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Summary Research About Suicide Of College StudentsSuicide is a deliberate attempt by a person to end their own life. The world health organization defined that a suicide attempt is a deliberate attempt by a person to end their own life. (Jam ie DC.)1It is a serious social problem, which may affect social stability. And nowdays, no matter in developed countries or in developing countries, the suicide of college students has been put into a high value. Even a lot of nations treat it as a basic issue in the modern education.Relevant date show that the China has entered the ranks of the high suicide rate in the country. “ Suicide has become the fifth cause of death in our population, and the first major caus of death in 15 to 34 years old.” (Yue XiaoDong, 2008:197)2Focus on this problem, the paper is designed to put up the way of prevention and intervenient countermeasures of students behavior of suicide, based on sorting out the inducement and analyzing the symptoms of the suicide.A. Analysis of Current Situation of SuicideA research form International Association for preventing of suicide in 1990 showed that Hungary was one of the highest suicide rates countries, whose suicide rates hitted 44 per 1 00000, latter were Denmarks 31.57 per 100000, Finlands 25.65 per 100000 Austrias 25.59 per 100000, Switzerlands 25.39 per 100000 and Belgiums 22.04 per 100000. The countries, whose suicide rates between 10per 100000 to 20per 100000 were Australia, Canada, France, Iceland, Japan, Holland, New zealand, Norway, Singapore, Poland, Sweden, America and Yugoslavia. And there were still some countries whose suicide rates were under 10 per 100000, such as Brazil, Costa Rica, England, Welsh, Italy, Israel, Scotland, South Africa, Spain,Turkey, and Venezuela.(Zhang Jingxuan, 1994, (1))3 This statistics including all ages, however the problem in college students even much worse.As for China, suicide happened frequently in universities in the recent years, university students have become a high risk group of suicide. According to the account pubished in 1999 by the China Health Monthly, every year, the suicide rates of the college students in our country was between 9 per 100000 to 24 per 100000, which as 24 times as their peers. The researchers in prevention center at Nanjing mental health center found that the suicide rates of the college students in our country was about 20 per 100000, much higher than the average level among the total population. (Guo Baohua, 2004, ( 1 )4 In September 8, 2005, Mental Health Center of Shanghai Yangpu District released a set of data, which showed that more than 25% of the respondents, who are freshman in Yangpu District of 3000 University, ever felt tempted to commit suicide.5 By some accounts, form 2001 to 2005, there were 281 suicides, in which 209 persons died, 72 people survives, the mortality rate is about 74.4%. In 2005, there were 116 suicides in 23 provinces in China, nearly 100 colleges and Universities. It had killed 83 people were killed and 33 injured. On October 8, 2007, Chinese Education Daily reported that there were 27 suicides in 2002, while 68 suicides in 2004, 116 suicides in 2005 and 130 suicides in 2006.(Chen Xiaoying, 2009,( 4 )6 In 2009, there were still 20 college students choosing to commit suicide, accounting for more than 80 percent of all deaths in colleges.(Jiang Hongbing, 2010 03 18)7 Statistically, in 2010, the number of suicide in colleges is near 40, in China.8B. Analysis the Reasons of Suicide in CollegesGuo Baohua believes that there are three reasons leading to suicide, such as the failture in academic, the failture in love and the failture in society.8 While, Qi Li pointed out study pressure, neurological problems, adaption problems and lovelorn problems are main reasons result in this issue.(Qi Li, 2003, ( 4)9And Liao Qiaoping argued that poor students in our country is increasing year by year, and the psychological problems of poor students are also a main reason leading to suicide.(Liao Qiaoping,2004,( 1) 10Form the reference analysis on study of suicide, the main reasons of the suicide have the following several aspects. They are personal reasons, family environments, school environments and society problems. a. Personal Reasons:The personal reasons include physiology, psychology, personality and other terms. Some biologists recognize that the behavior of suicide may be related to some neurotransmitters. Because the time of college is an important time both for college students physiology and psychology, so there must be much waves of psychology. In addition, the diseases, such as cancer, AIDS, physical disability also increases the risk of suicide.(Yang Huiqin, 2007,( 2)11College students are emotionally unstable, easily goge form one extreme to another.(Tao Guofu, 2004, 5: 6)12The problems in personality are also serious. The results form Lauren G. Wild, Alan J. Flisher, Carl Lombard shows
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