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1. intermittent load 间歇负荷 pickling: 酸洗 enrichment:浓缩, 富集2。Vacuum value 真空值 dissolved: 溶解 Pump lineshaft bearing:泵主轴轴承Mean temperature: 平均温度 tandem test: 窜连实验solubility: the amount of substance that can be dissolved in a given amount of solvent 溶解性3 shaft displacement 轴位移 coefficient: 系数 external refrigeration: 外部冷量,外部制冷。desorb/ desorption: 解析 4. shaft vibration index 轴震值 5Bearing temperature probe 轴承温度探头 safety barrier: 安全栅account statement: 帐户声明/月度对帐单overrange timer: 超量程计时器gateway module: 网关模块6Ozone generator 臭氧发生器 NDRC: 国家发改委7。Coal bunker 煤斗 deasal substitute: 柴油替代品8. sewage pump 污水泵 9。Gypsum or plaster 石膏 absorption column:/ absorber: 吸附塔10。Limestone 石灰石。11。travelling crane 行车 drift curve: 收水曲线 drift rate: 漂水率12。Dispatch 调度 13. lapping machine or grinder 研磨机 P.D.:压降 CL2: 氯气14。Lapping, grind & polish 研磨 fill selection criteria: 填料选择标准15. liabilities. 债务 Financial obligations entered into a balance sheet of a business enterprise. Or the money owned by a company, the debt.e.g. The company does not have enough money to meet its liabilities.16. sizer. 筛风机。 17。Soot-blower 吹灰器 steam trap: 疏水器 Its function is: stop the vapour flow and let the liquid flow come in and collected18。Bottom ash/ slag disposal sys. 冷渣机(bottom ash conveyers) 19I & C Instrument and Control (仪表控制) 20。Heat and power engineering 热功工程。21Electrical 电气 dry out: 干燥22。Coal bunker 煤仓 pilot operation plant: 小试装置23。Ash-silo.灰坑 24。Calibration room 校验室 equilibrium:平衡曲线 equilibrium line: 化学反应平衡曲线max / highest reaction rate curve:最大的反应速率曲线25。Reverse-osmosis 反渗透( RO)26. desalting 脱盐 mole fraction: 克分子分数27.frequencyconvertor 变频器 28. coal bunker looser 煤仓疏松机 nominal capacity: 额定生产能力 29. CFB boiler 硫化床锅炉 equilibrium conversion rate: 平衡转化率30. condensing turbine 凝气式汽机 31.exaction turbine 抽气式气机32.extraction condensing turbine.抽凝气机 NGG: Gas Generator 气体发生器NPT:Power Turbine:动力透平33. water film separator 水膜处成器 34. pulverized coal boiler 煤粉锅炉 35. deminiralizer 脱盐装置36. water walls 水冷壁37. slurry combustion sys. 煤泥燃烧系统38. RO sys.反渗透系统 39. deminiralizer (desalting ) water pump / DMW pump 脱盐水箱DMW: deminiralizer (desalting ) water 脱盐水 40. dust disposal device for coal handling sys. 输煤系统的灰尘处理装置 41. error prevention device for the 35kv switchboard. 防误操作装置 Low voltage switch board: 低压配电柜42. flame monitoring sys. 火焰控制系统 43. I & C Calibration Room 热工计量市 44. silencing device to excitor 励磁机加消音装置45. screen conveyors 筛风机46. elevator 升降机 47. feed-water pump 给水泵 primary instrument: 一次仪表Small wiring: 二次接线48. high-pressure heater 高压加热器 49. induced draft fan 引风机 booster air compressor: 增压机50. coal crusher 碎煤机 LOX pump: 液氧泵51. coal pulverizor 磨煤机 LIN Pump: 液氮泵52. supper heater 过热器 after cooler: 末端冷却器 / 后冷却器53. economizer 省煤器 ultra filter: 超滤 54. air-preheater 空气预热器 chilling water uses close cycle:冷冻水利用封闭循环。55. pulverized coal exhauster 拍粉风机56. condenser 凝气器 vacuum pumping equipment:抽真空设备 57. primary air fan 一次风机 58. secondary air fan 二次风机 59. steam drum 气包60. condensate pump 凝结水泵 61. low pressure heater drain pump 低压加热器蔬水泵62. coal feeder 给煤机 63. high pressure water supply tank 高压给水箱64. electrical feed water pump 电动给水泵 65 vibrating coal feeder 震动输煤机 66. flue gas recirculating fan 烟气再循环风机 67. coal belt conveyor 输煤皮带 68. ash pond 储灰厂 69. outage/ shutdown 停机 70. tripping hazards 跳闸隐患71. fossil fuel power generation 燃料发电Fossil fuel: 矿石燃料/化石燃料 fossil fuel:n.(名词)A hydrocarbon deposit, such as petroleum, coal, or natural gas, derived from living matter of a previous geologic time and used for fuel.矿物燃料:碳氢化合物的沉淀,如石油、煤、天然气等,由古代生物衍生而成,经过开发后用作燃72。Major malfunction 重大事故 73. retrofit 改造设备74. water jet pump 射水泵75. air ejector 抽气器76 Coal washery 洗煤厂77. coal washing 洗煤78Conveyor 输送机79. slurry distributor 煤泥分配器80. industrial water 工业用水81.manifold 母管82. insulator 绝缘子 thermodynamic principle: 热力学原理83.electrically operated valve 电动阀84. sealing ring 密封圈。85.brominated flame retardants.嗅化处理的阻燃剂86.lead, mercury 铅和汞87.main/central control room 主控室 88.grid control room 网控室89.copper tube/pipe 铜管90.tube plate 管板91.tube end 管端 N2 cycle heat pump: 氮气循环热泵92.tube wall 管壁93.tube expanding 胀管94.tube seam 管缝95.tube scale.管垢96.high pressure water injection testing 注水检验97.leakadge detecting 捡漏98.erode/erosion 腐蚀EG. The tube walls have been eroded by acids. 管壁已被酸所腐蚀99.copper sulphide 硫酸铜100. rotor 转子 bituminous coal: 烟煤 / bituminous coalbituminous coaln.(名词)A mineral coal with a high percentage of volatile matter that burns with a smoky yellow flame.Also called soft coal 烟煤:高度百分比的一种煤矿,燃烧时呈烟状黄色火苗的挥发性物质也作 soft coalLignite: 褐煤101. HP steam chamber 高压汽室102. HP gland seal body 高压气封体 robust device: 皮实/ 耐用的设施103. main steam valve 主气门104. remove the defects 削缺105. hydraulic coupler 液力耦合器107. reheater 再热器108. pulverizers 制粉设备109. ID fans: induced draft fans 引风机 FD fans: forced draft fans 送风机110. burne
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