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B5Module4 Carnival 重难点知识与练习一、单词荟萃1._n. 困惑,糊涂;混淆;混乱, confuse vt.把弄糊涂;混淆 _ adj.迷惑的 _ adj.令人困惑的2. _vt.延长 extension n延长3.memory n. 记忆 _ vt.记忆 _adj. 值得记忆的4. _adj.使人放松的relax v. 使放松 _adj. 放松的 _n. 放松5.celebration n. 庆祝,庆典 _vt. 庆祝6. _n. 自由 free adj. 自由的,空闲的,免费的7. _ adj. 美味可口的 taste n. 滋味 v. 品尝8origin n起源 _ adj.原始的,原创的 n原稿二、短语荟萃1.seeas_ 2. on end _3.pretend to do sth. _ 4.in secret _5.be crowded with_ 6.wander through the streets _7.come to an end _ 8.consist of _9. by force 10.take over 11.make fun of 12.go wild about sth. 13. funnily enough 14.high spot 15.be/run in ones/the blood 16.more or less 三、词汇学习1. hidevt. & vi . 掩藏,躲藏; 隐瞒,掩盖( 尤指感情)hide sth./sb. (from sb.) 对(某人) 隐瞒/隐藏keep sth. hidden 把某物藏起来 hidden meaning 言外之意【活学活用】(1)His words had a_(隐藏的)meaning.(2)She tried to_(掩饰)her feelings.(3)他藏在门后。(汉译英)2pretend vi. & vt. 假装;( 在游戏中)装扮pretend (to do) sth. 假装( 做) 某事pretend to be doing 假装正在做pretend to have done 假装做了pretend that 假装【活学活用】(1)He pretended _ about the whole matter. 他假装已经知道了整个事件。(2)The workers _ hard at their machines when the boss came in. 当老板进来时,工人们假装正在机器旁忙碌着。3mark n. 分数,成绩;记号,标记;痕迹,污迹 v打分数;做标记;弄污;(to indicate, to be a sign of )标志( 着);纪念,庆贺 mark 用 做标记 make a mark 做标记 get a high/good/low/poor mark 得高/低分She is careful to _ her place before she shuts a book so that she can easily find where she stops reading next time she continues.Amark Bdate CTake DputWhen you get the paper back,pay special attention on what _.Ahave marked Bhave been markedChad marked Dhad been marked4.import v进口输入 n进口产品,输入品,输入 n进口国,进口商(1)import. .从 进口the import of food abroad 从外国进口的食品(2)反export n&v.出口,输出 n出口商Export. .出口到例句: .日本从许多其他国家进口原材料。【链接训练】This kind of apple is more expensive because they are _ abroad.Aimported to Bexported toC imported from Dexported from5.celebrationn 庆典,庆祝;庆祝活动 vt. & vi.庆祝Eg. Carnival became a celebration of freedom.狂欢节成了自由的庆祝活动。hold a celebration 举行庆典/庆祝会Weve bought champagne .我们买了香槟来庆贺简的提升。辨析 celebrate,congratulate,observe1)Celebrate 表达“庆祝,祝贺”之意,侧重指以仪式、典礼等活动庆祝令 人欢乐的事件或日子。 2) Congratulate 指“祝贺”某人,表达自己对某人的祝贺。 常用 congratulate sb.on sth./doing sth.。 其名词形式 congratulation 常用复数形式,可单独使用, 也可用 congratulations to sb.on sth.的形式。3) Observe 意为“庆祝,庆贺,欢度”时,为正式用语,更多侧重节日。四、短语学习1go unpunished未被惩罚 go unnoticed/unreported 未被注意/报道 go wild/mad/bad/deaf/angry 发疯了/变质了/变坏了/聋了/生气了 go well/smoothly 进展顺利 【活学活用】(1)He promised that the murderer would not _ . 他保证不会让凶手逍遥法外的。(2)Everything _ as expected. 事情如料想的一样顺利。2dress up 装扮;打扮 dress (sb.) up in sth.穿上盛装;化妆,打扮 dress (sb.) up as (把某人 )装扮成 be dressed in 穿着 get dressed 穿好衣服【易混辨析】dress/wear/put on/have on(1)dress 与 wear 都有“ 穿、戴” 的意思。dress 给( 某人 )穿衣,后接人。She dressed her baby.她给孩子穿衣。(2)wear 后接衣物、首饰等或头发、武器等。She wore a diamond necklace.她戴着一条钻石项链。(3)put on 表动作。Hurry up!Put your coat on!快点!把外套穿上!(4)have on 表状态,不用进行式。She had a red jacket on.她穿着件红夹克。【活学巧练:介/副词填空】(1)How do you normally dress_ work?(2)He dressed_ and went out for a party.(3)The man dressed_ a suit is Mr. Wolf.3.consist of 由组成;由构成At present, the mobile phone number consists_of 11 digits.目前,手机号码由 11 个数字组成。 【知识拓展】 make up 组成 be made up of 由组成 be composed of 由组成提示:1)consist of 只能用于主动语态,且一般不用于进行时,相当于 be made up of。2)主语常为表整体意义的词语。Eg. The committee_of fifteen members.Aconsists Bis consisted Cformed Dmake up五、句型学习1. The arrival of Europeans in America, and the opening of huge farms and plantations to grow cotton,fruit and vegetables,meant there was an immediate need for people to work on them. 欧洲人到达美洲大陆以及大型棉花、水果和蔬菜农场和大种植园的开垦意味着急需人员在那里劳动。句型公式There is a (great) need (for sb.)to do sth. ,需要某人干某事。【牛刀小试】_ quickly and we are leaving. A. Dress B. Get dressed C. Dressing D. Get dressing【知识拓展】 There is no need (for sb.)to do sth./for sth.It is not necessary (for sb.) to do sth.(某人)没有必要做某事。 There is a/no possibility thatIt is possible/impossible to do sth. (没)有可能做某事。 There is no time to do sth./for sth. 没有时间做某事。 There is no doubt that/about sth. 毫无疑问 There is no point (in) doing sth.做某事没有意义。【活学活用】(1) There is _ his safety. 没有必要为他的安全担心。(2) _ he lied. 毫无疑问他撒谎了。(3) _
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