaper11.四人帮 ck,ll,ss ,tchback snack black crack neck checksick kick pick lock rock knockluck shall bell tell sell smellkill will doll pass class glasschess Miss cross catch match pitchwitch12.h 魔法师 sh,ch ,tch,th,wh,phshall trash flash shell shelf fresh shipdish wish shop rush brush chat branch French bench chips rich which lunch math path that than Then them this with length twelfth fifththin thick moth when whip whowhisk graph phiz13.后鼻音 nk,ngbank ink pink wink drink sinkjunk trunk bang hang sing kingwing ring swing bring song long14.词尾组合hand land lend bend pond went hint fronthunt camp lamp pump last past west restvest list cost lost just must half filmmelt mask disk left lift soft crisp15.L blendsbless block blond blunt clap clock club flat flagglad plant plum slim16.R blendstram trick trip dress drill drop drum brushcrab cram fresh grass print shrimp thrill下册单词1. S Blendsstamp staff stick still stove stone stew spendspit speak space skin skip skate skill scalescream script strict string strong stream street strangespring screw switch squid smoke snack2. arjar art arm harm cart barn yarn part
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